tisdag 14 april 2015

Response to Atheist regarding parenting our children. Updated 2015-03-18

I LOVE USA BUT YOU HAVE SO MANY ISSUES, I LOVE AMERICANS BUT SO MANY IS MISSGUIDED IN THIS YOU MUST REPENT AND STOP ABUSE YOUR CHILDREN… IN WHAT YOU CALL PARENTING BY TWISTING BIBLE, GODS WORD… A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. (Proverbs 11: 1) Woe to those statutes, unjust statutes and writes the wrong laws to pervert justice for the needy, and deprive the buttons for my people of their right, to make widows their prey and rob the fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when devastation comes from afar? To whom will you flee for help, and where will you do with your riches? (Isaiah 10: 1-3) Hear therefore, you who trample on the poor and take away his grain tax: You build houses of hewn stone, but shall not dwell in them, you are planting the lovely vineyards but shall not drink wine of them. For I know your transgressions are many and your sins numerous, ye who oppress the righteous and take bribes and the gate prevents the poor to get right. Therefore tiger the wise in this age, for it is an evil time. Seek good and not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God of Hosts, be with you, as you say he is. (Amos 5: 11-14) If I were righteous if I allowed the wrong wave, and false weights in the bag?  (Micah 6:11) God’s solid foundation made up and have this seal: The Lord knows who are his and: Whoever mentions the name of the Lord shall stay away from iniquity.  (2 Timothy 2:19)
Not shown for Atheist but Trinity Yahweh, Essence One God of Bible, Gods Word led me to this information:
"In the New Testament, Christ modified the traditional eye-for-an-eye system of justice with His turn-the-other-cheek approach. Christ preached gentleness, love, and understanding, and seemed against any harsh use of the rod, as stated by Paul in 1 Cor. 4:21: “Shall I come to you with the whip (rod), or in love and with a gentle spirit?” Paul went on to teach fathers about the importance of not provoking anger in their children (which is what spanking usually does):
“And you, Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” (Eph. 6:4), and “Fathers, do not embitter (provoke) your children, or they will be discouraged” (Col. 3:21)." 
Response to an attacking Atheist  (Reply to Atheist Person hidden):
Do not encurage illegal actions and also against common sense how to behave towards children. Please do not hitt you children or encurage others to do so, repent. I pray and hope you are better then a child abuser... Repent and Wake up. What law says also below etc, as well in comments posted in Youtube video.
There is nothing worse then child abusers repent. I know for sure those people end up in you know where, repent and start live Biblically daily because you love Christ, , as all few 8 Noa belivers daily do, and also seek and pray and when feel led by Holy Spirit to have  areal daily live relationship with Jesus Christ, Gods Son, in prayers daily and fasting etc and Bible, Gods Word, daily reading and doing etc, and all will be fine and accept Jesus Christ, Gods Son, as your Atheist ally Lord and Saviour, and repent of your sins, and false accusations of people...
We do not abuse children ever! Last Biblically correction to you. God bless:
The Holy Spirit rebukes you.
The Holy Spirit within me reminded me of what the Scribes and Pharasies said to Jesus
Is it not written in the law (Torah, Old testament Bible, Gods Word) that the adulterer shall be stoned, we caught her in the very act.
Jesus replied he without sin among you will cast the first stone at her.
Will you call Jesus a hypocrite too, because he refused to obey the law of old, in Bible, or Torah, or old testament of Bible, Gods Word, but gave mercy!
Same goes with hitting our children it shall be done with good care love and discipline without any form of violence, or hard grabbing or spanking etc.
What Jesus said to the unbeliving scribes and pharasis who did not believe in Jesus to be Gods Son, witch he is and always are and lives today and forever, but now is in heaven, until soon he comes back for his people, 8 Noa Bride, what Jesus said:
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice (judgement) and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others."
You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!…" Matthew 23:23-24
Repent and God bless you, remember you spoken evil against one of Trinity Yahweh, Gods vessles or prophets of Bible, Gods Word.
Repent, and Once again God bless you. We treat others as we ourself wanna be treated as Christ said, of Bible, Gods Word!!!
And no child wants to get hitted!!!
Do not abuse children, not ok its illegal.
Do not care what you think but what law says and common reason you do not hit your children !!! 
Hello Atheist   do not abuse children. Try hit me instead if you dare repent of your ignorance. I input link here only 
http://vk.com/id120422236 (Not shown for atheist person).

"10 Reasons Not to Hit Your Child (This article not shown for Specific Atheist person):

There is a classic story about the mother who believed in spanking as a necessary part of discipline until one day she observed her three- year-old daughter hitting her one-year-old son. When confronted, her daughter said, “I’m just playing mommy.” This mother never spanked another child.Children love to imitate, especially people whom they love and respect. They perceive that it’s okay for them to do whatever you do. Parents, remember, you are bringing up someone else’s mother or father, and wife or husband. The same discipline techniques you employ with your children are the ones they are most likely to carry on in their own parenting. The family is a training camp for teaching children how to handle conflicts. Studies show that children from spanking families are more likely to use aggression to handle conflicts when they become adults. Spanking demonstrates that it’s all right for people to hit people, and especially for big people to hit little people, and stronger people to hit weaker people. Children learn that when you have a problem you solve it with a good swat. A child whose behavior is controlled by spanking is likely to carry on this mode of interaction into other relationships with siblings and peers, and eventually a spouse and offspring. But, you say, “I don’t spank my child that often or that hard. Most of the time I show him lots of love and gentleness. An occasional swat on the bottom won’t bother him.” This rationalization holds true for some children, but other children remember spanking messages more than nurturing ones. You may have a hug-hit ratio of 100:1 in your home, but you run the risk of your child remembering and being influenced more by the one hit than the 100 hugs, especially if that hit was delivered in anger or unjustly, which happens all too often. Physical punishment shows that it’s all right to vent your anger or right a wrong by hitting other people. This is why the parent’s attitude during the spanking leaves as great an impression as the swat itself. How to control one’s angry impulses (swat control) is one of the things you are trying to teach your children. Spanking sabotages this teaching. Spanking guidelines usually give the warning to never spank in anger. If this guideline were to be faithfully observed 99 percent of spanking wouldn’t occur, because once the parent has calmed down he or she can come up with a more appropriate method of correction. VERBAL AND EMOTIONAL “HITTING”  Physical hitting is not the only way to cross the line into abuse. Everything we say about physical punishment pertains to emotional/verbal punishment as well. Tongue-lashing and name-calling tirades can actually harm a child more psychologically. Emotional abuse can be very subtle and even self-righteous. Threats to coerce a child to cooperate can touch on his worst fear—abandonment. (“I’m leaving if you don’t behave.”) Often threats of abandonment are implied giving the child the message that you can’t stand being with her or a smack of emotional abandonment (by letting her know you are withdrawing your love, refusing to speak to her or saying you don’t like her if she continues to displease you). Scars on the mind may last longer than scars on the body.
