torsdag 16 april 2015

Jesus comes in days warnings soon 2011 Wake Up, updates regulary check out often!

Important Great Desolution big lie God wants his people condemed, that did not believe and lived obeyed the truth Bible, but followed evil false uncontrolled evil and confusion manifistations and false peace and false christs in visions and heaven and hell, and false signs and wonders and stayed in false babylon Churches and celebrated evil traditions of men and evil doctrines of men and followed false evil spirits and false spirits Yahweh sended them long time ago to make them believe the lies and unright and be condemed for enjoying evil over  against and not lived Bible and do things and live by Gods true Bible spirit and their will.:
Very important Warnings from true Yahweh of Bible,
added 2011-09-05: (If 502 error comes up reload the webpage that opends in a new Internet browser window 10 times, or try again in 30 min or next day)
New Warning from true God of Bible, Gods Word, added this link 2011-12-04: Vital, read and heed: (IF 502 ERROR RELOAD WEBPAGE AND IT WILL WORK, RELOAD IT MANY TIMES OR TRY IN 30 MIN OR NEXT DAY, AND IT WILL WORK). CONCERNING TRACYS PROPHECY: Its false, but still seek Jesus like never before... SEEK JESUS CHRIST IN FAST AND PRAYERS THE SHORT TIME LEFT, ITS TRUE SOON BUT TRACY WAS FALSE AS I BELIEVED, AND SAID! “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. . .Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.” II Thess. 1,2:3,9 ALSO GOD IS OF PEACE AND ORDER NOT OF FEAR AND CONFUSION, AND GODS VOICE IS NOT SOFT MEAK AND MILD KIND AND LOW AND GENTLE AND VERY POWERLESS.. I believe its false Matthew 24: 23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25Behold, I have told you before. 26Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ” He said, “The spirit of fear is not from My Father or from Me, it is from the Devil. Fear will cause you to do things that will land you in hell.” Without faith it is impossible to please God and fear is the direct opposite of faith. It is obvious that fear does not please God because it destroys one’s faith. ” For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. TIMOTHY 1-7 TRACY THOMPSON FALSE NOT SORRY FOR BEEING HARD BUT YOU ADD TO SCRIPTURE BIBLE WARNS ABOUT THAT, AND BIBLE IS NOT INLINE WITH THIS, ALSO NO MAN OR GIRL WILL NOW THE HOUR OR DAY OR HOW EXACTLY SOON IT WILL HAPPEND……….. NOT EVEN THE SON……… JESUS CHRIST, GODS SON, BUT SOME HOW YOU KNOW… NOT EVEN THE SON……… JESUS CHRIST, GODS SON KNOWS EXACTLY DAY OR HOUR OR HOW SOON HE JESUS CHRIST, GODS SON WILL COME, NOT EVEN THE ANGELS ONLY THE FATHER GOD, AND NO HUMAN KNOWS EXACTLY WHEN ONLY THAT IT IS SOON AS THE BIBLICALLY SIGNS BEEING FURFILLED NOW BEFORE OUR EYES DAIL, ITS CLOSE BUT NOT AS CLOSE PEOPLE BELIEVE, BUT SOON, IMPORTANT TO TO READ THIS AND DO ALSO, TO BE READY: GOD SHOWED ME BY ANOTHER THIS, WATCH WEEKS WITH THE DATE 7 THE FIRST DAYS OF THE WEEK MONDAY. WATCH PRAY AND BE READY ALL DAYS, BUT MOST WEEKS THAT BEGINS WITH THE DATE 7 IN THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK MONDAY. AND SO RARE WEEK IS ON MARCH 7 MONDAY 2011 AND IF BELIEVE THE PROPHECY THEN IT SHALL BE LESS THEN A MONTH FROM DATE 16 FEB 2011 LEFT  SO IT CAN HAPPEND ANY TIME NOW BUT ESPECIALLY UNDER THESE DAYS CLOSEST:MARCH 7 ,8, 9 , 10, 11, 12, 13 2011. WEEKS LIKE THIS MANY MORE WILL COME IN FUTURE, BUT THIS IS CLOSESTS. NOW BACK TO ORIGINAL POST: Warnings is under review, regarding,  Sabrina, Susan, pray that Jesus shows me answer soon, in meantime, Jesus is close that is sure, I find no error in message itself, if Jesus comes in days and I have no time to change, we for now must think that these messages are the closest to real. Soon Jesus will tell me. Updated daily check often! Much other Important Warnings also!: YAHWEH OF BIBLE WARNED ME AND SOME FEW IN GODS FEW FEW FEW BRIDE ABOUT PROPHET SUSAN AND SABRINAS LETTERS... ONLY READ THE LETTERS TO END OF FEB 2011 LISTED REST IS DECEPTION AND MIXED WITH TRUTH, THEY ARE PARTLY HEARING JESUS AND PARTY A FALSE JESUS CHRIST.... FALSE EVIL UNCONTROLLED EVIL, AND FALSE SIGNS AND WONDERS, AND FALSE PEACE, AND FALSE HEAVEN AND HELL VISIONS, AND FALSE SABBATH DAY, THEY ARE NOW BEEING HARD DECIVED DONT GO TO THEIR END TIME WEBSITE OR READ ANYTHING MORE OF THEM. I WERE BY GOD OF BIBLE AND HIS SPIRIT WARNED SO I BLOCKED THEM AND STOPPED LISTED THEIR LETTERS AT THE END OF AROUND FEB 2011. I WANT NO ONE TO GET DECIEVED. I SAID ALL THE TIME THEY WERE UNDER REVIEW, SO I HAVE NEVER PURPOSEDLY DECIVED ANYONE, THE THINGS LISTED WILL REMAIN, UNLESS YAHWEH OF BIBLE INSTRUCTS ME OTHERWISE, BECAUSE MUCH THEY SAID ARE TRUTH FROM GOD, AS THEY ARE ONLY PARTLY DECIEVED, BUT ITS NOT ANY EXCUSE... BUT JESUS IS VERY CLOSE NOMATTER THIS MESS, WATCH  AND PRAY TO BE ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE HOME A SGODS FEW FEW FEW BRIDE BEFORE ALL EVIL WILL SOON IN DAYS COME UPON EARTH AND ITS ALL INHABITANTS AND READ DO BIBLE, BE APPROVED AS GODS BRIDE OF TRUE YAHWEH AND JESUS OF BIBLE, VERY LITTLE TIME, LIVE BIBLE, BY GODS SPIRIT AND OUR WILL DAILY EACH SECOND LIVE IT OUT, AND FORGIVE YOUR ENEMIES AND THOSE WITH DEBTS TO YOU, AND FORGIVE THOSE WHO HAVE HURTED YOU, AND GOD OF BIBLE AND JESUS WILL FORGIVE YOU, AND MAKE JESUS OF BIBLE YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOUR AND LORD, AND OBEY HIS WORD BIBLE AND LIVE ALL GODS LAWS IN LOVE FOR YAHWEH OF BIBLE, OUT BY HIS SPIRIT AND OUR WILL DAILY LIVE OUT EACH SECOND. BE BLESSED. I HAVE REBUKED SABRINA SUSAN LETTER PROPHETS SEVERAL TIMES LONG TIME BEFORE MANY MONTH AGO, BUT THEY WERE UNWILLING TO WAKE UP AND REPENT...  Updated 2011-01-13 links about 10 commandments below updated, also. God is satisfied with the blogs and its contets, and only the links and info posted on the blogs. So all links that are outside my blogs are not verified by God. Still under review 2 people and one ministry ALMW. Soon Jesus will tell. But as far as shown Jesus is satisfied with the warnings and all posted on my blogs, but that does not mean he is satisfied with all info outside what is posted on my two blogs. I am also aware fully about the alligations against ALMW, but gossip is gossip. Only Gods warnings by spirit Bible and his voice I follow. I know by Jesus spirit that ALMW and the warnings I selected by Jesus spirit is true, but it does not mean all other things from them are! Only the things and links listed on my two blogs is approved by God, so be careful to check out other links that are not listed on my 2 blogs. We follow Jesus Christ and his word Bible and its commands and 10 commandments and Sabbath, by his spirit and voice, also, and not our will in flesh as most do, not manmade ideas or so. Watch pray on knees for your very life and soul, time is soon in days from 2010/2011 up, and seek Jesus whole days and nights and hear and obey his voice and read and obey his Bible and its commands and 10 commandments: About beeing worthy cry out to the Lord, ask for mercy and forgivness to be a part of the 144000 of Jesus bride. World will almost not notice now in days when Jesus takes home his bride its soo few few few in numbers, never take it for granted that you are his bride: Wake Up, time is up, on your knees and pray to be worthy to escape, all evil that will come to pass: Remember this never go any where to meet Jesus he will come to get you were you are, in days, Satan is revealed more about bottom, in days Jesus comes. Son of Satan is revealed long time ago. Matt. 24:23-24: "If any man shall say to you: See here is the Messiah, or: There is he believe it not. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and do great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect ' Satan will try to create a false rapture before the real one and kill Gods bride, look not for any signs in sky or go out, Jesus will take you were you are even on shower toilett whatever you are: Important new 2010/2011. About how important it is to keep Bible its commands and 10 commandments, much new, updated daily: Updates daily with more warnings, letters from 48 and forward, below at this page/url, from Jesus. Read from up, to all down, over and over and over again, important! Website updated 2010/2011, time 06:30. So check out often, updates daily, by Lord Jesus : “I Am Coming!” Part XXIII  (letter 48) Dear Friends of Christ: This is Part XXIII of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour.  The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).  The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well).   The first letter below was told by the LORD JESUS to Sabrina and the second letter likewise to Susan.  Also below the two letters here is an update from our friend Buddy Baker who just this past week had both a vision and a rapture dream. Now, I (Susan) want to share a testimony about the 2nd letter here below that I received from the LORD on Dec. 5.  In this LETTER, our LORD JESUS makes mention of the “leaders over HIS flocks” and of the “false prophets of old” in the same section.  After the LORD had finished reciting the letter to me, I asked HIM for a Scripture verse.  He told me right away, “Jeremiah 23” which I immediately looked up and to my amazement this section of Scripture is all about the very same topic HE mentions in the letter regarding the “leaders over HIS flocks” and the “false prophets of old.”  It was an amazing confirmation because although I knew this was mentioned in the Old Testament, I sure did not know the location was Jeremiah 23 as the LORD gave me.  I hope this blesses you the way it does me.  Also, please pray for us. All GLORY AND HONOR GOES TO OUR BLESSED LORD JESUS! Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! Your friends in Christ, Sabrina & Susan John 3:36 (KJV) He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. Letter as told to Sabrina (of Belgium) by the LORD JESUS (December 6, 2010): "My dear children, This is your GOD from heaven speaking.  I have created you before the foundations of the world. I knew all about you.  I have created you with every detail, so I would enjoy all of My children. Still, many do not want to acknowledge there is a GOD in heaven.  I am telling you, there is. HIS Name is JESUS, GOD THE FATHER, and the mighty HOLY SPIRIT.  Do you have a relationship with HIM?  Do you know HIM?  Do you know THE FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT?  If you don't, get to your bibles and get to know HIM.  Now is the time. Isn't it a pity, I have to beg my children to come to their CREATOR?  I have created you all in My perfect will.  Yet many of you turn ME down.  I have come to the earth to live among you, yet most of my people throw ME away like filth, like a stench.  My love for you will never diminish, no matter how much you reject ME. However, time will not exist forever.  And I tell you, time is running out.  I have given you many, many warnings through many of My children.  They are faithful to ME and are giving you My words.  They are My Mouth.  Why do you not listen to them?  This is not a funny game.  This is not just another word.  This is the very heartbeat of YOUR CREATOR calling out for His children. Please do not ignore ME. I know your every heart, motive, and desire.  I know all of your plans.  Many do not fit with My plans for you.  Many are not walking according to My perfect will in your life.  You would rather make your own plans and then see where I can still fit in with all of that.  This is not My will and if you are walking out of My will, you cannot enter the beauty I have in store for you. If you listen to My Voice, you will walk in My perfect will.  If you search ME earnestly day after day, you will get to know My will for your life.  If you absorb yourself with My Word, My Holy Word, you will walk in wisdom and in My joy for your life.  Many disasters can be prevented if you would only do that. Where is the passion?  Where is the fire?  Where are the praises?  They don't reach My Throne as they are hindered by worldly interventions.  Don't let satan blind you any longer My people!  I came to defeat him, and I did forever.  All you do is give him the room to enter and rule your lives. Stop doing that and prepare to meet your GOD in heaven.  The time is over.  It's almost past midnight.  So prepare to meet your GOD. I, JESUS have spoken" Exodus 32:33 (KJV) And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. Letter 48   December 5, 2010  (Letter dictated by LORD JESUS to susan) Yes, Susan I can give you words.  I, JESUS, am willing to give you words, copy down these words. I am running out of patience for this world.  I have tolerated enough.  The time is coming to a close.  And I am ready to bring MY bride home as she is ready to receive ME.  I am her KING.  She is MY bride.   We are about to embark on our nuptial celebration.  There will be much celebration as we come together, unite in love, and I bring her to MY Glorious Kingdom.  MY bride will be so amazed by the beauty, pure beauty and electrified by the love she will feel. I am ready to make MY descent to earth to retrieve the bride.  All is ready.  The Kingdom is prepared.  The hour is at hand.  The beauty is about to begin for the bride, unimaginable beauty. Life will never be the same for her.   It will be a wonderful moment as I gaze into each of the eyes of MY lovely children and show them all MY heart toward them.   They will never be the same. Soon the earth will change.  I have mixed emotions as I enter this phase with MY creation.  I am most excited for MY bride and I am also most saddened for those who choose against ME as they will face the worst in their rejection of ME.  Many will be lost for eternity because of their wrong choices.  I cannot choose for them.  They each must choose for themselves the outcome of their eternal existence. So what will you choose?  Come with ME to eternal beauty or stay to face horrible adversity?  I have outlined MY plans now in several letters as given to MY chosen vessels.  What do you plan to do with this information?  Are you going to act on it and make your life changing decision to follow ME or are you going to reject MY offer because you either don’t believe it or you don’t want to believe it? Deep down in your inner being you know I exist.  You know there is a CREATOR.  You know you came from a higher intelligence because MY creation is too complex to have just come out of nowhere.  But to admit there is a GOD, a higher power, would put you in trouble.  Then you have to own up to MY Book and MY Rules for your life and you just don’t want to do that.  It is easier to abolish the notion that there is a GOD than to admit I exist and seek after ME and MY Ways.  I know how you dodge and avoid MY Ways because you don’t want to follow after right living and get right with GOD, your MAKER. Susan, write it down. I have laid MY plans in front of you.  Your hour of decision is here.  What will you choose?  What direction will you move in?  Come with ME to eternal bliss or stay behind and go it alone?  These are the choices—only two choices.  There are no third alternatives.  You think this is a dream. You think this is not reality.  Life will go on like usual.  You make your plans as always.  This year will be different.  The times are changing rapidly. The world is entering into a new phase.  The world is rejecting GOD on a grand scale.  GOD will not exist in the plans man is making.  GOD will not even enter into the thinking of mankind as they devise their evil plans.  These plans include a world that runs exclusively by the creature with no regard for the HIGHER POWER, its CREATOR.  The world will embark on a new phase that includes everything but GOD.  GOD will be deleted off the pages, out of the writings, out of the books, out of the minds.  GOD will not exist to this new world order.  Men will make themselves god and the creature will exalt itself as god.  This evil will happen and the worst evil will take hold of the minds of humans that have no rules, no thoughts of GOD.  Men will run the world with no regard for their CREATOR.  MY Rules, MY Book will be non-existent.  MY ways will not enter their minds.  It will be a world of complete disorder and evil.  It will be a disgusting, foul stench and humans will dive to the depths of depravity as they unleash the evil world they embrace—a world without a HOLY GOD.  This is something humans have never really witnessed before on the level it will about to be.  It will be unimaginable and shocking.  This is the world you are about to inherit if you stay behind. MY heart breaks over MY lukewarm Christians who are slumbering in their lukewarm churches as the world drifts toward evil that will never be the same again.  The lukewarm church is about to receive the outcome of its lackluster desire for its GOD.  I cannot rescue those who have such little regard for ME and MY HOLY Ways as long as the lukewarm church plays GOD one day a week and then engages with the world all week.  This is the way they have chosen.   I do not want this half-hearted church.   