torsdag 16 april 2015

Warnings from 16 Jan 2011 Updated daily

“I Am Coming!” Part XXXVI (added 2011-01-16) Dear Friends of Christ: This is Part XXXVI of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour.  The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).* The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well). Our LORD JESUS has spoken to Sabrina and myself, dictating to us two letters—each containing important directions for these last days for you to read.  I hope you will continue to read these letters from the LORD as each one contains insight on being ready for the LORD’s return and reaching others before it is too late.  This is truly a wonderful gift that the LORD is allowing us to share HIS Heart with people everywhere so that many will be saved.  Please search your own heart and find the courage to share these words with others or at least to share with others the need to seek Christ. I would also like to send out a serious warning to people in the ministry and all Christians alike.  I hear many in the ministry speaking to their congregations of being here many years from now—10, 20, 30 years from now and planning way out into the future.  Here is the problem behind this action.  We are in the end times now and by allowing people to think that we have many years to come before the LORD’s return then you are putting the people at a serious disadvantage and leaving them in a position of being dangerously unprepared in their relationship with the LORD. The other huge problem with this message to your congregation is that the Bible’s description of the Mark of the Beast is the RFID chip exactly.  The RFID Chip meets the exact criteria of the Mark: used for buying and selling and placed in the right hand and forehead (there is even now an RFID tattoo "MARK" on the market).  The Bible never indicates that there will be a second or third version of this Mark that is to follow--there is only one Mark.  The enemy will never warn you that the Mark he wants you to take could be a problem for you—so don’t count on that to happen.  For this generation to live 10, 20, 30 years as many ministers indicate then the people will have to take the RFID chip to survive in this changing culture.  The chip is now being voluntarily taken by people and soon will be a forced issue.  The people need to be made aware right now that the RFID chip is the Mark of the Beast and by speaking of being here many years into the future—you are inadvertently endorsing the Mark of the Beast as something safe to receive.  We have already encountered people who have taken the chip.  Please do not deceive your congregation into believing that there are many years to come and that the chip is not a threat to them.  Seek the LORD in this matter. Revelation 14:11: (KJV) And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Revelation 13:16-18: (KJV) 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. All GLORY AND HONOR GOES TO OUR BLESSED LORD JESUS! Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! Your friends in Christ, Susan & Sabrina Note: This Part XXXVI edition of the LORD’s Words has a couple new brochures from Jude for printing and distribution.  Our friend Buddy Baker has added a couple visions along with the link to his recent end time visions.  There is a link to YouTube videos produced by Thom Hale of the LORD’s Letters.  Also below Mike Peralta was kind enough to produce MP3 audio files of the LORD’s Letters.  The LORD asked us also to include a letter with a word from HIM through Choo Thomas. Letter dictated to Sabrina by the LORD JESUS on January 14, 2010: BE MY WITNESSES! "Just write it down MY dear daughter. You hear MY voice. I want to address MYSELF in this letter to those who do not WITNESS.  I have left MY children here on earth with the hope that they would be a light in this world.  Many of you MY children are MY light.  But to those who only withdraw themselves in their closet and have a ‘wait and see’ approach, I will speak to. Your prayers are needed in the first place to pull many from darkness into MY light. MY light must shine in this world.  Therefore, MY children, go out and WITNESS of your GOD!  What are you waiting for?  I love you and I have commanded you to love one another as yourself.  If you do not WITNESS, you only have self-love.  This is love that is not in MY Word. I have commanded you, go and be MY WITNESSES throughout the whole world.  Yet I see many of my children not doing so. They only want to be filled with MY Love and this is self-love.  I give you MY Love to give away and to pull people out of the darkness, so I can save them with MY precious BLOOD.  