The child’s self-image begins with how he perceives that others – especially his parents – perceive him Even in the most loving homes, spanking gives a confusing message, especially to a child too young to understand the reason for the whack. Parents spend a lot of time building up their baby or child’s sense of being valued, helping the child feel “good.” Then the child breaks a glass, you spank, and he feels, “I must be bad.” Even a guilt-relieving hug from a parent after a spank doesn’t remove the sting. The child is likely to feel the hit, inside and out, long after the hug. Most children put in this situation will hug to ask for mercy. “If I hug him, daddy will stop hitting me.” When spanking is repeated over and over, one message is driven home to the child, “You are weak and defenseless.” Joan, a loving mother, sincerely believed that spanking was a parental right and obligation needed to turn out an obedient child. She felt spanking was “for the child’s own good.” After several months of spank-controlled discipline, her toddler became withdrawn. She would notice him playing alone in the corner, not interested in playmates, and avoiding eye contact with her. He had lost his previous sparkle. Outwardly he was a “good boy.” Inwardly, Spencer thought he was a bad boy. He didn’t feel right and he didn’t act right. Spanking made him feel smaller and weaker, overpowered by people bigger than him. SLAPPING HANDS  How tempting it is to slap those daring little hands! Many parents do it without thinking, but consider the consequences. Maria Montessori, one of the earliest opponents of slapping children’s hands, believed that children’s hands are tools for exploring, an extension of the child’s natural curiosity. Slapping them sends a powerful negative message. Sensitive parents we have interviewed all agree that the hands should be off-limits for physical punishment. Research supports this idea. Psychologists studied a group of sixteen fourteen-month-olds playing with their mothers. When one group of toddlers tried to grab a forbidden object, they received a slap on the hand; the other group of toddlers did not receive physical punishment. In follow-up studies of these children seven months later, the punished babies were found to be less skilled at exploring their environment. Better to separate the child from the object or supervise his exploration and leave little hands unhurt.
Parents who spank-control or otherwise abusively punish their children often feel devalued themselves because deep down they don’t feel right about their way of discipline. Often they spank (or yell) in desperation because they don’t know what else to do, but afterward feel more powerless when they find it doesn’t work. As one mother who dropped spanking from her correction list put it, “I won the battle, but lost the war. My child now fears me, and I feel I’ve lost something precious.” Spanking also devalues the role of a parent. Being an authority figure means you are trusted and respected, but not feared. Lasting authority cannot be based on fear. Parents or other caregivers who repeatedly use spanking to control children enter into a lose-lose situation. Not only does the child lose respect for the parent, but the parents also lose out because they develop a spanking mindset and have fewer alternatives to spanking. The parent has fewer preplanned, experience-tested strategies to divert potential behavior, so the child misbehaves more, which calls for more spanking. This child is not being taught to develop inner control. Hitting devalues the parent-child relationship. Corporal punishment puts a distance between the spanker and the spankee. This distance is especially troubling in home situations where the parent-child relationship may already be strained, such as single-parent homes or blended families. While some children are forgivingly resilient and bounce back without a negative impression on mind or body, for others it’s hard to love the hand that hits them.
Punishment escalates. Once you begin punishing a child “a little bit,” where do you stop? A toddler reaches for a forbidden glass. You tap the hand as a reminder not to touch. He reaches again, you swat the hand. After withdrawing his hand briefly, he once again grabs grandmother’s valuable vase. You hit the hand harder. You’ve begun a game no one can win. The issue then becomes who’s stronger—your child’s will or your hand—not the problem of touching the vase. What do you do now? Hit harder and harder until the child’s hand is so sore he can’t possibly continue to “disobey?” The danger of beginning corporal punishment in the first place is that you may feel you have to bring out bigger guns: your hand becomes a fist, the switch becomes a belt, the folded newspaper becomes a wooden spoon, and now what began as seemingly innocent escalates into child abuse. Punishment sets the stage for child abuse. Parents who are programmed to punish set themselves up for punishing harder, mainly because they have not learned alternatives and click immediately into the punishment mode when their child misbehaves.
Many times we have heard parents say, “The more we spank the more he misbehaves.” Spanking makes a child’s behavior worse, not better. Here’s why. Remember the basis for promoting desirable behavior: The child who feels right acts right. Spanking undermines this principle. A child who is hit feels wrong inside and this shows up in his behavior. The more he misbehaves, the more he gets spanked and the worse he feels. The cycle continues. We want the child to know that he did wrong, and to feel remorse, but to still believe that he is a person who has value. The Cycle of Misbehavior Misbehavior Worse behavior Spanking Decreased self-esteem, anger One of the goals of disciplinary action is to stop the misbehavior immediately, and spanking may do that. It is more important to create the conviction within the child that he doesn’t want to repeat the misbehavior (i.e, internal rather than external control). One of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of spanking in creating internal controls is that during and immediately after the spanking, the child is so preoccupied with the perceived injustice of the physical punishment (or maybe the degree of it he’s getting) that he “forgets” the reason for which he was spanked. Sitting down with him and talking after the spanking to be sure he’s aware of what he did can be done just as well (if not better) without the spanking part. Alternatives to spanking can be much more thought-and-conscience-provoking for a child, but they may take more time and energy from the parent. This brings up a main reason why some parents lean toward spanking—it’s easier.