It can depart from ME into this crumbling world.   I will not save it.  I will turn MY back as it falls prey to MY enemy.  This is the choice of the lukewarm to face the enemy and to consider the error of its lukewarm ways.  The half-hearted church will struggle in the new phase of the world. The world is changing into a dark evil place.  Many changes are coming about.  It is sad to ME that MY children, who call themselves Christians, cannot see the lateness of the hour and cannot recognize the evil that is already running amok.  Do they believe that I, a HOLY GOD, can stand for this much longer?  I gave out MY warnings in the Bible, MY Book and I clearly outlined the signs and events to watch for, but the people have met them with absolute disregard.  They refuse to see it.  They refuse to even look, watch, and study MY Word.  What more can a HOLY GOD do? I must follow through on MY Plan.  MY Words stand the test of time.  These plans were made before the foundation of the earth.  I will see them through despite the disbelief of the creature, MY creation.  I am GOD, MY Word stands. *Leaders of MY flocks who do not study, watch, and prepare MY people: woe to you.  You have been warned.  **Stop preaching “good news” like the false prophets of old, as if everything is fine and the future looks bright.  There is only one way to brightness and that is not through the door marked, “world.”  I am the WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE.  There is only one way to the FATHER and that is by ME, JESUS, SON of GOD who died a humbling death by hanging on a cross for your sins against a HOLY PURE GOD. Surrender, Repent, Turn to ME NOW.  Accept MY offer.  The door is marked, “SAVIOR—JESUS—MESSIAH—LORD of LORDS—KING of KINGS,”  I am HE. Humble yourself before ME and I will save you.  All knees will bow before ME.  Do it now and avoid eternal damnation, never-ending hell, and a world gone mad—a world rejecting its CREATOR. I have spoken. MY NAME IS JESUS The LORD also gave me these Scriptures to go with HIS letter: *Jeremiah 23:1-4: (King James Version) 1Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD. 2Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD. 3And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. 4And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD. **Jeremiah 23:16-32: (KJV) 16Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD. 17They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you. 18For who hath stood in the counsel of the LORD, and hath perceived and heard his word? who hath marked his word, and heard it? 19Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. 20The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. 21I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. 22But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. 23Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off? 24Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD. 25I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. 26How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; 27Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal. 28The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD. 29Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? 30Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that steal my words every one from his neighbour. 31Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. 32Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD. Acts 2:17 (KJV) And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: We have included in this message our friend Buddy Baker’s rapture dream and vision given to him just this past week (see past messages for Buddy Baker’s recent previous dreams & visions): Here’s the rapture dream this week and the vision I had last Sunday. I had an amazing Rapture dream this past week.  Although it’s been a while since I had a rapture dream, the Lord did say He would give me more visions and dreams before He comes and I give Him all the praise, honor, and glory. Halleijuah!  Well here’s what happened: In my dream, my wife and I were at this huge cafeteria (like you would see in a shopping mall) and we were in a buffet line getting food and then we sat down at a table to eat.   I looked to my left to see a huge opening in a wall, like the wall was missing.   Next, I see streaks of light in the sky, like you would see when you see a shooting star streaking across the sky, and how it vanishes within a second.  It was day light outside and while I was seeing this, I would hear what sounded like a popping sound that reminded me of what you hear when popcorn is popping, but the popping sound was like a very soft pop.  While I was seeing and hearing this, I knew somehow that it was the rapture! So then, there were a lot of people with their children there and the people were wondering what was going on.   At first they just kind of ignored it, but they became more curious and casually got up to look out the opening in the wall and they were wondering what they were seeing and hearing.  My wife got curious also and got up.  Then all of a sudden, the children started to disappear, and the instant they vanished it would make that soft popping sound.   Then the people and even my wife started to panic.   While all this was happening, I believe the Lord showed this to me to see what people that are left behind will experience the moment the rapture happens.  Then I woke up, thanked, and praised the Lord   Hallelujah, we’re going home!!! Thank you Jesus!!! I had a vision this past Sunday.   I asked the Lord if I could see Heaven and when I closed my eyes I was standing on Jesus’ left side.  He had His left arm over my shoulder and He waved His right hand to show me countless beautiful white mansions.  Many of the mansions I saw had round domes on them and they were so shiny and beautiful.   I opened my eyes and thanked the Lord. Write to Buddy Baker at “I Am Coming!” Part XXIV (letter 49) Dear Friends of Christ: This is Part XXIV of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour.  The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).  The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well).   This time we are including an urgent letter dictated by JESUS to Susan. This morning, I (Susan) was thinking about the concept of “two witnesses” in the Bible.  Then amazingly (and randomly) during the same morning, I came across references in the Bible and also another book I was reading of how GOD often uses “two witnesses” to confirm a testimony or message.  This is why I believe that Sabrina and I were brought together by the LORD for this work—to be “two witnesses” in putting out the LORD’s letters.  Here are some verses from the Bible that speak of the importance of using “two witnesses” for confirming a message or a testimony: Deuteronomy 17:6:  At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death. Deuteronomy 19:15: One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. John 8:16-17: 16And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. 17It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. Luke 10:1-2: After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. All GLORY AND HONOR GOES TO OUR BLESSED LORD JESUS! Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! Your friends in Christ, Sabrina & Susan Letter 49  (Dictated by JESUS to Susan on December 7, 2010) Susan, I do have words for you.  Yes, I am ready for you to take down words: Susan this is your LORD speaking. I have many words today.  This will be a long letter.  Susan, write it down. MY coming is so soon, so near.  MY people had better get ready.  I know what you are thinking. MY people, I know about your disregard of ME.  I know what your plans are.  I know you do not plan to turn to ME.  I could not be further from your mind right now.  I know what you think.  I am GOD.  I know everything. I am not to be misunderstood.  I am telling you the truth.  The world will be changing very soon. The world is taking a dramatic shift toward evil, toward the elimination of all that is good, all that I, GOD stand for.  It is coming to a close, the former things of GOD: purity, humility, peace, love, kindness, longsuffering, hope.  The world is shifting to the dark side. MY people need to realize what is taking place behind the scenes.  Since your lives go on as usual, it doesn’t seem possible what I am telling you.  But I am GOD.  I know these things.  I am warning you.  The world is going dark.  Evil is creeping in all around you.  Why do you say you cannot see it?  You can.  You refuse to admit it is there.  You are clinging to the past with everything you’ve got.  But you can’t keep living in the past.  You must wake up.  You are trying to plan your future with your past and MY children, the past is past. The future is coming on this earth and it is dark, very dark.  Soon the light will be pushed out and the darkness will consume everything.  You can see it coming.  But you are afraid to admit to it. You want to hold on to life as it has been, but it cannot be.  If you continue to fool yourself with this thinking, you will miss the one escape that I, GOD am offering you.  You are caught up in the world and the things of the world and I am telling you to take your eyes off the world and put them on ME, JESUS.  If you don’t make this vital correction, you will be lost.  You will be left to face the worst.  I am sending out MY warnings, MY pleas. Please come to ME in this late hour.  I do not know what more I can do.  Evil man is moving on the earth to vanquish all remembrance of GOD.   Yes, there are many coming to ME, but so many more are lost in sin.  They are following after pagan religions and pagan doctrines.  The world is following after all kinds of greed and idol worship.  You can see it everywhere. MY bride is ready.  I am ready to retrieve her and move her to safety away from the darkness that is about burst on the scene.   She will not be touched by the evil that is coming.  I have spoken about this in MY Word yet you have taken MY Word and changed it to suit your own warped thinking.  There are so many schools of thought floating around.  Don’t you know that MY thought is the only thought that counts?  How can you know MY thought if you don’t have MY HOLY SPIRIT?  The only way you can possess MY SPIRIT is if you come to ME and surrender everything to ME.  Humble yourself before ME, repent to ME of your sins, and give ME everything.   I want it all. I want your life, your heart, your mind, and your spirit.  I want your future.  I want your worship.  If you think I will settle for less, than you don’t know ME. I gave you everything on the cross—I bled, I died, and you will never know the abuse, horror, and terror I experienced.  I was surrounded by callous hungry dogs who wanted to tear me from limb to limb.  I endured such torment and heart break from MY own people and MY own creation.  But I paid the price required by MY FATHER for the sin committed by the creation toward a HOLY GOD. This was the penalty and I, JESUS paid it in full. Now if you come to ME in full surrender, MY SPIRIT will take control and MY words will have true meaning to you and you will read and understand the thoughts of GOD behind the Words with the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.  I, JESUS will give you this knowledge, this renewing of the mind My Book speaks of so you can understand fully the lateness of the hour and the darkness that is coming around you.  The veil over your eyes will come off and you can step into the light, MY Light. I can bring you to this understanding.  But if you continue in your lukewarm worldly ways and your lackluster tepid commitment toward ME, you will not see what MY bride sees.  You will not believe MY Book and MY warnings.  You will continue in your ways as if nothing is wrong, nothing is going on.  Everything is fine, as it has always been.  And soon you will experience shock as the dark world will grip you and the release you desire will not come because you disregarded it when it was available. I, JESUS want to save you.  I want to love you, hold you, and keep you safe from the coming hour but you refuse to see it.  Soon I will have to leave without you.  You will leave ME no choice.  I am coming for a pure bride, one who loves ME exclusively with all her heart.  This is total surrender. Your heart toward ME cannot be pure without the help of the HOLY SPIRIT who comes to you through total surrender. Your game playing relationship of on again, off again lukewarm will not get the job done.  I will be forced to leave you behind.  My bride sees the lateness of the hour.  She recognizes the times and the change in the air.  The lukewarm have blinders on and refuse to see.  It does not suit their own selfish purposes to see.  They regard their plans for the future higher than GOD’s truth.  I have outlined the warnings in MY Book that are coming to pass now.  You are idolizing your future plans.  You put them in front of you and worship them before your GOD.  Humble yourself before ME and repent of this evil. You say: “I know what the future holds and it cannot be what the Bible is showing me.  I want my way.  I will disregard what GOD has outlined in HIS Book and worship my way, my plans, my beliefs.”  So be it.  Have the god of your desire.  Make your plans.  Worship your ways or surrender to ME, JESUS.  Repent, and turn, so that I can show you the lateness of the hour. MY HOLY SPIRIT can show you this truth.  Don’t be caught off guard.  Don’t be blindsided by the enemy.  Come to safety.  Yes the path is narrow.  But humble yourself before ME, JESUS, and I can get you to that road. I will not leave or forsake you if you are completely mine.  If your commitment to ME is partial, I cannot save you.  You must release things to make this commitment.  You must be willing to let go of your future planning.  You must let go of your lust for this world and the things of this world. They are an enmity to ME.  You cannot have both ME and the world.  I am a jealous GOD.  I do not change.  I am jealous for MY creation. You have seconds left on the clock to choose ME your SAVIOR.  If you humble yourself before ME, I will save you.  I will allow you to come into MY Kingdom and live with ME for eternity. Search MY Words, MY Words and Truth.  Soon truth will not exist and if you stay behind because you refuse to get right with ME, your CREATOR, you will long to find truth and there will be none. Do not let the creature and the enemy lead you astray in this final hour.  Do not allow lies to comfort you.  Hard decisions must be made, but the end result if you choose for ME will be eternal victory and you will win big.  And the rewards in heaven will be great if you choose for ME NOW. Surrender, repent, and turn to ME NOW. Your LORD, SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST is waiting only for a brief moment. Make your decision quickly. After receiving this letter from the LORD, the LORD also led me to read Psalm 22 where I discovered this verse I am including here: Psalm 22:16: (KJV) For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. 1 Corinthians 2:10-14: (KJV) 10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.  11For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.  12Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.  13Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.  14But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. “I Am Coming!” Part XXV  letter 50 (2010-12-12 added) Dear Friends of Christ: This is Part XXV of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour.  The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).  The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well).   First a letter from the LORD JESUS told to and written down by Sabrina and a second letter dictated to Susan.  In Sabrina’s letter the LORD makes reference to the occult and I have included a link to an article about GOD’s views on the occult.  Also we have assembled all of our friend Buddy Baker’s rapture dreams and visions in one location on the link below. A good friend of ours said the LORD specifically gave her the verse “Jeremiah 1:17” to give to Sabrina and me and she had no idea of the content when HE gave it to her for our benefit.  Here is the content: Jeremiah 1:17: (KJV) Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them. I was amazed.  The message was clear.  I hear GOD saying to us just don’t worry about what people think—OBEY ME.  So then I ran across this Scripture in my Bible study this week John 12:42-43 and another friend also sent me Isaiah 30:8-14 to consider. John 12:42-43: (KJV)  42Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: 43For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. Isaiah 30:8-14 (KJV) 8Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:  9That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD:  10Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:  11Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.  12Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon:  13Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant.  14And he shall break it as the breaking of the potters' vessel that is broken in pieces; he shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of the pit. If it were not Sabrina and myself putting out these WORDS of the LORD—it would surely be someone else of course and if not anyone else:  Luke 19:40 (KJV) And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. All GLORY AND HONOR GOES TO OUR BLESSED LORD JESUS! Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! Your friends in Christ, Sabrina & Susan Letter dictated by JESUS our LORD to Sabrina    December 11, 2010 (please be aware that Sabrina is Belgian and English is not her first language) My dear children, how I love you all.  I have created you for My Glory, to enjoy you and you ME, to have an everlasting intimate bond for eternity.  I have prepared so much beauty for you, so many delicious things you will enjoy forever if you enter My Kingdom. The problem is many are still holding on to their lusts, to their own desires, to their own affairs. Is it really worth it to lose your eternity with Me for that?  For what is only temporarily available to you will eventually lead into total destruction.  This is the enemy's plan.  He loves it when you enjoy the affairs of the world, the more, the better.  And one day, he comes to strike you with death and there is nothing I can do for you any more.  You will suffer greatly for eternity in that place they call hell.  I am telling you, it is a real place, a real existence. Oh My dear people, why do I have to plead with you so much?  Why are the affairs of this world so much more attractive to you than a Holy life with ME?  A Holy Life with Me begins here on earth and lasts until eternity.  There is no end. Another thing I see is adultery.  Many ways are being presented now to heaven.  The sun comes up, she goes down again.  The birds sing their song.  The fields give their fruit in their time.  You say, “This is nice, let's live happily and enjoy life while we still can.”  Don't you know that I, GOD hold everything together?  Don't you know that the birds sing their morning song for ME? And don't you know that the sun, which I have created, will lose her gloss very soon?  All the beauty of heaven will disappear together with My bride.  You will have nothing then to all your other ways to heaven, as there is only one way. I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE, besides ME there is no GOD.  I AM is a jealous GOD and I will, and do, not tolerate other gods to replace ME.  Is that clear?  Is that clear My children? Do not follow after other gods that in fact, are no gods.  They are a false illusion, created by satan to mislead many.  So don't go into his game.  Follow only ME.  If you follow now your false gods, you will serve them for eternity.  They will have you for eternity.  They all exist in hell, where they are created. Don't be fooled My children, please don't be fooled.  Lay aside and repent from every form of witchcraft, astrology, every way presented to heaven that has not the only name JESUS.  There is only ONE way and that way is ME.  I came to provide the way for you to heaven.  I died for you the most horrible death and suffered for you in the most horrible pain.  All, so you can be free. But it's a choice. You must clothe yourself with this freedom and not with the other false ways that are only leading more to death.  They did not die for you, did they?  So why do you even consider their beliefs, their teachings, their masking temptations? I am telling you people, if you want to be part of the bride, you must turn now.  My love is big, but there is an appointed time for everything, also for the homecoming of My bride, called the rapture of My bride. Open your ears now and listen.  Listen and obey My Voice, as it is the only Voice that will lead you to eternal LIFE.   Life in overflow, where the waters will run in perfect beauty, where the fruit will never exist to produce, where you will never thirst again. Behold Your Lord, Your King is coming for His bride!  Be ready, as I am ready." Hosea 4:14 (KJV) I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with harlots: therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall. Revelation 2:22 (KJV) Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. John 14:6 (KJV) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 2 Corinthians 5:3 (KJV) If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. Letter 51  Given by JESUS on December 9 & 10, 2010 Write MY words down Susan, This is your LORD JESUS I am coming very soon.  The people don’t seem to grasp this truth.  They have all sorts of things worked out in their minds, but the truth that I could be coming so soon. Susan, write this down. I am a patient GOD, very patient.  I wait and wait on MY people.  I see the works of men.  I know the hearts of men.  I see their comings and goings.  I know all about men—their inner most thoughts.  I know where men think they are going next.  I know what they think they are doing, but I, GOD, I, JESUS  will tell you that men do not really know what their plans will be in the next hour.  They do not even know in the next minute.  Their lives are up in the air.  They think they have it all worked out, but their future is unknown to them.  Only, I, GOD, know the future of all men, every man.  I know what will happen next.  I know what is going to happen. Very soon I am coming to retrieve MY bride and the plans of humanity will change in a moment. The bride will be removed in a moment and she will come into a new existence with ME, her BRIDEGROOM.  Those left on earth will face a different reality.  All plans will come to a screeching halt. Nothing planned before will come to pass.  The world will be turned upside down.  Still men make their plans and are confident in their planning.  They say I am in their planning.  I tell you the only thing I am telling MY people is to get ready and to be ready for MY move on the earth to rescue MY bride.  All other plans are not MY plans.  MY people need to stop worrying about their planning and seek MY Face, find out if they are prepared to be worthy to be taken out when I call MY people home.  They need to do some inner searching and find out if their hearts are right toward ME.  Repent, surrender, and come to ME in this late hour. Have I not been clear in all MY Words?  Have I not been clear in all MY Scripture?  I have outlined the things to look for in these last days.  MY Book is very clear.  I know you MY people.  I know it does not suit your purposes to face up to the change.  Many will be left as a result of your lack of preparation.  Your lamps are low on oil, HOLY SPIRIT oil to understand the times.  Quickly get your lamp filled.  Make your way to MY Heart.  Be filled with MY SPIRIT.  Surrender , repent, and turn to ME and I will give you the HOLY SPIRIT. I want you to see the lateness of the hour.  MY SPIRIT will reveal truth.  Prepare to meet your MAKER.  I am coming to take out a pure bride who knows the lateness of the hour.  What is your plan?  Do you plan to come before ME and listen to MY plans? I will give you some words.  Let us proceed.  Susan, the hour is late.  The people are not watching.  The news is raging on and the headlines shout that we are in the end times.  The people are just digging their heels down and refusing to listen.  The time has come for the people to sit up and pay attention.  I cannot make them regard MY Words if they refuse. The truth can be heard if the people would humble themselves, open their eyes, block the voices around them, and focus on ME, JESUS.  If only they would keep their eyes fixed on ME, if they would seek ME, seek MY Face, seek MY ways, seek MY Truth.  Their love of this world has overtaken them.  They love the approval of men.  It is not popular to follow GOD.  This is nothing new.  Time and time again this repeats itself.  The people are following after each other not what GOD says.  If men don’t approve then they won’t listen to the leadings of GOD.  This is as if men know what GOD knows.  Men following after men, men leading each other astray, the world goes on as it always has, they say.   These men will lead each other off a cliff. The hour is at hand and soon the world will be run by men only.  GOD will step away and allow men to rule and the result will be catastrophic, dismal, man’s most desperate hour.  I, GOD will let this happen.  The world is coming to the end of itself soon.  This world will not seem like the same world at all.  Very soon, all will change.  I am approaching earth and the people better make ready.  The clock is ticking.  Time is marching on.  Very few are really taking heed.  What do you need MY people to wake up to the truth?   What is the message?  Do you have something GOD should do to get your attention? I have been clear in MY Word.  I have been straight forward and up front about MY warnings.  You know the time is here, but you listen to the words of the ill-informed and ill-advised around you and that seems like truth.  The only truth is MY Truth and it is all outlined in MY Book.  You don’t need any other book to see MY Truth. The times are here.  I suggest you make time to read MY Book and approach ME with a humble heart and repentant spirit.  Why is this so hard to see?  The hour is at hand.  I have chosen this as MY time to rescue MY people.  MY people, follow ME and come to ME.  I will receive you.  You can find relief from the storm to come.  The sand in the hourglass is shifting down.  If you only knew how close the hour was, you would kneel down to ME to show you truth to save you from the coming evil. I do not know what you need to respond to MY offer.  Take this time to evaluate your position toward ME, your GOD.  Where do you stand toward ME?  Are you ready to be taken or are you unprepared?  Wash your robe in MY Blood quickly.  Receive MY Grace, MY Blessings, MY Love. Take MY Hand and run away with ME to the heavenlies, where we will all soon fly to.  We will fly off together homeward to your new home in a beautiful Kingdom prepared for you to spend with ME in eternal bliss. I only want the pure-hearted followers.  What is this you ask?  Those who have humbled themselves, surrendered fully, and come to know ME as their ALL in ALL, LORD and MASTER.  I have no other kind of follower.  This is who may enter MY Kingdom, the meek and tender-hearted toward ME and those around them.  These qualities can only be found by surrendering to a HOLY GOD who will guide you by SPIRIT through the aid of the SON of GOD and blessed by the love of the FATHER, called out, chosen, sanctified, and made ready as a beautiful pure bride for her worthy GROOM, JESUS. The wedding party is about to take place and the location of this event is ready to receive the guests.  The hour is set and the time appointed.  The guests are made ready.  Be among them. Lay down your pride, sinful lusts, and worldly love affair.  Set aside your personal desires and give them back to your MAKER.  Let your CREATOR take back your life and make beauty of it, fill your being with light from above.  Dance in the skies with the one true LOVE of your life, the GOD Who brought you into the world, Who will take you out to safety.  Play among the stars with the ONE Who created you, who knows the details of your inner most being and loves everything about you, knows the number of hairs on your head. Be at eternal peace with the ONE Who brought you into being.  Return to your MAKER and live in bliss and indescribable beauty.  Why miss this invitation?   Now is the time to consider your choice.  The enemy has made his offer: death.  I make MINE: LIFE.  Who will you choose?  You alone can choose.  I put life before you.  These are MY pleas, MY warnings.  Heed them.  I adore you.  Don’t leave ME for eternity. Love your BRIDEGROOM, JESUS Matthew 24:42 (KJV) Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Matthew 25 1Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.  2And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.  3They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:  4But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.  5While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.  6And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.  7Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. 8And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.  9But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.  10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.  11Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.  12But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 13Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. “I Am Coming!” Part XXVI  (added 2010-12-16) Dear Friends of Christ: This is Part XXVI of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour.  The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).  The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well).  Along with the letter below from the LORD is a word from the LORD to our little 10-year-old friend Philipa, whose parents are missionaries for the LORD in Guinea.  Philipa began to hear from the LORD and receive visions after she communicated with Sabrina about these letters from the LORD.  She expressed enthusiasm for hearing from JESUS to Sabrina and then it was right after that she did in fact hear from the LORD. The letter below was told to Susan by JESUS along with a Scripture confirmation.  The last three letters Susan copied down at the dictation of JESUS, HE followed each letter with a single Scripture verse.  Each time the Scripture that was given, amazingly it coordinated with some of the content HE had dictated in each letter.  This letter is the same.  JESUS dictated these words in this letter to me (Susan): Be HOLY as I am HOLY. Then at the end of the letter, I asked if HE had a Scripture verse to include and HE simply said LEVITICUS 19 which starts out with this verse to my amazement:  1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.(I have included the entire section of Leviticus 19 at the LORD’s request below HIS letter.) All GLORY AND HONOR GOES TO OUR BLESSED LORD JESUS! Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! Your friends in Christ, Sabrina & Susan Letter 52  (December 12, 2010) JESUS’ Words given to Susan to send on to you. Susan I will give you words.  This is JESUS.  I am going to give you words. The world is slowly, but surely coming to a close.  All is winding down.  Soon the world will reach a point of no return.  The climax of the end is approaching.  I am about to make MY move.  The world will be amazed at the events that are culminating. I have been clear about MY plans.  This world is reaching the end of what GOD will tolerate.  It is funny that so many believe that I, GOD, will continue to tolerate so much evil.  The people, even MY own people, have slid so far away from MY standards of Holiness that all seems fine and normal.  It seems perfectly fine to them.  They think that what they see going on in the world is no problem.  The people come and go as they always have.  The people have lost sight of what is fine and good and acceptable to a HOLY GOD.   The world has degenerated to a point where even the Christians walk amongst the world and partake of the same activities and blend so easily. There is no discerning the people of GOD with the heathens.  MY people participate in the same vile activities and language and then come to ME one day a week and expect to find ME waiting for them with open arms as if all is well. MY people engage in the same daily events and then turn to ME and assume I will accept their visit with ME as fruitful.  Then they turn back to the world and play with its evil as if all is well. Well, all is not well.  I will not call these MY people when I see them participating in worldly games and activities.  Why do the people believe that MY standards as outlined in MY book have fallen so low to accommodate a world that does not respect or revere a HOLY GOD?  Why do MY people regard MY Rules and Standards so little? MY people who call themselves by MY Holy Name: why do you go into the world and look so much like the world?  I cannot see any difference between you and the world.  You walk among those of the world and you seek to be like them in every way.   You want all the good things you think I, GOD offer, but you also want to play and engage with the ways and things of the world.  It cannot be. The things of GOD that you so desire are not to be given out to those who treat them commonly and with such disrespect.  I am a HOLY GOD and MY Kingdom is pure and HOLY—untouched by evil.  MY people need to walk away from the world.  Come out…be separate…come away from the world.  Stop engaging with the world: and believing that you will inherit the pure and HOLY things of GOD in the life to come.  The road is narrow.  Few find the narrow path.  Those who find it have come away from the lusts and love interests of the world and all it offers.  