If you do not talk about MY BLOOD, many will still be lost.  Speak, WITNESS!  Be brave and do not think of your own shame or shortcomings.  Your prayers are needed in the first place to prepare people's hearts, so I give you all opportunities to speak about MY BLOOD and MY SALVATION for humanity. Your actions are needed to WITNESS of MY LOVE that you have got to know. Many of MY children are still too preoccupied with their own plans, this I can not bless. The most important thing is to be in MY will.  Otherwise you risk walking into the ways of the enemy, even though this seems good and pleasing and according to MY plan in your eyes. Be very alert MY children! Pray, be vigilant and give ME every minute of your day, so I can plan your day.  Many plan first and then ask for MY Blessing.  This method I cannot bless.  I want for all MY children to WITNESS.  Talk about MY BLOOD, MY SACRIFICE on the cross, and tell them the times we live in.  I fill you with MY Word, so people may notice your wisdom.  Be wise MY children, pray for wisdom, all wisdom comes from above.  Nothing is coincidence, I direct everything to those who ask ME for everything.  I love those who search ME in everything.  I so love MY children's hearts who search ME in everything.  WITNESS MY bride! If you still go after your own plans, you do not walk in MY Will. MY Will is the perfect and correct path in your life.  So walk on this path.  Don't let yourself be misled and influenced by the media. She is one of the largest misleading branches in this world. The world has several branches which run to despair and loss, the loss of your soul. Therefore continue to walk on the main road, MY road that runs to eternal life. Can I count on you MY children? Will you speak and WITNESS of your GOD? Or do you remain in silence to just watch and wait?  Those who truly love ME cannot do otherwise than to testify about their GOD.  They talk about what is in their hearts.  It has to come out.  If it does not come out by some of you, pray so that I can fill you with MY LOVE and PASSION.  True passion shows itself. The people live in darkness and are blinded by the devil.  They live their worldly life in working, enjoyment, working, and dying.  What is left of their lives?  Their soul is indeed lost.  They have their own thoughts about the course of this world and they think they need to have their own knowledge of what is happening in this world.  But they don't see MY HAND in this at all.  They do not notice it and it does not come in their minds, as these are controlled by the enemy and its evil system in this society.  They are hopelessly blinded.  Can I count on MY children, MY bride to give them hope, to show them the TRUE LIGHT, and to let it shine in their lives?  Because everyone needs this, no one can live without ME, even though they deny this vigorously. Once they have tasted of MY LOVE, there is HOPE.  I have shown MY LOVE on the cross.  I have left MY bride here to witness of MY LOVE in their lives, to pass on what they have received. Talk to them about eternal LIFE with ME. Talk to them about MY precious BLOOD that is still alive.  Tell them that their sin cannot save them, but it leads them to an everlasting horror. Show them their sin, MY children!  Show them MY WORD!  MY WORD is here on this earth, not so that dust comes on it, but to use as a living object in your hands.  MY WORD is written by MY HOLY SPIRIT.  HE is the author of it all.  HE is the creative SPIRIT behind it all. Give HIM all the honor and study and live MY WORD, by bringing it out and sharing it with others. Do not be silent any longer MY children, but be MY mouthpiece on this earth!  This is not a request, but a COMMAND as it is written in MY HOLY WORD.  If you do not witness of ME, MY WORD, then MY Love is not in your heart.  The heart overflows where it is full.  Is it full of ME?  Does it overflow of ME? I praise MY children with such a heart.  For them the reward will be very big in MY KINGDOM, even some of you here on earth have little or no reward.  Still, you have the most important thing: MY HEART. I love you MY children. I, the HOLY GOD JEHOVAH YESHUA have spoken." Acts 1:8 (KJV): But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Mark 16:15 (KJV): And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 1 Corinthians 9:16 (KJV): For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! James 4:13-14 (KJV): 13Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. James 1:5 (KJV): If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. James 3:17 (KJV): But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Luke 6:45 (KJV): A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. Letter 66   January 13, 2011   Letter Spoken by JESUS CHRIST to Susan Yes, Susan, I have words for you. I am willing to give you words. This day is coming, the day of MY return.  