Don’t use the Bible as an excuse to spank. There is confusion in the ranks of people of Judeo-Christian heritage who, seeking help from the Bible in their effort to raise godly children, believe that God commands them to spank. They take “spare the rod and spoil the child” seriously and fear that if they don’t spank, they will commit the sin of losing control of their child. In our counseling experience, we find that these people are devoted parents who love God and love their children, but they misunderstand the concept of the rod. Rod verses – what they really mean. The following are the biblical verses which have caused the greatest confusion: “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.” (Prov. 22:15) “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.” (Prov. 13:24) “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.” (Prov. 23:13-14) “The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to itself disgraces his mother.” (Prov. 29:15) At first glance these verses may sound pro-spanking. But you might consider a different interpretation of these teachings. “Rod” (shebet) means different things in different parts of the Bible. The Hebrew dictionary gives this word various meanings: a stick (for punishment, writing, fighting, ruling, walking, etc.). While the rod could be used for hitting, it was more frequently used for guiding wandering sheep. Shepherds didn’t use the rod to beat their sheep – and children are certainly more valuable than sheep. As shepherd-author Philip Keller teaches so well in A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23, the shepherd’s rod was used to fight off prey and the staff was used to gently guide sheep along the right path. (“Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” – Psalm 23:4). Jewish families we’ve interviewed, who carefully follow dietary and lifestyle guidelines in the Scripture, do not practice “rod correction” with their children because they do not follow that interpretation of the text. The book of Proverbs is one of poetry. It is logical that the writer would have used a well-known tool to form an image of authority. We believe that this is the point that God makes about the rod in the Bible – parents take charge of your children. When you re-read the “rod verses,” use the concept of parental authority when you come to the word “rod,” ratherthan the concept of beating or spanking. It rings true in every instance. While Christians and Jews believe that the Old Testament is the inspired word of God, it is also a historical text that has been interpreted in many ways over the centuries, sometimes incorrectly in order to support the beliefs of the times. These “rod” verses have been burdened with interpretations about corporal punishment that support human ideas. Other parts of the Bible, especially the New Testament, suggest that respect, authority, and tenderness should be the prevailing attitudes toward children among people of faith. In the New Testament, Christ modified the traditional eye-for-an-eye system of justice with His turn-the-other-cheek approach. Christ preached gentleness, love, and understanding, and seemed against any harsh use of the rod, as stated by Paul in 1 Cor. 4:21: “Shall I come to you with the whip (rod), or in love and with a gentle spirit?” Paul went on to teach fathers about the importance of not provoking anger in their children (which is what spanking usually does): “Fathers, do not exasperate your children” (Eph. 6:4), and “Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will be discouraged” (Col. 3:21). In our opinion, nowhere in the Bible does it say you must spank your child to be a godly parent. SPARE THE ROD!There are parents who should not spank and children who should not be spanked. Are there factors in your history, your temperament, or your relationship with your child that put you at risk for abusing your child? Are there characteristics in your child that make spanking unwise?
  • Were you abused as a child?
  • Do you lose control of yourself easily?
  • Are you spanking more, with fewer results?
  • Are you spanking harder?
  • Is spanking not working?
  • Do you have a high-need child? A strong-willed child?
  • Is your child ultrasensitive?
  • Is your relationship with your child already distant?
  • Are there present situations that are making you angry, such as financial or marital difficulties or a recent job loss? Are there factors that are lowering your own self-confidence?
If the answer to any of these queries is yes, you would be wise to develop a no-spanking mindset in your home and do your best to come up with noncorporal alternatives. If you find you are unable to do this on your own, talk with someone who can help you.
Children often perceive punishment as unfair. They are more likely to rebel against corporal punishment than against other disciplinary techniques. Children do not think rationally like adults, but they do have an innate sense of fairness—though their standards are not the same as adults. This can prevent punishment from working as you hoped it would and can contribute to an angry child. Oftentimes, the sense of unfairness escalates to a feeling of humiliation. When punishment humiliates children they either rebel or withdraw. While spanking may appear to make the child afraid to repeat the misbehavior, it is more likely to make the child fear the spanker. In our experience, and that of many who have thoroughly researched corporal punishment, children whose behaviors are spank-controlled throughout infancy and childhood may appear outwardly compliant, but inside they are seething with anger. They feel that their personhood has been violated, and they detach themselves from a world they perceive has been unfair to them. They find it difficult to trust, becoming insensitive to a world that has been insensitive to them. Parents who examine their feelings after spanking often realize that all they have accomplished is to relieve themselves of anger. This impulsive release of anger often becomes addicting—perpetuating a cycle of ineffective discipline. We have found that the best way to prevent ourselves from acting on the impulse to spank is to instill in ourselves two convictions: 1. That we will not spank our children. 2. That we will discipline them. Since we have decided that spanking is not an option, we must seek out better alternatives.
A child’s memories of being spanked can scar otherwise joyful scenes of growing up. People are more likely to recall traumatic events than pleasant ones. I grew up in a very nurturing home, but I was occasionally and “deservedly” spanked. I vividly remember the willow branch scenes. After my wrongdoing my grandfather would send me to my room and tell me I was going to receive a spanking. I remember looking out the window, seeing him walk across the lawn and take a willow branch from the tree and come back to my room and spank me across the back of my thighs with the branch. The willow branch seemed to be an effective spanking tool because it stung and made an impression upon me— physically and mentally. Although I remember growing up in a loving home, I don’t remember specific happy scenes with nearly as much detail as I remember the spanking scenes. I have always thought that one of our goals as parents is to fill our children’s memory bank with hundreds, perhaps thousands, of pleasant scenes. It’s amazing how the unpleasant memories of spankings can block out those positive memories. ABUSIVE HITTING HAS BAD LONG-TERM EFFECTS  Research has shown that spanking may leave scars deeper and more lasting than a fleeting redness of the bottom. Here is a summary of the research on the long-term effects of corporal punishment:
  • In a prospective study spanning nineteen years, researchers found that children who were raised in homes with a lot of corporal punishment, turned out to be more antisocial and egocentric, and that physical violence became the accepted norm for these children when they became teenagers and adults.
  • College students showed more psychological disturbances if they grew up in a home with less praise, more scolding, more corporal punishment, and more verbal abuse.
  • A survey of 679 college students showed that those who recall being spanked as children accepted spanking as a way of discipline and intended to spank their own children. Students who were not spanked as children were significantly less accepting of the practice than those who were spanked. The spanked students also reported remembering that their parents were angry during the spanking; they remembered both the spanking and the attitude with which it was administered.
  • Spanking seems to have the most negative long-term effects when it replaces positive communication with the child. Spanking had less damaging long-term effects if given in a loving home and nurturing environment.
  • A study of the effects of physical punishment on children’s later aggressive behavior showed that the more frequently a child was given physical punishment, the more likely it was that he would behave aggressively toward other family members and peers. Spanking caused less aggression if it was done in an overall nurturing environment and the child was always given a rational explanation of why the spanking occurred.
  • A study to determine whether hand slapping had any long-term effects showed that toddlers who were punished with a light slap on the hand showed delayed exploratory development seven months later.
  • Adults who received a lot of physical punishment as teenagers had a rate of spouse-beating that was four times greater than those whose parents did not hit them.
  • Husbands who grew up in severely violent homes are six times more likely to beat their wives than men raised in non-violent homes.
  • More than 1 out of 4 parents who had grown up in a violent home were violent enough to risk seriously injuring their child.
  • Studies of prison populations show that most violent criminals grew up in a violent home environment.
  • The life history of notorious, violent criminals, murderers, muggers, rapists, etc., are likely to show a history of excessive physical discipline in childhood.
The evidence against spanking is overwhelming. Hundreds of studies all come to the same conclusions: 1. The more physical punishment a child receives, the more aggressive he or she will become. 2. The more children are spanked, the more likely they will be abusive toward their own children. 3. Spanking plants seeds for later violent behavior.4.Spanking doesn’t work.