MY people, you cannot handle the unclean and see the impure and also walk the path to MY Kingdom with ME. You must come to ME now in this late hour and surrender, repent, and turn to ME now so that I can wash your garments white and prepare you to come into MY beautiful, pure Kingdom.    All is ready, but now is the deciding hour for ME to receive a pure, untouched, clean bride for MYSELF. You cannot come with ME if you persist in following the wide path of the unclean things of the worldly.  You may have your way with the world, yes, this is your choice, but I cannot bring you with ME into MY pure, white precious home I have prepared for MY sweet bride.  I must leave you and the hour is closing in. If you wait too long, I have no choice but to leave you behind.  Sad though it may be, you will give ME no choice.  I love you and I want you to come to ME, receive MY SPIRIT and be made ready. But you must receive ME as your LORD and Savior.  Repent of your eagerness to be part of the evil world and turn back to MY HOLY Ways. The things of this world are leading you astray.  I cannot have you in MY World with MY people if you persist in following after your lusts for the unclean things of the world.  I am a HOLY GOD and I ask no less than the same of MY children.  Be HOLY as I am HOLY. Did I not say this in MY Book?  I can bring you to this place MY dear children only if you surrender and repent of your sin to ME, JESUS your SAVIOR.  Then I can give you MY SPIRIT, the HOLY SPIRIT.  He will then show you the narrow path and lead you into righteousness.  This is the only way to enter MY Kingdom, to leave this planet, and be saved in these last minutes when I come for MY bride. You are down on the wire and now you must choose.  Do you stay in the world and follow after the pattern of evil or will you turn to ME and take MY safe route out and come home to the Kingdom?  I have many mansions for you.  They are planned out with you in mind.  I have spared nothing to bring you great pleasure in this life, life abundant, life eternal.  What must I do to pull your grip off of a dying, fading, crumbling sin-ridden world to MY LIFE of unexpected, uncalculated intense beauty?  Your mind cannot comprehend the incomprehensible.  You cannot dream dreams that your mind cannot conceive of the world that is prepared for those who love ME. Now you can stay and choose for the world, but it will be a sad ending for you.  You will face the worst.  The world is changing rapidly.  The enemy will consume the world and his ways will reign supreme.  You will either, fold into his ways, and ultimately separate yourself from ME your LORD and MAKER for eternity OR you will have to reject the system of the enemy and then you will be at his mercy.  It will not be an easy choice for MY lukewarm church on the earth.  The enemy is savage and he will make it difficult to choose against him.  Death will be the only escape from his grip.  Death would be an easy escape, but he won’t make it so easy for the ones who choose for ME after the bride is removed from the earth.  I, GOD am trying to outline the options you have in this closing hour.  I want you to know the consequences of your choices. Soon, very soon this world will go dark.  You won’t see it because you refuse to look, but the truth remains: I am coming to get MY bride.  She will be safe, but the world will come undone.  I bring truth.  This truth is hard to find anywhere else.  The enemy does not want you to have the truth. Even those who call themselves Christians are afraid to tell or believe the truth. I am trying to warn you in this late hour.  MY Book has been clear that a day would come for ME to remove MY bride.  I have stated the things to look for when the hour approached.   I have been exceeding upfront that you should watch, be vigilant, and not slumbering when the time was close for those events to take place.  Yet most are sleeping, most are occupied, most are even angry at the thought that MY return could be so near.  Why are you so angry?  Why are you so sad at the idea that MY coming has now arrived?  Could it be that MY coming is spoiling your plans?  Could it be that you are so busy lusting after the world that MY coming is wrecking your plans to engage with the world? Don’t you know that this world is an enmity to ME?  Then why are you so displeased when you hear MY coming is now?  You evil generation, you disgust ME.  I am a jealous GOD.  Choose for ME or choose against ME, but I won’t have you as MINE as long as you have a roving eye that lusts for the evil of this world.  I offer you a Kingdom that is so superior to this evil world and yet you must have this world as if it reigns supreme in your heart. You have put ME way down on your list, way toward the bottom.  I, GOD, your MAKER, your CREATOR, comes down below your children, your work, your hobbies.  I am second fiddle in a long list of worldly pursuits.  You make time with everything but ME.  You have many gods before ME.  You worship your church programs and your riches.  Do you not believe I had anything to do with the things in your life that you put before ME?  Do you not know that I, GOD have given you these blessings, yet you have no regard for ME, for if you did I would not be so distant from your heart.  You need eye salve only I can give.  You need ME. I ask you again plainly: will you surrender, repent, and turn to ME?  You have precious little time left.  If you accept MY offer, I will keep you from the coming hour of destruction.  But soon the offer will not be there any more.  Waste no time, the hour is at hand.  I am being generous even now with MY warnings to the earth.  MY compassion is great and MY longsuffering and tolerance for this evil generation has been great, but there is a limit to MY patience as I am about to make MY pick up of the bride and delivery to her new home above. I am waiting briefly.  Stop stalling.  Make a choice.  The hour is winding down. Please choose for ME.  You will never be disappointed.  MY Love is great. I am JESUS…the one true WAY to life everlasting. Leviticus 19 Various Laws 1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.’ 3 “‘Each of you must respect your mother and father, and you must observe my Sabbaths. I am the LORD your God. 4 “‘Do not turn to idols or make metal gods for yourselves. I am the LORD your God. 5 “‘When you sacrifice a fellowship offering to the LORD, sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf. 6 It shall be eaten on the day you sacrifice it or on the next day; anything left over until the third day must be burned up. 7 If any of it is eaten on the third day, it is impure and will not be accepted. 8 Whoever eats it will be held responsible because they have desecrated what is holy to the LORD; they must be cut off from their people. 9 “‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. 10 Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the LORD your God. 11 “‘Do not steal. “‘Do not lie. “‘Do not deceive one another. 12 “‘Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the LORD. 13 “‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbor. “‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight. 14 “‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD. 15 “‘Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly. 16 “‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people. “‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the LORD. 17 “‘Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. 18 “‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. 19 “‘Keep my decrees. “‘Do not mate different kinds of animals. “‘Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. “‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. 20 “‘If a man sleeps with a female slave who is promised to another man but who has not been ransomed or given her freedom, there must be due punishment.[a] Yet they are not to be put to death, because she had not been freed. 21 The man, however, must bring a ram to the entrance to the tent of meeting for a guilt offering to the LORD. 22 With the ram of the guilt offering the priest is to make atonement for him before the LORD for the sin he has committed, and his sin will be forgiven. 23 “‘When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard its fruit as forbidden.[b] For three years you are to consider it forbidden[c]; it must not be eaten. 24 In the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, an offering of praise to the LORD. 25 But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit. In this way your harvest will be increased. I am the LORD your God. 26 “‘Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it. “‘Do not practice divination or seek omens. 27 “‘Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. 28 “‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD. 29 “‘Do not degrade your daughter by making her a prostitute, or the land will turn to prostitution and be filled with wickedness. 30 “‘Observe my Sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary. I am the LORD. 31 “‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. 32 “‘Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD. 33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God. 35 “‘Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight or quantity. 36 Use honest scales and honest weights, an honest ephah[d] and an honest hin.[e] I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt. 37 “‘Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them. I am the LORD.’” FRESH REVELATIONS TO A 10-YEAR-OLD GIRL FROM THE LORD: A few days ago, November 19, a young girl contacted me (Sabrina) through email. Her name is Philipa and she is 10-years-old and though she is still young, she is very smart and loves JESUS so much.  Philipa said she was open for any advice/words.  I wrote her back that same day and to my surprise the Lord had a beautiful word for her.  I will share the last sentence:  "I long to hear your voice My beautiful child, so come, come! I will surprise you with My presence and you will hear My Voice. I love you deeply, Your Father and friend forever, Jesus." After this word from the LORD Philipa began to have visions and hear from the LORD herself.  Philipa’s parents are missionaries for the LORD in Guinea. Philipa (our 10-year-old friend from Guinea) received 2 more visions from the Lord, Dec. 12, 2010: Vision 1: ON THE 10th OF DECEMBER 2010, WHILST PRAYING WITH MY PARENTS, THE LORD SHOWED ME ANOTHER CLOCK REVEALING ONE SECOND MORE FOR JESUS TO COME. THE SECOND WAS ABOUT TO MOVE, AND EVEN PEOPLE LIKE MOSES, NOAH, etc. WERE WAITING AT WHERE THE CLOCK WAS. THEN, AFTER THAT I SAW A MAN OPENING THE GATE FOR THE BRIDE. THEN LATER ON, I SAW MYSELF IN THE MIDST OF SO MANY WORSHIPING PEOPLE, THEN I JUMPED INTO THEM. PHILIPA Vision 2 (Philipa sent Sabrina this on December 12): Please THE LORD gave me another message and please here they go: "Do not waste this good time MY children, I am coming very, very soon it is almost 12:00 (Midnight).  I am giving you very short warnings now! that I shall not give out again for I am coming. I am almost there MY foot is about to move for MY bride. These are MY last warnings. YOUR BRIDEGROOM, SAVIOUR, YESHUA “I Am Coming!” Part XXVII (added 2010-12-17) Quastions regarding Sabrina and Susan remain, but for all those Antichrist is revealed all signs is furfullied and rebellion against God is furfilled 99,9  is false lukewarm carnal men of tradition in christianity. Satan, son of Satan, a human that will have Satans spirit inside, is revealed both by reverse speech and Bibel and Bibelcode, and much more! Also recorded how he mocks God and put himself over God! He even saw in reverse now you have seen the son of Satan, I will be your messiah!!! All explain also with peace treaty in English all signs fit Bible... And pictures 666 on his campains... Wake up! On English on how close it is and more about son of Satan, very important: Wrong launguage but all links and videos, watch are on English, Son of Satan fools, the whole world as he comes in peace, but not me or Gods few few few true bride, can take 15 sconds to load if offline test again a bit later: Dear Friends of Christ: This is Part XXVII of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour.  The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).  The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well).  First is a letter dictated to Sabrina by JESUS.  Below it is a letter from the LORD as told to Susan for you. I (Susan) would like to share an amazing story about this letter I received below from JESUS.  The same morning I received this letter below, I woke in the early morning three different times and I heard very clearly the name “HEZEKIAH.”  Well honestly, I knew I had heard this name before and that it was probably from the Bible, but I couldn’t place who it was or where I had heard of it.  Well later that morning, I had been praying and I asked the LORD for a Scripture to look up and HE simply said, “MICAH.”  I had not looked up the name HEZEKIAH in the Bible yet that day, but instead I turned to the book of Micah the LORD suggested and I was amazed to discover that “Hezekiah” was actually the King reigning during the era that Micah was a prophet.  Well that same morning, the LORD had dictated this letter below to me, I was stunned to discover that Micah addressed the rise of religious infidelity and idol worship as this letter also addresses and this confirmation suggests that the people still turn their backs to GOD now, just like they did during Micah’s era.  Here is more info about Micah and King Hezekiah: How many more letters will we put out you may wonder?  Well we do not know.  All we know is that as long as the LORD continues to give us these letters to send out—we will do it.  We’ve gotten lots of mail because of these letters.  Thank you for all your wonderful notes and prayers.  I think I speak for Sabrina also when I say this: if I thought we could see one person saved by the LORD JESUS who would avoid an eternity in hell—it would all be worth it to us—whatever people think or say.  If we saw just one person in heaven who would have gone to hell saved, it’s worth it.  Are you that one person?  We hope so. All GLORY AND HONOR GOES TO OUR BLESSED LORD JESUS! Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! Your friends in Christ, Sabrina & Susan Letter Dictated to Sabrina of Belgium by JESUS  (December 16, 2010): "I want My people to come to ME before My Throne of Grace.  Take the time to come to ME and to seek ME in your prayer times. If you have to do it in a rush, it means nothing to ME.  Get up in time and seek MY Face. This age is about to end, the age of grace.  If you seek ME now, you can find favor with your GOD in heaven who has ears to listen and eyes to see.  Don't give ME your daily rushed prayers. Give ME your best quality prayers, prayers that involve your complete heart, soul, spirit. Give ME all.  I want it all.  Surrender all to your Holy GOD in heaven.  Being too busy is just an excuse. I created you to worship ME.  This should be the most important task of your day. I can only have your heart if you give it to ME.  Seek ME now in the private hours, come to ME now to dine with ME. Create a deep intimacy with Your GOD in heaven who hears the cries of His people on earth. Come to Me now, now is the time.  There has never been such a time as this.  A time where I am collecting My bride into the secret chambers of MY love and safety.  Come My bride, the time has come. Lay aside your worldly affairs and seek ME, only ME.  The time has come to take you up in heaven, where you will dine with ME forever. Make sure your household is in order and ready to meet ME in the air.  Warn the ones close to you, so they will know what has happened. Still many are coming to ME in this late hour, for the hour is very late. I am telling you, the clock does not stand still, and it is moving to midnight. When it strikes midnight, you will be with ME in heaven.  So warn your loved ones and your neighbours. I am running out of time, but I will not be too late.  I, GOD am always in time, so make sure you will be too. My heart is running over with patience to this dying world, this sick world full of awful sin that hurts My eyes and My BEING.  I died for this, My bride, still many do not want to accept MY offer.  The time is about to end.  The time of grace has been long. The people will know what has happened, but they will try to deny it.  Much grief is coming to this dying world and if I, GOD would not stop it, nobody would be left.  So still, MY grace will come in action, but woe to the men and woman who die in their sins during this time.  Woe to the men and woman who refuse to listen to MY Words now and keep their blinders on. My heart goes out to MY bride, she is so beautiful. She is My special reward.  She and I will have a unique bond in heaven for eternity.  She will have a special place with ME in heaven.  She will have a special access to ME in heaven.  