I will be coming from the heavens.  It will be glorious. The skies will open up.  I will split the sky and come forth, mighty angels with ME.  I will be riding on wings of eagles, flying towards earth, MY countenance great, MY beauty spectacular, a sight unseen before. What can I do to move MY people to prepare for this moment?  I need them to prepare.  I cannot take them with ME to MY World in the heavenlies if they are not pure of heart.  They must wash themselves in MY precious Blood, repent for their evil and turn their lives over to ME willingly. The people hesitate to prepare to know ME in a relational way.  They do not want to enter into a relationship of deep intimacy with ME and without this closeness, I will be far from them, eternally far.  Their choice to be distant to ME and caught up in the things of this world will be a costly choice.  They will buy into the world.  They will buy death everlasting, torment, torture, suffering unending. I am clear about this in MY Word, yet the people want to believe whatever they are told that suits their fancy.  MY people you engage in the things of the world and justify it in multiple ways.  You say that you cannot be effective for MY Kingdom if you embrace it too heartily and separate yourself from the dealings of the world.  Well this couldn’t be furthest from the truth.  This is a satanic lie—a deception.  It is the enemy’s tactic to lure you into the world away from MY Truth. MY Word says to be holy even as I am holy.  How can you live holy lives when you are engaging so thoroughly with the things of the world, the unclean things?  You know what I speak of, you know exactly.  You make excuses for watching, speaking, hearing the things of the world as if a little contamination will not hurt your soul.   Do you not know that it only takes a little leaven to spoil the whole batch? I do not know what I must do to show you that you are blinded by the enemy, lost to truth, ruled by sin, and greatly deceived.  You dabble with the world, its ways, and excuse this as being effective for MY Kingdom as MY representative.  You only bring evil on yourself.  MY Truth says: keep yourself separate, set apart.  What, you don’t believe this?  It is in MY Word and MY Word never lies.  In MY Word is truth.  In the world is deception. You must keep your eyes fixed on ME if you want to find and stay on the narrow path.  You must seek ME for truth and MY SPIRIT will guide you.  The world only brings confusion.  If you go to the world for answers, you will receive many answers and you can choose the ones that suit your fancy and give you permission to continue on the pathway of destruction, the ways of the flesh and lusting after the world.  But truth is found only in ME, your LORD JESUS and MY Book. The hour is closing in.  Man has chosen against ME, its MAKER, CREATOR.  I must take MY bride with ME to safe keeping and allow the world to carry on into its path of chosen self destruction. When evil is followed so completely, it will lead to ultimate death and destruction.  Man cannot function successfully without the overseeing, love, protection of a HOLY GOD.  So the world is on a steady course of demise by rejecting the pure, love, and holiness of I, GOD, I, JESUS. It is hard to notice the change coming.  It seems so subtle.  But this is because the people engage so intently with the world that they cannot see their distance from holy living.  Holiness is a bizarre concept to this dying, corrupt generation.  Holiness does not make sense to the people. They reject what is holy, pure, lovely, and embrace evil, horror, foul things.  You know what I speak of MY people. The truth is light that is hard to hide from.  Come to ME, lay at MY Feet, repent for your lust for evil and the world and I will receive you.  I will wash you clean in MY precious Blood and you may escape the coming wrath of MY FATHER toward a world that rejects its GOD. Please consider this offer.  The times are changing.  Soon they will change greatly and your desire to escape will be a thing of the past if you do not turn to ME NOW.  I am calling you out.  Come out of the world, come out of the lukewarm church, come out of the evil, come out of your walk with MY enemy.  Embrace ME as your LORD and I will give you eyes to see, spiritual eyes.  You will see truth.  You will see the world and enemy for what it is—you will see its deception and the trap you have fallen into. Let ME save you from eternal damnation.  These days are short.  