Many studies show the futility of spanking as a disciplinary technique, but none show its usefulness. In the past thirty years in pediatric practice, we have observed thousands of families who have tried spanking and found it doesn’t work. Our general impression is that parents spank less as their experience increases. Spanking doesn’t work for the child, for the parents, or for society. Spanking does not promote good behavior, it creates a distance between parent and child, and it contributes to a violent society. Parents who rely on punishment as their primary mode of discipline don’t grow in their knowledge of their child. It keeps them from creating better alternatives, which would help them to know their child and build a better relationship. In the process of raising our own eight children, we have also concluded that spanking doesn’t work. We found ourselves spanking less and less as our experience and the number of children increased. In our home, we have programmed ourselves against spanking and are committed to creating an attitude within our children, and an atmosphere within our home, that renders spanking unnecessary. Since spanking is not an option, we have been forced to come up with better alternatives. This has not only made us better parents, but in the long run we believe it has created more sensitive and well-behaved children."
"Consider Christianity to be spanking their children? (Translated by Google)
Bible question: Questions and Answers
In Old Testament times, it was common that nurtured their children with the help of rice and toughness.
Question: I wonder if those who follow the Bible feel that it is right that spanking children? In the Bible, Proverbs 23:13 says that it is right. The ones I previously asked have said that it's now out of fashion, and also illegal. That you can not follow everything but this one with such homosexuality follow the strict. Is it that Christians believe that spanking children is right? (L.O.)
When it nowadays refer to the Bible in the debate on the use of force in child rearing it's largely about linguistic confusion. The word "spanking" is today almost exclusively for "corporal punishment", "corporal punishment", but the word used in the Bible is not synonymous with any form of violence.
The words of the Old Testament which translates as "spanking" - the Hebrew pussies - stands literally for "discipline" or "rebuke". The word occurs in many places in the Old Testament and is translated also often with "education":
"A fool despises his father's upbringing, wise is the one who takes care of reprimand" Proverbs 15: 5)
"Mother thy son while there is hope" (Proverbs 19:18)
"Mother your son, so you will not worry and he will give delectable delight to your soul" (Proverbs 29:17)
All these points clearly shows that the word basically stands for "education" or "correction". The same applies to the New Testament, the Greek word paideia which often translates as "punishment":
"And ye fathers, provoke not your children, but nurture and admonish them in the Lord" (Ephesians 6: 4)
That the words pussies or paideia in no way synonymous with some kind of "whipping" or other corporal punishment is also shown by the simple fact that in a lot of places in the Bible speaks of how God "agar" us humans when he care about Us Teaching us, corrects us (that proves us right), to help us to walk towards our goal - eternal life.
"My son, do not despise the Lord's upbringing, annoy you do not over his chastisement. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth as a father the son he delights" (Revelation 3: 11-12)
"Fear of the Lord mother of wisdom" (Proverbs 15:33)
"Behold, happy is the man whom God, despise not the chastening of the Almighty" (Job 5:17)
"God deals with you as with sons. And where is well a son who is not disciplined by his father?" (Hebrews 12: 7)
"The Lord loveth he chasteneth, and he Agar every son whom he receiveth" (Hebrews 12: 6)
And God uses proven not have rice ... He mothers (ie, days) us through His Word, through its law and by leading the people as well as the individual. He agar / Mother us by allowing us to appreciate the consequences of our actions, by rewarding us when we follow His will and by allowing us to "reap what we have sown" when we violate his will.
The word translated "spanking" has in itself no means an obvious connection to the physical punishment, but only means that "Mother", "chastise", "rebuke", etc.
In Old Testament times, however, it was plain that in his upbringing used the rice, just as we have done far ahead of our time. When the Bible talks about using rice (for example in Proverbs 23:13, the Bible passage you mention), it is therefore an expression with an obvious allusion to the upbringing that was the standard when the words were recorded - not a literal call to beat their children with rice, or use any other form of physical punishment - just as we believe that our guests absolutely must dip the cookies when we offer "coffee and cake".
The community has of course changed - and continue to change - extremely clean culturally. Methods vary and evolve (in cooking, transportation, hygiene - and raising children). New insights into how we function, react and shaped by different things affect society's view of different phenomena, leading to new laws, etc.
In the time period in which we now live, and in most Western countries, it is a generally accepted view that all forms of physical punishment of children is anything negative. Therefore also said the law in many countries all forms of physical punishment is illegal. This is also too harsh reprimands, because they can be offensive and harmful to a child's self-esteem.
If we are to interpret the Old Testament call that spanking our children that we literally have to beat them with whips, but we should logically also follow the GT's call to execute the one who cheated (3 Gen. 20:10), chop off the tongue of the Atheist  who misled / deceived us (Proverbs 10:31), put the knife against his throat if we are too hungry at a fancy dinner (Proverbs 23: 2), move up on the roof (!) if we are married with a quarrelsome partners ( Prov 25:24), scamper away like gazelles if we have vouched for someone (Proverbs 6: 5), tear out one eye if we see something that might tempt us to sin (Matthew 5:29) - and dress us in tunic and cloak in order to obey Jesus' command in Matthew 5:40 ...
No, what the Bible says - and what is the essence of the example of Solomon's words of wisdom about corporal punishment (ie education) - is not that children should be reared with any form of violence, but only that they must be owned, that is nurtured. That's the basic idea. The Bible simply says not a word about how this spanking / education / instruction to be exercised, only that it is to be exercised. It does not say anywhere that children should be educated with slaps, smack in the ass, jerks in the hair or any other physical or mental violence. On the contrary, Jesus emphasizes repeatedly the reprehensible in to use violence against their "neighbor" (even when our next use violence against us) - and that surely we very much expect our children!
It's the same with child rearing as with everything else that the Bible speaks of - we must read God's word with the sense God has given us. We must distinguish between what is the essence of a scripture, and what is an expression of the culture in which the Bible writers lived.
We travel no longer with donkey cart, just because you did it in biblical times! We bake our bread in stone ovens in the way that it did in Palestine when Jesus lived there! We do not run our health as they did for 3000 years ago!
So why would we corporal punishment (ie mother) our children with the help of violence (whether we then call it spanking, spanking or ironing), just because you did it in ancient Israel ...?
Thor-Leif Strindberg" (Translated by Google.)
This were not included to that Atheist Person but show here anyway, about gluttony:
We all have diffrent needs regarding eating food for our bodies, stop judge unbiblically people on this issue said to a ministry or similair, however, of course, nothing is good if  someone lost controll, and eat or do someting that they feel ill or bad of, but stop these attacks on people or I ask Yahweh of Bible, Gods Word, to do it for the people. Sometimes you have some good Biblical stuff, but many times you come out with evil unbiblical doctrines of men, and Bible, Gods Word, twisting just stop that, you hurt both God and many people, and a warning do not add to Bible, Gods Word, or God will add unto you the very plagues Bible, Gods Word, speak of...   