Her reward will be ME, JESUS.  Are you ready My precious bride?  I AM is ready.  Be ready!  Your GOD is coming!  The angels sing Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, for the KING has come to collect His bride!  This says, the I AM and the AMEN!" Hebrews 4:16 (KJV): Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Song of Solomon 1:4 (KJV): Draw me, we will run after thee: the King hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee. Matthew 25:6 (KJV): And, at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Revelation 19:6 (KJV): And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Letter 54  (December 15, 2010) A letter from JESUS as told to Susan for you Yes, Susan I have words.  Susan This is your LORD & MAKER JESUS These words are for all who will hear them.  I have many words. I, JESUS, am ready to speak to the people.  MY people who call yourselves by MY Name, MY Holy Name, I have given you this gift of MY Love.  I have given you MYSELF.  Now, MY people who I love and call MY own, we are entering into a new phase, a new hour.  Soon I will bring MY bride home. Soon she will come home.  I will carry her across the threshold and show her, her new home of beauty and love everlasting.  This is MY promise to MY people I am about to fulfill that promise. I, GOD, I JESUS am true to MY Word.  When I say I will do something, I do it.  Even MY people doubt this about ME.  They have doubts.  I know your doubts.  You see the signs as defined in MY Book, yet you do not believe.  You think the hour is much later, perhaps for future generations even.  I tell you the truth, this generation will not withstand the evil coming on the earth and there will not be forthcoming future generations that would survive the ever-growing evil that encompasses the earth.  I am a HOLY GOD and I cannot continue to look upon such a grand-scale of evil that has permeated the earth much longer.  I must rescue MY bride and release MY grip of the earth, depart, and allow the evil to abound apart from MY protection.  This is what is coming on the earth shortly. MY people you have lost sight of what a HOLY GOD stands for and what I represent.  You have become jaded by your engaging in the dealings of evil men.  You cannot see the evil around you.  You have become so accustom to the evil abounding that you cannot discern for yourself anymore.  You watch what heathens see and you fold into the same activities and it looks all so normal to you.  You have forgotten about your GOD’s Holiness and Holy Ways.  You are filthy and covered in filth.  What must I do, for you to see that your robes are dirtied from your love and lust of the world? MY people, I cannot bring you into safe passage because you choose against ME.  You ask, “How is that?”  I know your hearts.  I see within.  I know your inner most thoughts.  I know how you lust and engage with the world following closely after its heels.  When you chase after the world and the things of the world you also run from ME.  You have run so far from ME, I will lose you if you don’t turn and run back into MY arms—surrender, repent, and turn back to ME. The enemy is clever.  He awaits you at every turn to entrap you, to entice you, to ensnare you.  Your foothold is loosening and soon you will fall and there will be no recovery.  He wants this desperately and so many have fallen into his cleverly sprung trap and they will never return to ME.  I will never see them again.  Hell is eternal. Come to your senses, MY people.  See the sin you are engaging in, see the lukewarm danger you are captivated into.  See that you are standing at the brink of eternity about to plunge over the edge.  Please turn back.  Come to ME in this late hour.  Wake and see what is forming around you. I want to speak of hell.  It is a never-ending nightmare of oppression.  I cannot be near you in hell.  You will be without a Holy, Just GOD in this place of terror and torment.  You will long to cry out for love, justice, beauty, hope, and it will never appear to you again. So many go to hell from this life because they choose to fill the hours in this life with the things that distract them from seeking a relationship with ME and to understand and read MY Book.  This time you waste with these worldly pursuits you are drawn to will lead you to hell.  I am sorry to tell you this, but I must tell you the truth. Most people will go to hell because I require a full commitment of complete and total surrender and so very few do this.  Their daily hours are consumed with worldly pursuits and there is no time left for their CREATOR.  This lackluster commitment and lukewarmness will lead you to hell.  This eternal choice is unending and there can be no turning back.  The separation from GOD is final along with love, tenderness, kindness, beauty.  These things will never be experienced again. MY Words and MY Book are clear on these matters.  You choose not to see, but your refusal to look is not an excuse when you face MY judgment.  Mark MY Word, you will face ME and if you make no choice or choose against ME, we will meet face to face and you will know the sorrow of your choices.  It will then be the beginning as you make your first step to eternal hell, a very long existence apart from a HOLY GOD of peace and salvation, love and beauty. You do not like these words but the truth must be told.  Mankind now has a moment of decision.  Come with ME, your LORD JESUS to safekeeping or stay apart from ME and face the unknown of the enemy.  I am looking for hearts turned completely to ME.  I want your surrender and to humble yourself before ME with true remorse over your lust and affection for evil. I do not want your ritual cold worship of ME anymore.  You come to ME and worship in a cold, rote way.  You do not even know ME.  You look around and see others worshipping and you follow along. But who are you worshipping?  We have never met.  You have never even taken time to know ME, to discover ME, and MY Ways.  You follow blind sheep and you call this worship.  This is a stench, it is an outrage.  Stop this empty worship.  Get on your hands and knees and repent for worshipping a GOD you don’t care to really know.  I don’t know you.  When did we meet?  When have we spoken? You play church with each other, but you are far from ME, your GOD, your CREATOR.  I won’t have it.  I will leave without you soon, O’ church of the lukewarm worshippers.  I am a HOLY GOD and I hold no place, no time, no reverence in your heart. Your display of worship is for each other, not ME!  If it were for ME, I would know you.  I would hear from you often.  You would seek MY Face.  But you seek the world and all it offers.  You even participate in the world and use MY Holy Name to do it.  You bring the world into MY Holy Sanctuary to appease the heathens and you care nothing for your LORD JESUS.  I DIED FOR YOU!  Who else will love you and care for you as I do? The time is almost up, O’ church of the lukewarm.  Soon you will see you have been left behind when MY bride is removed and you will be in shock.  Then you will seek MY Face, but the door will be shut. It is written.  This is not a new word.  Open MY Book—I do not change.  I am TRUTH.  TRUTH is about to come for HIS beloved.  You have precious moments remaining to seek TRUTH.  Come to ME, JESUS.  I am the only TRUTH.  I will save you with MY Blood Covering. I am the ALPHA and OMEGA I am the I AM MIGHTY GOD EVERLASTING PRINCE OF PEACE LORD OF LORDS KING OF KINGS GOD OF THE UNIVERSE THERE IS NO OTHER GOD I AM JESUS Micah 6:8 (KJV) He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? “I Am Coming!” Part XXVIII  (Letter 55 added 2010-12-20) Dear Friends of Christ: This is Part XXVIII of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour.  The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).  The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well).  Below it is a letter from the LORD as told to Susan for you.  We have included this time also words given to a good friend of ours, Edmond Ergut—by the LORD, below this letter.  God bless you Edmond! I asked for a Scripture to go with this letter below and amazingly the LORD gave me Joshua 3:16 and this is what I discovered: Joshua 3:16 (KJV): That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho. Interesting the LORD chose a “rescue mission scenario” from the Old Testament for this letter below.  One writer likens the Joshua 3:16 Scripture to a kind of rapture describing it this way: Joshua (Jesus) led Israel (man child) over Jordan to the Promised Land (heaven).  The Israelites entered the Promised Land without being touched by the waters of Jordan (death), and then the waters returned and all those entering the Promised Land after them would have to ford the river. All GLORY AND HONOR GOES TO OUR BLESSED LORD JESUS! Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! Your friends in Christ, Sabrina & Susan Letter 55  (December 18-19, 2010) Yes Susan I have words.  Copy this down. I want to tell you about this new phase the world is going into.  The world is approaching a time of evil that is unrivaled by any other time known to mankind.  The people slumber, they are snoozing.   The world is falling into complete disaster while the world around sleeps.  Leaders have no idea how to cope.  They see it coming, but they keep their thoughts silent while their people are dying from not having the truth.    I am sad for their loss. The day is closing in and the people will be amazed at the nearness of MY coming.  I am very near.  MY people who are watching now, MY sheep hear MY voice.   They know I am close.  They see the signs.  They are watching.  These are the children who will be taken.  If you are not watching, your lamp is not full.   You will be left to face the worst.  I cannot save you if you cannot be interested enough to watch for MY coming. I am looking for those who are anxiously awaiting MY return.  If the cares of this world captivate you so and you cannot see the signs of MY coming and watch for ME even, I cannot bring you out to safety.  I have made MYSELF clear in MY Book to watch for MY coming and to be vigilant in being ready when the signs that have been foretold unfold before you.  The hour is now.  You are either not watching or you see it, but want to deny what is happening around you.  You think if you can deny what you see then perhaps this will all go away.  You watch all the people around you who are also not watching or not caring and you follow suit.  You are looking in the wrong direction for your salvation.  Your family, friends, neighbors cannot save you.  I am your onlySAVIOR.  Keep your eyes fixed on ME. How can you keep your eyes fixed on ME when you are caught up in all your worldly planning and programs?  I am not in your thoughts.  You are going to miss it.  I am your safe passage.  If you do not find ME in your daily activities…if I do not come up in your mind, you will not know what is coming and the future will blindside you as the unexpected is about to happen. MY people will know and not be surprised because I am close and they are watching. They are ready and so their escape is assured.  I am that narrow escape.  I am the WAY, I am the TRUTH, I am the LIFE.  I am pulling MY people out of the line of fire very soon and taking them to safe keeping while the world sinks to an all-time low and the enemy takes over the planet.  Avoid disaster MY people.  I am your SAVIOR, RESCUER.  I will keep you safe. You do not have to go this alone.  I will bring you into MY safe secure arms, cover you with MY loving wings and we will fly away to everlasting safety.  I am the RESCUER.  I am the One who will bring the salvation.  I will bring you to MY home and put you in a secure eternal place. Choose for ME and avoid pain and suffering.  I long to rescue and keep you safe.  I have a beautiful life planned for you.  You cannot comprehend it.  It is great spectacular beauty.  This vocabulary lacks the words to describe your home.  MY FATHER waits to greet the bride and the banquet is prepared, a large banquet set and ready for your presence.  I have brought together a magnificent offering of food and place settings for MY children and to share together at this lovely table.   We will celebrate our marriage and our everlasting life together.  It will be the greatest celebration ever held. Susan, yes I have words. Tomorrow is coming fast. My world is one of everlasting untold beauty.   Marvelous and lovely is the world I have prepared for those who truly love and seek ME in this world.  MY sheep, this is not your world.  You are made for another life, a better eternal life.  I am coming soon to put you in safe keeping apart from the evil of this world.   You must wash yourself clean in MY Blood and through MY Word in MY Book.  Surrender and turn your life over to ME.  Repent of your sins.  I am waiting MY people, MY sheep, the hour is closing in. Very soon, I am coming to get the people.  I will bring them out.  I have planned this for a very long time and the hour is approaching.  I am coming to that point and I will snatch the people out of the grasp of MY enemy.  I know who is coming. You must choose.  The choice is yours.  I cannot do this choosing for you.  I am clear about the choices.  I have made it very clear.  The masses will refuse MY offer of escape.  They will remain to face an evil that is beyond anything man has witnessed or encountered before.  I want MY people to avoid the terror coming, but they cannot imagine how bad it will be.  The suffering will be immense for the ones who choose against MY enemy.  He will punish those who choose against him and the choosing for ME will be a difficult one.  Now is the time to choose for ME. Come to ME now and be part of MY bride and I will make you ready to be received into MY beautiful Kingdom.  If you choose for ME after I remove MY bride your choices will be most difficult.  The world will go on, but if you want to choose for ME you won’t be able to join back into the world.  The alternative will be suffering and death.  It will be hard to face.  If you join in the world system, you will see eternal suffering.  Many will lose their lives after I come for MY bride. I am coming for a pure bride.  One who loves ME before anything else—above all others, above all things.  I am sorry, but these are MY stipulations.  I have made this clear in MY Word, MY Holy Word.  I do not deviate from MY Word.  MY Word is clear and uncomplicated.  Love ME above all else.  I did not create you to put ME in second or third position in your heart.  If you believe this, you are mistaken.  You have heard this from someone other than ME.  I am a jealous GOD.  I do not create MY people to follow after other gods, other lowly, worthless gods. If you want to be with ME in MY Holy Home in Heaven, you must count the cost in this life.  You must evaluate your position and decide for yourself what direction you want to move in.  You either come with ME and understand that I, GOD want nothing but first place in your heart or choose to put ME in an inferior place in your heart and I will allow you to live out the consequences of your choice for eternity and without a loving, divine GOD.  It will be a bleak eternity.  You decide. You put all your life interests before ME your GOD.  You spend no time communing with your GOD.  I long for relationship with you.  I long to share conversations with you, to hear your heartfelt words toward ME, your GOD.  I am remote to you.  You seek ME when you are in dire circumstances.  Suddenly you remember MY Name and call out to ME.  After your crisis is over, I go to the bottom shelf of your heart.  You remember ME not, as if I don’t exist.  Why do you suppose I will want you in MY eternal home when you have no regard for ME at all?  I will spit you out.  What, this shocks you?  Read MY Word.  Your love for ME is lukewarm and when you come to ME in the next hour, if you do not embrace ME now, I will not know you or acknowledge you to MY FATHER and HIS Holy Angels. What has MY sacrifice at Calvary meant to you?  Do you not care what I, GOD did to save you from eternal hell?  I, GOD, I, JESUS was humbled in a violent way to bring you life eternal and you reject MY work on the cross to save you.  I do not take this rejection lightly.  This is a serious matter.  Your lack of regard for MY sacrifice is belittling of MY Holy Name and MY Work on the cross.  I endured evil men to save all men, but I will not force this salvation.  I only make it available to all who want it.  If you do not care for MY sacrifice, MY ransom than you can reject ME, but know this…MY FATHER will reject you.  You will stand before MY FATHER and  HE will not accept your explanation for this sinful way you have led your life and you will receive eternal punishment.  You will have nothing to say apart from MY sacrifice.  There is no atonement for your evil works.  You will be sent to hell for the evil you have done against a HOLY GOD. Accept MY free gift of salvation.  Surrender all and repent to your GOD and live. Your time is running out.  