Time is swift.  You will choose. No choice is a choice against ME.  Come with ME.  I wait, but all too soon you will have tempted your wait too long, grasping for the world too long, and than she will be yours, but I will not. Don’t deceive yourself.  I will not wait on MY people long. Seek ME, save yourself.  Run from the enemy.  His design for you is death.  When you play with the world you are only playing into the hands of your enemy. MAKE NO MISTAKE I AM COMING JESUS Philippians 4:8 (KJV): Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. *The significance of GOD choosing to use two witnesses is Biblical: Deuteronomy 17:6At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death. Deuteronomy 19:15One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. Matthew 18:16But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 2 Corinthians 13:1This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or threewitnesses shall every word be established. 1 Timothy 5:19Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. Luke 10:1: After these things the LORD appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. Newest Warnings here from 19 Jan 2011: Read the warnings from Start here, and how soon close Jesus return is 2010/2011 not many days from those years, Warnings from Sabrina and Susan: I DID A BLOGG AND USE SATANS ATTACKS TO WAKE UP CHRISTIANS AND WORLD WHAT GOD WANT TO SHOW, AND WHAT IT TAKES TO BE GOD BRIDE, VERY IMPORTANT HOW TO LIVE AND WALK THE NARROW ROAD, APPROVED BY YAHWEH AND JESUS TWICE SHOW SOON PERSONALLY TO ME AND MORE THEN TWO MESSENGERS AND PROPHETS SO MUCH SIGNS…
Very important Warnings from true Yahweh of Bible,
added 2011-09-05:
URGENT CLICK HERE (If 502 error comes up reload the webpage that opends in a new Internet browser window 10 times, or try again in 30 min or next day)
Download website its about antichrist too, translate it and change language and spelling, hurry if you download it to choose download, because an error in download progress is in place, this website is most for the left behind, in Great tribulation, so no need to download it yet. You have all info in better spelling and English on the blogs and links above, this is just a backup for the left behind, made to be online forever, until satan removes it. More important blogs, to download and upload on your own accounts, they updates often: DOWNLOAD JESUS  FIRST DOWNLOAD WARNINGS BLOG ONE AND UPLOAD TO YOU BLOG.COM ACCOUNT, AND SECOND UPLOAD THIS WARNINGS BLOG TWO ON YOUR BLOG.COM ACCOUNT. WARNINGS BLOG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR BLOG.COM ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 2010-12-18.xml , but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. DOWNLOAD JESUS WARNINGS BLOGG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR, FIRST BLOG WARNING, BLOGGER.COM ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 11-29-2010, but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. TESTIMONIAL TO BE PART OF GODS BRIDE AS MY LIFE AS JESUS USES FOR EXAMPLE, AND OTHER VITAL FACTS, ALL GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST OF BIBLE AND YAHWEY OF BIBLE, AND GODS WARNINGS CONCERNING DECEPTION FALL AWAY AND GREAT DESOLUTION, VERY IMPORTANT. DOWNLOAD JESUS WARNINGS BLOGG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR, SECOND BLOG WARNING, BLOGGER.COM ACCOUNT ANOTHER ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 07-13-2011, but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. Download website its about antichrist too, choose fast download file, it shows the bookmark on website if you are too slow… Then try again and be faster, more Important blogs to download below: CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. Skip create account or sign in when download you will understand: Download website its about antichrist too, translate it and change language and spelling, hurry if you download it to choose download, because an error in download progress is in place, this website is most for the left behind, in Great tribulation, so no need to download it yet. You have all info in better spelling and English on the blogs and links above, this is just a backup for the left behind, made to be online forever, until satan removes it.
Online webpage a small one:
Webpage can take some time to load, sometimes offline, but test a bit later:
Download choose fileaction download: Some other webpages with built in translator Google, but most for the left behind christians. Jesus can come in what day ever now:
Download choose fileaction download: Similair webpage not completely updated:
God bless.
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