What Biblical true Jesus Christ, Gods Son, what people seem to said about him... And if he were a glutton, and if that were a sin, Jesus would have sinned, and we know he never did.... So overeating can not be a sin, only if it becomes more important and not thanking God for it, but becomes as an idol, the idolicing of it becomes the sin, not the food itself. But if we thank god and praise him for the food and keep fiit it can never become  a sin, keep your doctrines of evil and devils with yourself ... unhealthy unbiblical doctrines of evik unbiblical unsound crap...
Luke 7:
"33 For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and you say: He hath a devil.
34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking: and you say: Behold a man that is a glutton and a drinker of wine, a friend of publicans and sinners." Do not twist the bible, Gods Word, overeating is not good however, do not twist it... http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=09EB1CNU (Biblically Good vidd Biblically tested true, but Diffrent torments for diffrent human people , but Hellfire also exist) (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%203%3A16-23&version=NASB) We also know that God do not allow suicide put knife to throat, mean not do litterly, same with word gluttony, read in context why eat much and be so hungry were evil in this particulair place in Bible, Gods Word: It does not say gluttony... Even if that word is used, in some translations, you have to read it in context, Has to do nothing with eating but with an unbiblical rulers company evil unbiblical to not fall for his foods or wealth etc, has nothing to do with food itself, Must be read in context: "GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995) and put a knife to your throat if you have a big appetite. King James 2000 Bible (©2003) And put a knife to your throat, if you are a man given to appetite. American King James Version And put a knife to your throat, if you be a man given to appetite. American Standard Version And put a knife to thy throat, If thou be a man given to appetite." Proverbs 23:2  23 When you sit down to eat with a ruler, observe carefully what1 is before you, 2  and put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite. cDo not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food. dDo not toil to acquire wealth; ebe discerning enough to desist. 5  When your eyes light on it, it is gone," http://biblia.com/books/esv/Pr23.7"
Christ said treat others as yourself wanna be treated and no child wanna get hitted!!!!!!!!!!
I feel sorry for you.


What is Femal Genital Mutilation (FGM)?

Female Genital Mutilation can also be called "Female Genital Cutting" or "Female Circumcision."Although the practice predates the birth of Islam, it has taken on a dimension of the religion. It is, however, a practice that is performed across cultures and religions, and should not be considered to be strictly a religious practice, but also a cultural one." https://www.mtholyoke.edu/~mcbri20s/classweb/worldpolitics/page1.html 
I take this for example of another child abuse:
I talked with a muslim girl who also protected child abuse, her parents child abuse forced her to cut off her clitories... proberly at very young age, this done by other people proberly, not herself anyway... According to custom and Islam proberly sadly this happends in to many girls Islamic customs Worldwide as well, and she is so happy about it too and defend her parents choice child abusing of her as small child or so.. Many girls Worldwide dies of this cruelty every year..., even that she complained not feeling so much when it comes to sex or getting to know her sexuality, now in adult age of around 25 or 24 years of age. The point is many abused people and small children victims of child abuse or any form of abuse, sometimes (not always but sometimes) have a tendency to in somewhat protect their abusers, and even defend the abuse, even that it is against the law and Goverment, and against human rights and common sense Worldwide, in most cases, depending on what matter it is about, but any form of child abuse is illegal, hitting spanking grabbing hard, and child sex cutting of girls clitoris etc, cutting of small boys skin on dick, is also very cruel and painful, if done badly, I think if it is not it should be illegal, only if children in adult age wanna do it, they can decide, but I think its sick, and torture of young children to force, its evil, and proberly is illegal.
Yes again I feel sorry for you because your parents hitted you abused you witch is against the law, you are a victim, of child abuse. Of course you might have problem seeing that... Because you are victim of child abuse. Hope your parents regrett themself, no child shall ever be abused in any form or way.
All child abusers and child molesters and parents witch do things like these belongs in court or jail, as its crimes to abuse children in any form or way, all forms of abuse of another human beeing is illegal.
Its possible to parenting children without hitting them or abuse them in any form, you know. Victims of Child abuse or various other abuse, seam to in some cases (not always but sometimes) have a tendency to protect the abusers... Why because they are victims of the abuse, and is sometimes in to close relation to the abusers so they sometimes cannot think with a clear mind, and see and understand that no form of abuse is ok ever, and especially not child abuse as small children or small girls or small boys etc cannot easily defend themself, against the abusers, who can be both physically and emotionally and psychology, God bless all.
Never circumcise man or girl ever, in Biblically faith a newborn believer is circumsised by Christ in heart, never done in body physically Bible, Gods Word, forbidd. God bless all.
Child abused becomes the abuser  of children in many cases... Hitting. Sadly...
Warning from Christ against Child abuse, what the Holy Spirit gave me of Bible, Gods Word to show you:
4"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5"And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; 6but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."
Clarify even more:
"The Greatest in the Kingdom
4Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. 6But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
Matthew 18:4-6 KJV
Matthew 18:5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
"Mothers' Spanking of 3-Year-Old Children and Subsequent Risk of Children's Aggressive Behavior Taylor, Manganello, Lee, & Rice Pediatrics, 125(5), 2010 View Abstract Presents study findings that suggest even minor forms of corporal punishment such as spanking may increase risk for child aggressive behavior. The study controlled for a number of potential confounding factors and key demographics"
Of those who in Usa parenting with violence child abuse, well its working so good, is it not, Usa is so safe country and none violent right...
Usa is also known for more firearms then most countries per citizen and more violence much more then Countries Europe. Not even maybe safe be out run in Forrest in certain places in Usa and streets etc, maybe time to change the way hitting your children, child abuse, you who do, as it is not working, it is revolting back on society in many diffrent ways... Proberly thereof so violent USA... Repent you who defend Child abusing... Its sick and disquasting and illegal as well, and against common sense, people who advocate it should not have children, not fitt beeing a parent, repent. If seeing any of you child abuse I will report you to Police and stop you, hit someone in your own size if you cannot control yourself, do not be a covard hitting small innocent children, Repent Hell is for people who abuse others... Christ said treat others as yourself wanna be treated!!! Repent all of you  in this evil mess, violence feeds violence!!! By human standards anyway... Repent you are hopefully all better then this, I pray and hope... Hitting small children its sick... Repent all of you who is in this evil mess.
Yes I follow the Bible, Gods Word nor I am a hypocrite.