You have moments left on the clock.  Choose salvation through ME or lose your life to the enemy who is ruthless. Follow ME, LORD JESUS JESUS CHRIST I am the Son of the Living God, and no man comes to the Father but through me, and all those who reject me, Jesus Christ, they are condemned!  There is no way out for them!  Their sin is that they reject me, they reject me—the Son of God—they deny me, and those who deny me I shall deny to the Father. They deny my crucifixion.  They deny that I died for their sins and that they can live with me in paradise as long as they come to me and believe in me.  They deny that I can give them everlasting life; they deny me—this is their sin—that they deny the Living God, the Son of the Living God, and that they are wicked, they choose evil, and they choose wickedness. This is their sin—they deny the Living God.  They deny the Son of the Living God. They deny Jesus Christ, for I am all truth, I am all righteousness, and without me there is no way, they shall perish, this is the truth, that if they come to me, the Son of the Living God, I shall give them everlasting life. It is me that shall save them, I am the Savior of the world, I am the Redeemer, I am Everlasting Life, I am green pastures, I am everlasting, and I shall give them everlasting waters so that they will never thirst and they shall never hunger. For my Father so loved the world that He sent me on earth to walk the earth and to set sinners free, to set the down trodden free, to give sight to the blind, to heal the wounded, to heal the sick, to set free the captive. I came to save sinners; I came to save sinners from the fires of everlasting hell; I came to set them free; I came to give them everlasting life; that they might have life abundantly, that they may live with me and my Father in my Father’s mansion.  I came for all.  And for those who accept me and for those who serve me, they shall be given abundantly; they shall be treated as sons of God and kings of heaven! But for those who reject me, for those who reject the Son who the Father has sent, there is only fire left.  For I came, for I came to save them out of the pit, for I came to save them, for I came for them that they may live with me. But if they reject me, if they reject me, woe!  For I only can send them to hell.  For that is all that is left for them, for that is all that my Father has left for them.  He has done all that He can. He has sent them His only Son, to serve, to serve them, to save them, to bring them to the truth, to bring them to the life, but they would rather choose darkness. I am the light, I am the way, I am the truth!  No man comes to the Father but through me.  I am the Son of God and only through me can they see the Father; I am the Son of god, I lay down my life for them, and if they reject me there is no other way; I am the way, I am the truth, I am the light; my Father sent me to save the world, and those who receive me I will receive, I will accept, I will tell of them to my Father, and they shall be in heaven with me and they shall be in paradise, their name shall be written in the Book of Life and they shall have everlasting life. But those who reject me there is no way but hell, there is no other way, for I am the way, I am the truth, I am the light; I was sent to save sinners, I was sent to save them.” INDICTMENT AGAINST GOD’S PEOPLE “My people are estranged, they have left me; I ask you to share my burden, for I am grieved and I am heavy hearted, and the time is come, the time is come for me to bring forth my judgment for they have not turned their heads towards me.” “Religion today is like leprosy; the people are indwelling in this false religion. It is like a leprosy that has grown on them and is ready to kill them and break them; and they are dying, they are dying and they do not know it. They are in the pit and they do not know it, they are blind and they do not know it.  Religion is killing them, it is suffocating them and it has blinded them to the truth—the truth of My Word and of my vision for them.” “The institutions of righteousness are corrupt, full of extortion, full of filth, full of strife.” “For my axe is laid bare to every tree that bears not fruit; it shall be hewn down and cast into the fire; not one of those will be left for they bear not fruit, for they shine forth not my light, they are but a hindrance. They shall be hewn and cast down to make way for those who bear fruit and who shine forth my light; who bear fruit and water and feed the rest—those they shall make a way for. The rest shall be cut down for they are wicked and they thrive on their own juice that that juice will kill them.” “From the most grievous sinner to the most righteous of God’s children, I have all given them a chance, I have all at one point called them; I have called them and asked them to come out and to serve me.” “I have called them; I have searched each one’s heart and I have called them, from the most grievous, from the most terrible sinner, to the most righteous.” “But I tell you!  I have gone to each one of them. I have searched each one of their hearts and they have known that I have called them and I have tried to woo them to me and talk to them. But yet they turn not to me, yet they turn not to me.” “I have given them a chance; I died on the cross for all sinners, I died on the cross for all without respect of persons, that all may be saved, that not one should be perished except the one that betrayed me.” “They reject all that I have for them, so they shall see my judgment! For now they shall see what I have in store for them!  For they chose the world, they chose the world!” “I came for them all, without respect of persons I died on the cross; I bled for them!  I bled and I died and I was crucified for them; and they know this!  And they know this in their heart that I came to save them from the evil one, but yet they turn away, because they look at this world and they are choked by the cares of this world.” “Woe be unto them!  For I came to them just as I came unto you. I pleaded and I wooed them; I asked them to turn their hearts, I asked them to turn their face, that I would take care of their problems, that I would take care of their anguish and their grief and their troubles.” GOD ALWAYS WARNS HIS PEOPLE Oh Zion, Zion, do not let your faith wander and be overshadowed by your own desires. For Zion is my body, my Church, my Spirit.  It is I, your Lord Jesus, who has reached out and touched every heart and every soul that enters through your doors of fellowship.  For I have a special purpose and task awaiting all those who will stand firm and believe this message.  It is not my pleasure that you build walls, rules, and doctrine, other than what is written.  I know each and every heart that bears my name and longs for my coming.  Won’t you open your spiritual ears and spiritual eyes to see and hear of what a mighty thing I am about to do?  I want you to trust, fully, in me, for you look at the sky and predict tomorrow's weather and you table the tides, but you won’t look at the warnings of the changing times.  There is a cloud of judgment hanging over the United States, and, in fact, hovering over California.  In January 1980, the very ground you dwell on shook by my hand.  Then in May 1980, to your far north, a mountain exploded and the ground shook all about.  Then in June 1980, to the direct east of you, the earth shook the strong high mountains of the Sierras.  Within weeks, your southern borders shook.  And then, centered off the West Coast, the earth and seas were shaken.  Why are you sleeping Zion? Can you not see my anger?  Can you not see all about you the rebellious masses eagerly worshipping all their man-made idols?  Sex-sin is rampant; lust for power and self-righteousness are the talk of the times.  Above every nation of all history, America has been blessed.  But in the last 30 years she has walked away from my covenant.  Even the most wicked generation of Israel was not as evil as yours.  Sodom and Gomorrah were small compared to the evil ways of this Nation.  Awaken to my calling Zion, lest I find you sleeping, not guarding what little faith you have.  Catch hold!  For in less than two minutes of time the riches and man—made idols will be swept away. Wake up, Zion, for the Glory of God is at hand.  Listen carefully, open your hearts, plant your feet firmly where you stand.  For I, your Lord, am going to shake my Church and scatter my flocks and those with faith will hear your singing and your worship and know I am with you.  Yes, you, Zion will be my guide to my lost sheep; you will be the compassion of my Spirit; you will be the rallying point after disaster strikes.  Yes, I will be with you and lead you, and the weak of heart, the broken spirits, the torn flesh, and even the dead will hear your voices lifted up to me, and my healing power, signs and wonders will abound to lead them back to me.  There will be no dwelling large enough to hold all the repentant hearts and, in fact, the green fields surrounding your place of worship on Zion’s hill will be amassed with souls bearing my name.  Lay hold of your faith, Zion, for as surely as you hear this Prophesy, all of this and much more is about to happen.  Do not move from where you are, but rather pray for the strength of my spirit: pray for your roots to be deeply immersed in my word; prepare for the work I have for you.  Know this, since my ministry began, I have not come seeking the righteous but rather the lost, those living in darkness; yes, those even now seeking for someone to tell them the truth.  But, my church bodies, selfishly, have turned inward to themselves and I must pull them down and scatter the flocks for they are full of thistles and thorns not fit for my high purpose.  Lay hold, Zion, lest this happens to you.  Cast away your bolted doors; prepare to move into the open fields on Zion’s hill.  For even the building you are dwelling in will be gone.  I tell you this, even if just two of my beloved remain faithful to this Prophesy, I will unfold all of this around them, for my will be done.  The very Glory of God is and always has been the repentant heart, those seeking the truth and salvation, and entering in.  My ministry is the whole world and you who have faith are to gather the harvest of my hand.  All the promises of my written word are available to you who believe. In that time, when Zion gathers, and the weather is foul, just a mighty shout of praise, in my name, will part the clouds, stop the winds and gales, and my light will burst forth and abundantly refresh you; and when you hunger, the bread of life will feed your souls, and your faith and worship shall glorify the Living God…. My servant, who now gives this Prophesy to you, is anointed by my hand and Spirit to warn all the churches and Christian meeting places round—about.  He will be abused, scoffed at, and ridiculed by those claiming to be mine, but my Holy Spirit will precede him, and my signs and wonders will follow him.  I always warn my people! Anoint him with oil, Zion, any of you who believe, and swiftly send him on his way.  For before he can finish his task, all of what he has told you, this day, will come to pass…Amen…Behold, I come quickly, Amen…Yes, I come quickly, Amen. RESTORATION “The children of God shall be united under one Spirit, the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit. The Spirit that reveals all truth from the throne of God, the Spirit that reveals the beginning from the end, the end from the beginning; this is my Spirit, the Holy Spirit, it will unite all the true children of God.” “There will be many who are hungry for the Word of God. There will be many who are hungry for the truth.  There will be many who will come to the truth, and there will be many who will come to hear you preach the Word of God in all its purity; they are hungry for the truth; they are hungry for their God; and they will come to the light.” “They must become warriors for Christ; they must proclaim the name of God; the light must shine forth, and the Word of God must be proclaimed.” “The truth must go forth, the light must shine; the Word of God must be proclaimed; the evil spirits must be smashed; the saints must come out of their caves.” “I say, go forth! Go forth and be a light!  Show them! Show them that they can be healed, if they but come to my throne, if they but shed this falseness, the lies, the hypocrisy. Just come to my throne and I shall heal them and they shall be with me and we shall live in my Father’s mansion as one, as one family.” “Only those that turn to me, and realize that I am supreme, and that only in me is there true reality, and that this world is not reality, that this world is just a stage; only those who turn to me and see me as their only hope, as their only salvation, as their true reality, them I shall pluck from this earth and they shall be with me in paradise.” “I came that all may know me; I came that all may have the knowledge that you have; I came for all that I should reveal wisdom to all.” You will be my light. You will be my beacon. You will be the light in the world in these latter days.   And you will show them that the Holy God is pure without blemish or spot, and that He wants them to be pure without blemish or spot; that they should come to me as a pure bride, a bride that I am proud to show to my Father, that He will accept and say, “Yes, they are right, bring them into my mansion.” “The bride will know, the bride will see that you are pure and holy; I ask that you be holy as I am holy, perfect yourselves, cleanse yourselves, make your paths straight, make sure that you are holy.” “This is one of your missions, to bring about the Restoration; as they come to you they will see the truth and they shall perfect themselves through your word and your admonitions and your doctrine, they shall perfect themselves with spot or without blemish.” “And, when they hear your voice, they will know that this is the voice of the Lord, this is the voice of their Shepherd.  And my sheep will come, my sheep will come out of their hiding, my sheep will come out of their sins, my sheep will come out of their works, my sheep will come out of their vanity and frivolity and their programs!” SAN FRANCISCO “My heart is heavy, as I see all that goes on in this city my heart is heavy for all the sins and all the abominations and all the wickedness and evil that I see—I cannot bear, I cannot bear!  I see sins that you don’t even know about, that you cannot even imagine, and my heart is weary;  I ask you to look at this city the way I look at it. This city is evil and wicked and my judgment is so right for this city; every citizen, every citizen hates God, they walk in their own ways, they walk in their own lust, they walk in their own depravity, they are wretched and they are naked and they are hungry and they don’t even know it.  Their face they turn towards themselves, they try to glorify themselves, they try to adorn themselves, they try to cover up, but I see their hearts, their heart is far from me, and my heart is heavy, I am very sad and I am very heavy hearted. This city hates God and it hates me; the mention of my name and they turn their head and they harden their heart and their back stiffens and they do not want to speak of me; my name itself is like a bad word in this city;  this city hates God and this city hates me. The sins of this city cry out to me to avenge this city with my wrath; this city is evil!  The sins of this city are worse than Sodom and Gomorrah!  The wickedness that prevails!  The wretchedness!  The emptiness! This is why I have brought you to this city as a light—that you will show this city that the Living God sees their sins and He is ready to avenge them! I cannot speak of their sins, I cannot speak of their wickedness and evil; I am so heavy!  I am so heavy hearted!  But this city grows in wickedness and evil every day and I am ready to lay my hand bare!  I am ready to pierce my sword through their hearts!  So they know that I am alive and that they are hurting me, and they are hurting who gave them the very breath which they breath is from me, and they turn their heads away from me, they turn their hearts away from me! I am grieved!  I am very sad!  But my justice I will mete out with my wrath and my judgment!  I ask you to see this city!  I ask you to see their eyes!  I ask you to see their hearts the way that I see them!  I am grieved!  You must see this city the way I see it.  So that when you bring forth my judgment you will know it comes with all justice!  I ask you to see this city the way I see it! Raise your arm and take my sword; you will be my instrument to bring forth my vengeance, my wrath. This is the day, this is my day of fury, for I am very angry with the wicked and my wrath shall come upon them. When the sun shines brightest, that is your time, when the sun shines brightest and is right over head, you shall enter the crowd and you shall stand in their midst, you shall proclaim my name, you shall uplift my standard and you shall call my fire, you shall bring down my sword and they shall burn! My fire shall come down and burn the wicked, they shall be as stubble; they shall burn as tares but the righteous shall stand; you shall tread the wicked and they shall not hurt you. The wicked shall be stamped like pulp on the ground and my wrath shall be manifest; the day is at hand and you shall manifest my wrath!  