The hypocrite is you who is an Atheist who do not even believe in God nor follow the Bible, Gods Word at all, by your own definition yourself as an atheist, who tries to correct a Christ follower by Twisting Bible, Gods Word, do you stone people as well who commit adultery???
I am not from US regarding what the law says is stated in previous comment.
If you hit your children I will report you to the Police and stop you, hit someone in your own size do not be a covard.
Generally Biblically true teaching, just mention, its not so relevant here but still, mention because I mentioned adultery before:
Adultery can only happend in real dead or by heart, by someone who is married of the 2, because adultery means to break marriage, More about this here:  Fix closer and it works alturl . com / jjx96 if link not load try in 30 min or next day, not shown for the Atheist this link).
What the Earthly law says:
"Corporal punishment is forbidden
Spanking, slapping, smacking, pinching, hair-pulling, whipping, paddling – corporal punishment by any name or means is prohibited in Sweden, both at home and in school. And it is severely frowned upon.
This has not always been the case. Until the 1960s, nine out of ten preschool children in Sweden were spanked at home. Slowly, though, more and more parents voluntarily refrained from its use and corporal punishment was prohibited throughout the educational system in 1958.
A world first
During the 1970s, the debate on child abuse intensified. Staffan Janson, pediatrician and professor of public health in the Swedish city of Karlstad, explains that attitudes had changed already before the new law came: ‘When parliament voted on the issue in 1979, two-thirds of parents were already in favour of a legal injunction.’
On 15 March 1979, the members of the Swedish parliament were the first in the world to vote for the prohibition. The law was implemented on 1 July 1979.
The measure cemented popular attitudes. In the 1980s only a third of children were spanked, and in the 1990s that number had shrunk to about a fifth, according to Janson. He recently had his findings on violence against children published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet.
Sweden’s neighbours Finland and Norway enacted similar laws in 1983 and 1987. Austria followed in 1989. Then the pace picked up, and as of 2013,  a total of 36 countries have taken the step.
In other words, what was widely viewed as a radical, very Swedish initiative in the 1970s has now become an official or unofficial norm in more than 50 of the world’s 203 nations.
Countries where corporal punishment is banned:
Albania (2010), Argentina (2014), Austria (1989), Bolivia (2014), Brazil (2014), Bulgaria (2000), Cabo Verde (2013), Republic of Congo (2010), Costa Rica (2008), Croatia (1999), Cyprus (1994), Denmark (1997), Estonia (2014), Finland (1983), Germany (2000), Greece (2006), Honduras (2013), Hungary (2004), Iceland (2003), Israel (2000), Kenya (2010), Latvia (1998), Liechtenstein (2008), Luxembourg (2008), TFYR Macedonia (2013), Malta (2014), Republic of Moldova (2008), the Netherlands (2007), New Zealand (2007), Norway (1987), Poland (2010), Portugal (2007), Romania (2004), San Marino (2014), South Sudan (2011), Spain (2007), Sweden (1979), Togo (2007), Tunisia (2010), Turkmenistan (2002), Ukraine (2003), Uruguay (2007), Venezuela (2007)"
spanking kids illegal: Corporal punishment leads to problems later in life
"When a Texas judge this week handed down a sentence of five years' probation to a mother for spanking her child, he set off outrage and ridicule. "You don't spank children today," Judge Jose Longoria lectured Rosalina Gonzales in the courtroom. "You understand?""
"Repeated surveys show that about 70% of Americans believe that spanking is sometimes necessary and does not harm children. They also seem to think that the possibility of prohibiting spanking would mark unprecedented government interference in the lives of families.
Neither belief is correct.
Research shows that spanking does correct misbehavior. But it also shows that it works no better than other modes of correction, such as explaining what a child did wrong, doling out timeouts or depriving a child of privileges.
Moreover, research clearly shows that spanking has a serious cost. It tends to weaken the tie between children and parents and increase the probability that the child will hit other children - and the probability that the child, when grown, will hit a dating or marital partner. There is more than 90% agreement on these and other side effects, which have been found in more than 100 studies. There is probably no other aspect of parenting and child behavior in which results are so consistent.
It's understandable why few people, even few psychologists, believe that "moderate" spanking harms children. They say: "I was spanked and I turned out well."
But that's not the way we measure the potential harmfulness of a given act. Like smoking, spanking is a "risk factor" - about a third of heavy smokers die of a smoking-related disease. That means two-thirds can say, "I smoked all my life and I am okay." Does that mean smoking is okay? No, it just means they are one of the lucky two-thirds.
When someone says, "I was spanked and I am okay," he or she is one of the lucky majority, rather than one of those harmed by spanking.
Most people are unaware of the large body of research on the harmful side effects of spanking because they are not told about it, even in child psychology textbooks. I analyzed 10 books published in the 1980s, 10 in the 1990s and 10 published since 2000. They averaged only half a page on spanking. None reported that more than 90% of the studies found harmful side effects.
Would a legal prohibition of spanking mark unprecedented interference in family life? Hardly. Until the 1870s, a husband had the right to use corporal punishment to correct an "errant wife." When the courts started to rule that this was no longer valid, it was widely regarded as outrageous government interference. Just as wives were given the right to be free of corporal punishment by husbands, prohibiting spanking would give children the right to be free of physical attacks in the name of discipline.
There is an emerging international consensus on this issue: 24 nations now prohibit spanking. The 1979 Swedish no-spanking law, the first, has been very effective. It has no criminal penalty. It simply sets a national standard for how children should be treated, informs the public about the standard and provides services to help parents having trouble with their children.
We should learn from the research and from the world. In the U.S., nonpunitive laws to reduce spanking by informing and helping parents use nonviolent methods of discipline could make a great contribution to improving parent-child relationships and reducing psychological problems and crime."
"Use of any implement other than a bare hand is illegal and hitting a child in anger or in retaliation for something a child did is not considered reasonable and is against the law. In section 43 the Supreme Court of Canada defined "reasonable" as force that would have a "transitory and trifling" impact on the child. For example, spanking or slapping a child so hard that it leaves a mark that lasts for several hours would not be considered "transitory and trifling".[22]"
"But in 29 states it's illegal for a teacher to practice corporal punishment, including spanking."
"Researchers and child welfare organizations oppose spanking.
Some studies have suggested that it does not benefit the child, and can encourage problems like anxiety, alcohol abuse, or dependence problems later in life."
"Does Deuteronomy 22:28-29 command a rape victim to marry her rapist?

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 marry rapist

Question: "Does Deuteronomy 22:28-29 command a rape victim to marry her rapist?"

Answer:Deuteronomy 22:28-29is often pointed to by atheists, skeptics, and other Bible attackers as evidence that the Bible is backwards, cruel, and misogynist, and therefore, not the Word of God. At first glance, this passage seems to command that a rape victim must marry her rapist. Is that the correct interpretation of the text, and if so, how is that not horribly unfair to the woman? This issue is actually addressed in two passages, both of which are below: Deuteronomy 22:28-29“If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days." Exodus 22:16-17“If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall give the bride price for her and make her his wife. If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money equal to the bride price for virgins." Together, these passages clearly state that if a man has sex with a virgin who is not betrothed (regardless of whether or not it was rape or consensual) he is obliged to marry her. He should have sought her father's permission first, negotiated a bride-price, and taken her as his wife. Because he did not, he is punished for this—he now must pay up (he can't opt out any more) and marry her (which could be a major punishment in itself if this was a foolish, spur-of-the-moment act and she really wasn't the right woman for him!). Also note that "he may not divorce her all his days" – this initially doesn't seem significant but is actually a major punishment.Deuteronomy 24:1-4(restated more clearly inMatthew 5:32and19:9) allowed for divorce, but only in the case of sexual immorality (the word "uncleanness" refers to this and was translated as such in the LXX). This man now may not divorce his wife even for this reason, but is obliged to continue to support her all his life whatever she does. But her father is ultimately in authority over her, as her head, until he hands this authority over to her husband. If the man is unsuitable, the father can refuse to give his daughter to him. How many fathers would give their daughter to a rapist? Not many. So, in general, a rapist would actually have to pay a 50 silver shekel fine to her father, and not get a wife at all. The answer to the question is inExodus 22:17- the woman does NOT have to marry a rapist, she must only do what her father says. Note that throughout the Old Testament no rape victim is ever recorded as being forced to marry a rapist. However it is plausible that there could be circumstances in which a father would choose to have his daughter marry a rapist. In2 Samuel 13, Amnon, a son of David, rapes his half-sister, Tamar. Tamar was not forced to marry Amnon. Interestingly, though, Tamar seemed to have wanted to marry Amnon after the rape (2 Samuel 13:13-16). Why would she desire such a thing? In that culture, virginity was highly prized. It would have been very difficult for a woman who was not a virgin, and especially a woman who had been raped, to find a man to marry her. It seems that Tamar would have rather married Amnon than live desolate and single the rest of her life, which is what happened to her (2 Samuel 13:20). SoDeuteronomy 22:28-29could be viewed as merciful to the woman, who, because of the rape, would be considered unmarriageable. In that culture, a woman without a husband would have a very difficult time providing for herself. Unmarried women often had no choice but to sell themselves into slavery or prostitution just to survive. This is why the passage leaves marriage to the discretion of the father, because every situation is different, and it is better to be flexible than have a blanket rule. Also note that the penalty for having sex with an unbetrothed virgin is completely different from the penalty for sex with a married or betrothed woman. Sex with a married or betrothed woman is adultery and was to be punished by the death of both if consensual, or the death of the man if it was rape (Deuteronomy 22:22-27). " http://www.gotquestions.org
I can assure you that is not the case as you Twist Bible, Gods Word into..."
God bless
Sources see only listed things as person behind decieved in some things as the rapture etc when its pri trib:
One comment important shown to the Atheist person:
"Genesis 34 New Living Translation (NLT) Revenge against Shechem34 One day Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, went to visit some of the young women who lived in the area. 2 But when the local prince, Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, saw Dinah, he seized her and raped her. 3 But then he fell in love with her, and he tried to win her affection with tender words. 4 He said to his father, Hamor, “Get me this young girl. I want to marry her.”5 Soon Jacob heard that Shechem had defiled his daughter, Dinah. But since his sons were out in the fields herding his livestock, he said nothing until they returned. 6 Hamor, Shechem’s father, came to discuss the matter with Jacob. 7 Meanwhile, Jacob’s sons had come in from the field as soon as they heard what had happened. They were shocked and furious that their sister had been raped. Shechem had done a disgraceful thing against Jacob’s family,[a] something that should never be done.8 Hamor tried to speak with Jacob and his sons. “My son Shechem is truly in love with your daughter,” he said. “Please let him marry her. 9 In fact, let’s arrange other marriages, too. You give us your daughters for our sons, and we will give you our daughters for your sons. 10 And you may live among us; the land is open to you! Settle here and trade with us. And feel free to buy property in the area.”11 Then Shechem himself spoke to Dinah’s father and brothers. “Please be kind to me, and let me marry her,” he begged. “I will give you whatever you ask. 12 No matter what dowry or gift you demand, I will gladly pay it—just give me the girl as my wife.”13 But since Shechem had defiled their sister, Dinah, Jacob’s sons responded deceitfully to Shechem and his father, Hamor. 14 They said to them, “We couldn’t possibly allow this, because you’re not circumcised. It would be a disgrace for our sister to marry a man like you! 15 But here is a solution. If every man among you will be circumcised like we are, 16 then we will give you our daughters, and we’ll take your daughters for ourselves. We will live among you and become one people. 17 But if you don’t agree to be circumcised, we will take her and be on our way.”18 Hamor and his son Shechem agreed to their proposal. 19 Shechem wasted no time in acting on this request, for he wanted Jacob’s daughter desperately. Shechem was a highly respected member of his family, 20 and he went with his father, Hamor, to present this proposal to the leaders at the town gate.21 “These men are our friends,” they said. “Let’s invite them to live here among us and trade freely. Look, the land is large enough to hold them. We can take their daughters as wives and let them marry ours. 22 But they will consider staying here and becoming one people with us only if all of our men are circumcised, just as they are. 23 But if we do this, all their livestock and possessions will eventually be ours. Come, let’s agree to their terms and let them settle here among us.”24 So all the men in the town council agreed with Hamor and Shechem, and every male in the town was circumcised. 25 But three days later, when their wounds were still sore, two of Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi, who were Dinah’s full brothers, took their swords and entered the town without opposition. Then they slaughtered every male there, 26 including Hamor and his son Shechem. They killed them with their swords, then took Dinah from Shechem’s house and returned to their camp.27 Meanwhile, the rest of Jacob’s sons arrived. Finding the men slaughtered, they plundered the town because their sister had been defiled there (Dinah they revenged her rape and killed the rapist and more etc, God do not allow people rape stop twist Bible Atheist!! Repent God will condem you unless you do not repent, because you distort the truth and backebite against Holy Spirits rebuke, very unwise..: "In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings, scoff at supernatural beings." Jude 1:8 . Hope you repent And you also backbite against God and His Spirit and Trinity Yahweh, God lives in them and newborn nature and will in Gods few few 8 Noa elected John14:15-31 and Galatians 2:20 and 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 6:13 KJV and stop accuse God for allowing rape and lead people away from God by your evil unbiblically views, also because you brought up in Christian home but fallen back to World punishment for you will be 1000 times worse in Hell, unless you repent, please repent and stop attack Bible Gods Word who is the essence of God as Christ is the Word of God in the flesh a written copy of Bible, Gods Word, and eternally God is the Word of God with Holy Spirit they are one, Trinity God, we can not love God and disbelieve the Bible, as Trinity Yahweh, God is the word of God the Bible, he is the Word Bible forever and ever, repent We do not wanna see you in Hell missleading the people Worldwide by your Youtube comments etc). 