The fire of the Lord shall burn bright! As the Lord moves in with judgment and wrath, the demons shall move out with anger and fury, and there shall be fire and there shall be smoke and there shall be stench so strong that the righteous will have to turn their head because the stench will be so bad; the judgment of the Lord will fall strong upon this city. This city is San Francisco, this “pretty”, this so-called “glorious” city of San Francisco shall be abased, shall be abased, shall become like cinders, they shall burn, this city shall burn, this city shall be abased, because my Word will cut their lies, their hypocrisy, their sin, and their evil, shall cut them asunder, and this city will be abased. I have looked upon this city and it is wicked, it is wicked; and as you go forth in the gap, and as you confront the enemy, you will tell them, you will tell them of the coming wrath and doom that this city will experience, you shall tell them that not one stone will be left unturned. And they will look at you and they will think that you are mad; but you will tell them that the Living God has said that this city will be destroyed, not one stone will be left unturned, because I have visited this city and I have seen no good.” AMERICA “As I have given you visions and messages of my judgment and wrath, so will you go forth.  And so will you proclaim in graphic detail of my judgments, and of my fire, and of death all over this land; and of waters that will rise, and of the stars that will darken, and of the wind that will rush.” “You shall prophesy of this, and I will give you power over the waters, I will give you power over the fire, I will give you power over the weather, I will give you power over the wind, and you shall prophesy of this judgment over this nation.” “I have forsaken them now, my wrath shall come and you shall prophesy in graphic detail of their judgment, of their death, of their sure doom, and of the dead that will be from one end of this nation to the other.” “This whole nation shall see my fire, this whole nation shall be in confusion, this whole nation will be under strong delusion, they will not know, I shall shake their very roots, I shall shake their very roots and they will not know what has happened.” “For the fire will sweep through this nation.  And there will be strong confusion and strong delusion.  And there will be panic everywhere, there will be panic everywhere, people running to and fro, trying to hide with no place to hide; they will jump into the sea for they will not know where else to go; and they will drown and they will kill themselves.” “My fire will sweep through this nation.  And there shall be turmoil; and there shall be chaos; there will be no place to hide, no place to hide. For I will seek them out of their dark corners and I shall pull them and I shall kill them; for those that reject me, there shall be no place to hide, no place to hide.” “They will look at you as a fool. They will look at you as a fool masquerading in a fool’s paradise.  For you speak of death; for you speak of judgment; for you speak of darkness; for you speak of fire; for you speak of my wrath.  And they, all they see is sunshine, green trees, fair weather, and they frolic in their folly, and they have fun, and they enjoy, and they laugh, and they drink, and they become drunken, and they sleep.” “For all of a sudden my fire will come!  For all of a sudden my judgment will come! For all of a sudden when they are asleep and when they are drinking and when they are frolicking in their folly, my judgment will come!  And they will know that a prophet has been among them, for he has spoken of it, of my judgment, and my wrath.” These words in red were given to Edmond Ergut “I Am Coming!” Part XXIX ( added 2010-12-23) Dear Friends of Christ: This is Part XXIX of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour.  The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).  The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well). First is a letter from the LORD JESUS as dictated to Sabrina and also a special letter to the bride of Christ specifically from her GROOM JESUS.   Below it is a letter from the LORD as told to Susan.  Below this letter is a Section written by the evangelist and author Charles Spurgeon about the topic: "The Form of Godliness Without the Power.” I included this writing of Charles Spurgeon since in the letter the LORD mentions this particular phrase.  Also below is a couple of Buddy Baker’s recent visions plus the link to his other visions/dreams. God bless—we love hearing from you—kindest regards for your prayers and love. All GLORY AND HONOR GOES TO OUR BLESSED LORD JESUS! Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! Your friends in Christ, Sabrina & Susan Letter dictated to Sabrina by the LORD JESUS on December 22, 2010: "These are My last pleas.  I am done with this generation.  I am pleading to this lost world forever now.  I am an all-consuming GOD, a very patient GOD, but MY pleas have no effect.  Only a few are repenting and turning to ME.  This is so sad.  Why do you forsake ME, My people?  Have I not suffered enough for your redemption? In the way you reject ME now, you will suffer for eternity, if you don't turn your ways to ME.  I died for all.  I suffered for all.  Yet you live as if this never happened.  ‘Oh we have one more day, than I will think about my ways.  Let me first enjoy my life a bit longer, let me first take care of all my plans in this world, then if there is any time left, I will consider to think about my God.’ Whose God?  Don't call me your God.  I am only the GOD of My faithful children who seek ME in all their ways.  I am done with you world.  Go and have your way.  GO ! This GOD who is in the back of your mind has created you.  He has given you the very breath you use now to read this letter, to do your daily things.  Did you know that?  I have made you so perfectly beautiful, so everything fits together nicely, so everything operates in your body in a most wonderful way.  Yet you take it all for granted.  I thought it all out.  I thought about you and you were there.  Everyone of MY people is an unique creation and I had plans and ways for all of you. You will never see the beauty of heaven I have made for you, so you could enjoy ME for eternity. There is no greater joy then to know your GOD in heaven.  Did you know that?  The love affaires of this world are calling you, so go and enjoy your life on earth while you still can.  I have called you over and over.  I see sin all over you.  I don't see a repented, surrendered heart to ME.  You are filthy, MY people. You choose this yourself.  You can be beautiful through ME, I, JESUS who bought you freedom from this sinful bondage. But the choice is yours.  I created you with a freewill, so I cannot do otherwise than to accept your choice.  But I want you to know it breaks MY heart.  Over and over again you have broken MY heart.  And yet, you can always come to ME.  I always forgive you.  But don't play with ME. Even I have MY boundaries, although MY grace is big.  If you continue to choose this sinful, playful lifestyle, you will give ME no other choice than to send you to hell.  It's written in My Word. You can do nothing good out of yourself.  Nobody can.  The only good thing comes from and through ME, as I AM love and love has created you.  This world is running to its end.  So what will you do?  Will you continue and go on as every day?  Thinking the sun comes up every morning and I can enjoy my day?  Nothing major will happen?  And tonight, I will sleep well?  Don't be mistaken. In one split of a second, this whole world will turn into a darkness you have never experienced in your whole life.  There has never been and will never be again such a darkness on earth.  Demons are waiting to be loosed.  They will have no mercy.  Then, you will know I have spoken the truth and you will remember how much I warned you. The time is not over yet, but it sure is striking almost midnight.  MY finger is about to move the clock.  So, what will you do?  Look at yourself and ask ME to reveal MYSELF to you.  Ask ME to show you the real you.  Ask ME to come to you and fill you with MY love and grace.  I can still save you.  For some it is already too late, they have made up their mind.  For some, there is still hope.  I, GOD will judge your heart.  So don't delay any longer and come to ME.  There has never been a more urgent time than this.” I, GOD have spoken Hebrews 10:26-27 (KJV) 26For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. (The Lord wanted Sabrina to write this letter for the bride in red) "This is a special message for MY bride.  I have bought you with MY blood.  MY precious blood runs through your veins.  I am so proud of you MY bride.  I see you are ready.  MY bride will have a special place with ME in heaven.  You will never regret all the longing and waiting for ME. I am your BRIDEGROOM. Your BRIDEGROOM is waiting with the same longing, MY bride. Can you just hold on a little longer?  Don't be disappointed.  You are MY light in this world. Those who truly love ME, spread MY word.  They cannot do otherwise than to speak and testify of MY love for them. This is MY bride.  I love her.  I treasure her.  She was MY joy at the cross.  The joy laid before ME. MY precious bride, hold on, I am coming.  I am doing a mighty work in this world and in people's hearts and it's worth the waiting. You won't have to wait much longer now.  I AM is coming.  I am on MY way.  Just a few finishing touches here and there, and then you will see ME coming in the sky. It will all happen very fast.  It will be the most glorious moment for you and ME when you enter MY Kingdom and settle yourself at the wedding table that I have prepared with so much care. I have thought of every detail for you.  It's all so perfect.  Can you feel the joy and love?  I can. Encourage each other and don't give up.  MY FATHER is about to give the sign.  It won't be much longer.  Please be patient.  Your rewards shall be without measure.  You are MY shining stars on earth.  So keep shining!  You are washed in MY blood.  You are pure and clean. Keep yourself from this world.  Distance yourself, so you won't be polluted.  Keep MY Words, worship ME and stay close to ME. Never stop praying for MY coming.  I love to hear those prayers.  They move MY heart.  Be patient.  The time is almost here.  I, JESUS your BRIDEGROOM, am waiting and longing for you, so bless MY heart and stay close to ME in this last hour." Hebrews 12:2 (KJV) Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:22-24 (KJV) 22But ye are come unto mount zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, thats speaketh better things than that of Abel. Hebrews 10:37-38 (KJV) 37For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. 38Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. Letter 56 given by the LORD JESUS to susan (December 21, 2010) I have words. I have a message for the world. Soon, I will be coming to earth to get MY bride.  The hour is approaching quickly.  The people remain in denial.  This is not MY plan for them, but I cannot change their hearts.  They must choose ME over the enemy.  If they turn to ME and I receive permission through their surrender to ME, I can send MY SPIRIT to them and HE can prepare them to be ready for the escape from the evil coming to the earth. I am a compassionate GOD.  I want to save MY people.  I long to save MY people.  I want MY people to come to ME in this late hour.  I know their hearts.  They cannot believe that the hour is almost up.  They cannot see what is right before them because they are not watching.  They are too captivated by the things of the world, everything before ME, their GOD. I am a patient GOD.  I wait patiently.  I see evil at every turn.  The earth has grown cold toward its GOD.  What do the people expect from ME their GOD?  Do they expect endless tolerance of their evil running amok?  This evil has been building up for many years and it is cresting to its peak.  The enemy reigns in the hearts of the people supreme.  They wish to serve a different master than I, their CREATOR.  They have chosen to serve the creation: an inferior choice to their one true GOD.  I offer love and peace, security, salvation.  I offer an escape route to beauty ever-lasting. The world is coming to a halt.  All is going black, complete darkness, a world without its MAKER, its GOD.  You have seconds on the clock.  I am giving you these warnings, so that you can know and prepare your heart for ME.  I am taking only a pure bride with ME to MY Home in heaven.  If you are unprepared, I cannot remove you from the dark world ahead. Do you want this purity?  Do you want this larger measure of oil?  You must be humble toward ME; surrender to ME; repent of your sin to ME; lay your life down before ME.  I will accept these and MY HOLY SPIRIT will come into your life and prepare you to come with ME, your BRIDEGROOM.  I will embrace you, call you MY own, and care for you always. These are MY Terms. You refuse to believe MY Warnings.  You reject MY Truth.  I am closing in on the hour of MY return.  These are precious moments.  Open your eyes.  Back away from your worldly pursuits and love affair.  You are hypnotized by evil.  Your passion for ME is lukewarm. Your passion for the world exceeds your needs for ME.   You are lost.  You are gravitating to outer darkness.  You are moving away from ME.  I cannot pull you back, if you never turn to ME. The path to ME is narrow.  Why do you refuse to believe this?  You think otherwise, but this is not so.  Many believe they are on the correct path.  They delude themselves.  The enemy has deceived them greatly.  I am the ONE TRUE NARROW PATH.  The deception about what I expect of MY followers is great.  I ask for complete surrender, so many do not grasp this.  They believe to have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof. MY people if you choose to be part in the world, consumed by the cares of the world and partially following ME—we have no relationship at all.  Halfway is no way.  You are in a dangerous position.  You want ME a little when MY Presence pleases you—but this is no relationship.  I cannot take you when I come.  You will miss the narrow way, the narrow escape that is about to happen.  It will come quickly and then you will realize you missed it.  The second I remove MY children to safety will be the beginning of a new way of life on earth.  Darkness will consume and the bride will not be on earth. MY people, this brief moment is about to happen.  In your heart you know this, but I am sorry you refuse to believe.  You knew the day would arrive.  MY Book and the signs I have given have been described and clear to you.  Think about what keeps you from realizing this.  What comes to mind first when you hear these warnings?  Is it your future plans?  Is it your pursuit of worldly possessions?  Is it your ministry planning?  What do you have as an idol that is blinding your ability to see truth?  Your anger rises up when people speak of MY soon coming to you.  Why? Will you be angry when you find out you have been left behind or will you be sad and filled with great sorrow?  What causes you to be so resistant to MY pleadings and how the signs in the world are actually described in MY Book coming into reality? Soon MY patience with you, MY people will be done.  I cannot wait on you MY people forever.  I must remove MY bride to safety as she waits patiently while you persist in handling the evil things of the world and refuse to return to your first LOVE your LORD JESUS.  I am your first LOVE.  I brought you into this world.  I give you life every second of the day.  I preserve your life while you reject ME.  I bring the rain down for all.  I bring the sunlight down for all.  MY Love is toward all peoples.  But very soon I must leave those who choose against ME to face the outcome of their choosing. This has happened before and has been described in MY Book to happen again.  I am a GOD of light.  I am completely honest to MY people and true to MY Word.  What do you need to see truth?  I am taking the remnant home who are clean and prepared for MY retrieval. The hour is closing in. The warnings are clear. The path is narrow. My Hand is extended.  Grasp it and I will lead you out to safety.  I want to do this for you, I long to do this.  My sadness is great that you will not come with ME, MY people. Your BRIDEGROOM waiteth.  Only seconds to go.  Seek MY beautiful Face.  MY Love is pure and perfect.  You will never know anything more satisfying than ME, JESUS. Turn to ME quickly, JESUS Charles Spurgeon writes about  "The Form of Godliness Without the Power" "Having a form of godliness but denying its power." A mere form of godliness joined to an unholy heart is of no value to God. The swan, although its feathers are as white as snow, yet its skin is black. God will not accept that 'external morality' which conceals 'internal impurity'. There must be a pure heart as well as a clean life. The power of godliness must work within, or else God will not accept our offering. There is no value to man or to God in a religion which is a dead form. Sad is that man's plight who wears the name of Christian but has never been quickened by the Holy Spirit. There is no use in a mere formal religion. If your religion is without spiritual life, what is the use of it? Could you ride home on a dead horse? Would you hunt with dead dogs? Is false religion any better? In the depth of winter, can you warm yourself before a 'painted fire'? Could you dine off the 'picture of a feast' when you are hungry? There must be vitality and substantiality, or else the form is utterly worthless; and worse than worthless, for it may flatter you into deadly self conceit. How shameful will such a fruitless, lifeless professor be in eternity, when the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed! What shame and everlasting contempt will await him when his falsehood shall be detected, and his baseness shall fill all holy minds with horror! What will be the hell of the false professor! "Having a form of godliness but denying its power." Buddy Baker had a couple more visions recently and so we have included this information plus the link below of all his other recent visions and dreams: I want to share 2 visions I had recently. When I closed my eyes I saw a very large angel with wings coming towards me and I knew it was time for the rapture in this vision. Then I asked the Lord if He could show me something “Heavenly” and I closed my eyes again and I was saying, “Jesus” but in a singing tone and I had my arms extended and I could see Jesus reaching His arms towards me and He placed His hands on mine and He was smiling and I started to weep tears of joy but I was still singing and saying His name and then I opened my eyes. That was amazing! In the vision, Jesus placed His hands over mine but I didn't feel anything I saw this in the vision and I could feel His presence when this was happening and it made weep because I was so happy!  I don't know if I mentioned it or not but Jesus was wearing a white robe and He was smiling, I couldn't see His face clearly but I knew He was smiling in the vision. Also the large angel I saw in the vision the same night, Sunday night before Jesus placing His hands over mine, the angel had wings and I knew in my spirit the angel was coming to take me home to Heaven. In another vision while I was knelt down beside my bed praying that's when I saw the Lord’s hand open up showing me a cross.  It was a transparent cross and it had no colors you could see through it and this happened last week. Rapture Dreams & Visions from Buddy Baker" ALL WARNINGS FROM SABRINA AND SUSAN THEY THEMSELF UPDATE, I WILL NOT BE HERE MUCH LONGER IN DAYS TO WARN I PRAY TO GO HOME IN LESS THEN 2 TO 3 WEEKS TIME, SO MUCH PRAYING NOW AND SEEK GOD AND JESUS AND FAST AND READ BIBLE! CONCLUSION IS THIS SABRINA AND SUSAN IS DECIVED IN THIS THEY BELIEVE CHOO THOMAS IS OF GOD WITCH SHE IS NOT CLEARLY NOT, SO DISREGARD ALL THINGS ABOUT CHOO THOMAS AND ALSO GO NOWHERE TO MEET JESUS CHRIST GODS SON OR BELIEVE IN ANY SIGN IN HEAVEN JESUS WILL TAKE YOU HOME WERE YOU ARE WHEN YOU ARE, AT WHAT EVER YOU ARE IN HOME JOB TOILETT SHOWER, DOES NOT MATTER, BUT PREPARE NOW!: Newest warnings here, updated daily, 2010/2011: Remember this never go any where to meet Jesus he will come to get you were you are: Matt. 24:23-24: "If any man shall say to you: See here is the Messiah, or: There is he believe it not. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and do great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect ' Important new 2010/2011: Important about how satan decives: Satan will try to create a false rapture before the real one and kill Gods bride, look not for any signs in sky or go out, Jesus will take you were you are even on shower toilett whatever you are: And: Dreams warnings from the lord from a sister in Christ about a false rapture from Satan that will be before the real in days, be warned. Jesus also warned of this go no where Jesus will come to us, no need to go out or listen on people that say here is Jesus or out there....: By a sister in Jesus Christ: "I was with a bunch of people, waiting for "the escape". We were in a big snow-covered field & we were stamping our feet from the cold. Many people were becoming very impatient, waiting so long. Then suddenly I found myself flying all over the place- over beautiful landscapes, seemed like a fairytale land. I didn't see any people walking around on the ground and I knew everyone had gone over to "the field". I flew back to the field and found that hardly any PEOPLE were there anymore, but I saw thousands...maybe millions...of COCKROACHES, and they were all rushing into a drainhole. I immediately knew that MOST of the people who had been waiting had willingly turned into cockroaches in order to make their "escape" through the drainhole. They looked around at each other and saw they all looked the same, and they were all going the same direction. They seemed giddy and excited, and not repulsed at all! I was very repulsed at all these cockroaches! But then I got a strange thought that maybe I should join them!... But the repulsion kept me from being tempted, and I knew it was a false escape. These "people-turned-cockroaches" had been deceived into thinking this was the real deal. After all of the cockroaches had gone down the drainhole, there were only a handful of us who had NOT gone along with this false escape. We joined together in praise to the Lord God that we had not gone with them, and we began expectantly looking for our true redemption through Jesus Christ, knowing it was now truly right at the door! " IMPORTANT SCRIPTURE VERSES, IN LIGHT OF THIS DREAM!!! Matt. 25:5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. Matt. 24:4-5 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. Matt. 24:12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. Matt. 24:20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 2 Pet. 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Pet. 3:14-15 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 2 Pet. 3:17-18 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. Prov. 7:1-21 My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you. 2 Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. 3 Bind them on your fingers;  write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”  and to insight, “You are my relative.” 5 They will keep you from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words. 6 At the window of my house I looked down through the lattice. 7 I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who had no sense. 8 He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house 9 at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in. 10 Then out came a woman to meet him,  dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent. 11 (She is unruly and defiant, her feet never stay at home; 12 now in the street, now in the squares,  at every corner she lurks.) 13 She took hold of him and kissed him and with a brazen face she said: 14 “Today I fulfilled my vows, and I have food from my fellowship offering at home. 15 So I came out to meet you;  I looked for you and have found you! 16 I have covered my bed with colored linens from Egypt. 17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon. 18 Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning; let’s enjoy ourselves with love! 19 My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey. 20 He took his purse filled with money and will not be home till full moon.”  21 With persuasive words she led him astray;  she seduced him with her smooth talk. Jude 5, 12-22 5 Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe... 12 These people are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. 13 They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever. 14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” 16 These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage. A Call to Persevere 17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. 18 They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. 20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. 22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. Galatians 5:16-21 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Rev. 19:7-9 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come,  and his bride has made herself ready. 8 Fine linen, bright and clean,  was given her to wear.”  (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.) 9 Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.” Another warning from the Lord about a false rapture before the real from Jesus. Jesus comes to us no need to go out or believe any picture or sign in sky... Letter from Jayson: "It started out with my wife and I walking in a parking lot. We were walking towards a place where the rapture would take place. Everyone knew the time. Everyone was looking up. We saw her father there. We were all making our way to a church area. We saw a storm coming. It started out with huge cracks of lightning circuling in the sky very far away from us. This lightning was dancing around in a small spot within the sky so we just stood there and watched. All of a sudden without warning the storm was upon us. It started raining, the wind was blowing, the lightning was everywhere - it was like we got slammed with a hurricane. We started running for our car to ride out the storm. Cars were getting picked up and slammed against others. We were all running. All of a sudden, someone said "there's the rapture". It was a shimmering portal that appeared in like under a store canopy. The air seemed to behave more like water. Everything on the other side was all twisted up like looking through a stained glass window. We needed to walk through this portal to be raptured. Everyone was scared to walk through it. I grabbed my wife's hand and we ran through it, fearful it would close. We made it through and were on a bridge. The bridge ended in a huge plaza. There was at least three different levels about 6 inches in height from the one below it. Each level of the plaza was tiled in white marble. Attached to the bottom level was two parallel rows of white marble stairs leading down into the clouds. Between these two parallel rows of stairs was a beautiful bed of neatly manicured green grass. It was gorgeous outside, sunny and warm. There was no more storm. The sky was a beautiful blue and the weather was just perfect. Some people were sitting in this plaza on some white marble benches while others were lining up to go down either one of the staircases. Some of the people seemed to be really afraid because the stairs went down into a cloud and you couldn't see what was below it. I could hear cheering and applause down below so I once again grabbed my wife's hand and ran down the stairs. This is where it gets weird - really weird ( probably because I was playing 'name that planet' with my little girl ). I was pretending I was a game show announcer. On the other side of the cloud I discovered that the stairs led to a 'game show'. The game show was killing all the people who went down the stairs. We discovered that the 'portal' we went through wasn't the rapture but a dimensional portal that is linked with the desert in pakistan. The man running this game show is a very sadistic man. If you get a question wrong, you're put to death. My wife and I answer all of the questions correctly but the guy still wants to put us to death. I grab his gun, and point it at his head and tell him to let us go. We make him take us back to the portal through some stairways and backdoor passages. We arrive at the portal. *end of dream*" Back to main page, all warnings and how soon in days Jesus will come, read from start: Sources to Jesus warnings is at this url at bottom + in days Jesus comes from 2010/2011 or soon or sooner, read all his warnings by going to this url: (sources at all warnings is in this url) wake up! Very serious warning from Jesus: Satan, son of Satan, a human that will have Satans spirit inside, is revealed both by reverse speech and Bibel and Bibelcode, and much more! Also recorded how he mocks God and put himself over God! He even saw in reverse now you have seen the son of Satan, I will be your messiah!!! All explain also with peace treaty in English all signs fit Bible... And pictures 666 on his campains... Wake up! Wrong launguage but all links and videos, watch are on English, Son of Satan fools, the whole world as he comes in peace, but not me or Gods few few few true bride, can take 15 sconds to load if offline test again a bit later: On English on how close it is and more about son of Satan, very important: Or on wrong language, not so easy to read...: Latest post: “I AM COMING!”—Part 23 “I AM COMING!”—Part 24 “I AM COMING!”—Part 25 “I AM COMING!”—Part 26 “I AM COMING!”—Part 27 “I AM COMING!”—Part 28 “I AM COMING!”—Part 29 “I AM COMING!” Letters in 2 Separate Brochure Formats for Public Distribution (Compliments of Jude from the Philippines) Brochure #1: Brochure #2: God’s Position on Wizards and Vampires: Warnings Swedish and English, much rebuking, but for good chause, by Jesus spirit: Important read and do and heed also, by Yahweh and his Spirit, and our daily will living, added 2011-09-18, updates daily, this link: I DID A BLOGG AND USE SATANS ATTACKS TO WAKE UP CHRISTIANS AND WORLD WHAT GOD WANT TO SHOW, AND WHAT IT TAKES TO BE GOD BRIDE, VERY IMPORTANT HOW TO LIVE AND WALK THE NARROW ROAD, APPROVED BY YAHWEH AND JESUS TWICE SHOW SOON PERSONALLY TO ME AND MORE THEN TWO MESSENGERS AND PROPHETS SO MUCH SIGNS…
Very important Warnings from true Yahweh of Bible,
added 2011-09-05:
URGENT CLICK HERE (If 502 error comes up reload the webpage that opends in a new Internet browser window 10 times, or try again in 30 min or next day)
Download website its about antichrist too, translate it and change language and spelling, hurry if you download it to choose download, because an error in download progress is in place, this website is most for the left behind, in Great tribulation, so no need to download it yet. You have all info in better spelling and English on the blogs and links above, this is just a backup for the left behind, made to be online forever, until satan removes it. More important blogs, to download and upload on your own accounts, they updates often: DOWNLOAD JESUS  FIRST DOWNLOAD WARNINGS BLOG ONE AND UPLOAD TO YOU BLOG.COM ACCOUNT, AND SECOND UPLOAD THIS WARNINGS BLOG TWO ON YOUR BLOG.COM ACCOUNT. WARNINGS BLOG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR BLOG.COM ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 2010-12-18.xml , but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. DOWNLOAD JESUS WARNINGS BLOGG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR, FIRST BLOG WARNING, BLOGGER.COM ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 11-29-2010, but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. TESTIMONIAL TO BE PART OF GODS BRIDE AS MY LIFE AS JESUS USES FOR EXAMPLE, AND OTHER VITAL FACTS, ALL GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST OF BIBLE AND YAHWEY OF BIBLE, AND GODS WARNINGS CONCERNING DECEPTION FALL AWAY AND GREAT DESOLUTION, VERY IMPORTANT. DOWNLOAD JESUS WARNINGS BLOGG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR, SECOND BLOG WARNING, BLOGGER.COM ACCOUNT ANOTHER ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 07-13-2011, but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. Download website its about antichrist too, choose fast download file, it shows the bookmark on website if you are too slow… Then try again and be faster, more Important blogs to download below: CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. Skip create account or sign in when download you will understand: Download website its about antichrist too, translate it and change language and spelling, hurry if you download it to choose download, because an error in download progress is in place, this website is most for the left behind, in Great tribulation, so no need to download it yet. You have all info in better spelling and English on the blogs and links above, this is just a backup for the left behind, made to be online forever, until satan removes it.
Online webpage a small one:
Webpage can take some time to load, sometimes offline, but test a bit later:
Download choose fileaction download: Some other webpages with built in translator Google, but most for the left behind christians. Jesus can come in what day ever now:
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