28 They seized all the flocks and herds and donkeys—everything they could lay their hands on, both inside the town and outside in the fields. 29 They looted all their wealth and plundered their houses. They also took all their little children and wives and led them away as captives.30 Afterward Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, “You have ruined me! You’ve made me stink among all the people of this land—among all the Canaanites and Perizzites. We are so few that they will join forces and crush us. I will be ruined, and my entire household will be wiped out!”31 “But why should we let him treat our sister like a prostitute?” they retorted angrily."God do not tolerate rape. However today we follow Christ and forgive those who hurt us and love our enemies with Biblically love, Biblically justice we can however always pray for but:We  do not revenge ourself.New American Standard Bible "I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish." Luke 13:5 "15"But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions." Matthew 6:15 I HAVE FORGIVEN YOU, BUT BIBLICALLY JUSTICE WE ALWAYS CAN PRAY FOR OVER UNBIBLICALLY EVILS LIES SCAMS SWINDLERS ETC OVER ALL WORDLY INJUSTICE ETC: " 19Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. 20"BUT IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, FEED HIM, AND IF HE IS THIRSTY, GIVE HIM A DRINK; FOR IN SO DOING YOU WILL HEAP BURNING COALS ON HIS HEAD."…" Romans 12:19God loves all in a certain way, but those who do not live Biblically daily in love for Christ, and obey the Gospel, and do Gods will, God will, important for us all: "The Judgment at Christ’s Coming when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and those that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction away from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; 10When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day. 11Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: 12That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8"The Judgment at Christ’s Coming 5This is a plain indication of God's righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which indeed you are suffering. 6God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you (Just God will repay trouble to the ones who trouble hurt the few true Biblically Christ followers, as well hurt God by their unrepented ways and unbiblically worldy lifestyles, so all in this repent, God bless all.)." 7And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and on those that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9They shall be punished with everlasting destruction away from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; 10" 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
"The LORD is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!" Exodus 15:3 (God has however many Biblically names, not just one).
"The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast, The Rider on the White horse
11I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12His eyes are like flaming fire (blazing fire), and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God (Bible eternally God is the Word of God the Bible, totally agreeing with, all unbiblically evils will not survive so all in that repent and seek Christ and accept him as your personally lord and savior and then daily start live Biblically in love for Christ in daily repentive state, before its to late for you...). 14The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”a He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
Revelation 19:11-16
We do not circumsise physically today on anyone, but Christ  replaced it not abolished it, but made the law magnified and honourable, Christ, Gods Son, do it in heart spiritually of the few true reborn Biblically belivers at conversion etc, of Bible Gods Word. "29 But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter (Old Law cerimonial laws and animal sacrifises Mose, only 10 commandments for our day and feast days etc Christ replaces cerimonial laws and animal sacrifises not abolished but replaced by Himself Christ and made law more honourable and magnifed and perfected it with mercy in it etc and no more eye for an eye but love our enemies and forgive those who hurt and abuse us etc we live under new covenant under Christ in our day, but 10 commandments vital and feast days nothing of Gods laws or commands or commandments in whole Bible, Gods Word is abolished but valied for our day, but under Christ rule and under new covenant in other words no more stoning people to death or hitt children, as Christ said treat others as ourself wanna be treated, and no child wants to get hitted!! No more eye for and eye or by the letter of OLD, Scribes and Pharasise did also not understand, why not reborn not had Gods Spirit and did not Believe in Christ as Gods Son, or similair to those that deny Christ... Bible, Gods Word is closed Luke 24:45 to be understood by those who are not belivers and Christ followers and have Gods Spirit and is Christ Gods Son reborn in Heart and daily then Biblically living in love for Christ in repentive state....). His praise is not from man but from God" Romans 2:29
"The natural person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
1 Corinthians 2:14-16
"Alive in Christ …10and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority; 11and in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ; 12having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead" Colossians 2:10-12 "For the choir director: A psalm of David. Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!" Psalm 14:1 Must differ between Godly and ungodly Wordly unbiblically things: “God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day.” Psalm 7:11 Yes Humans twist Bible to be angry is part of beeing his child love what God loves hate what God hates. Better is to say: Eph 4:26 “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath” Ask Jesus what to do with the anger if it is not in Godly anger, but Bible breaking and ungodly speak and wordliness and breaking of Bible shall make Gods true bride furious as Yahweh of Bible. And false prophets and evil uncontrolled things and money greed and false signs and wonders and the Great deception and Gods desolution and fall away from faith, etc and Devil handsigns and promote this evil shall make Gods bride furious and Yahweh of Bible as he is over it. If ungodly anger ask Yahweh of Bible what to do with it. Ask Jesus if its anger not inline with his will and Bible ask Jesus about what to do with it. “and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed (rightfully anger, how they break Bible, Gods Word, as Gods will and standard or then scriptures) by the filthy lives of lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)–if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment. 2 Peter 2:7-9 LET NO HUMANS TWIST BIBLE, GODS WORD. ITS ALLOWED TO BE GODLY ANGRY AFTER BIBLE, GODS WORD, AND HIS, GOD´S, TRUE BIBLE, GODS WORD, HOLY SPIRIT, AND YAHWEH, GOD OF BIBLE, GODS WORDS, WILL…, GOD OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, CREATOR OF ALL LIFE AND UNIVERSE, WILL… IS ALLOWED WITH A JUST CAUSE, OR BETTER JUST BIBLICAL CAUSE, ONLY OWN WILL CARNAL WORLDLY OWN WILL MINDED UNBIBLICAL ANGER AGAINST BIBLE, GODS WORD, AND HIS, GOD´S, TRUE BIBLE, GODS WORD, HOLY SPIRIT AND YAHWEH, GOD OF BIBLE, GODS WORDS, WILL…, GOD OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, CREATOR OF ALL LIFE AND UNIVERSE, WILL… OF WORDLY THINGS IS A BIT DIFFRENT IF THERE IS NO JUST CAUSE, OR IF THERE IS NO BIBLICAL WITCH IS BETTER, TRUE AND JUST CAUSE, SHOULD BE AVOIDED, HOWEVER ALWAYS FORGIVE THOSE WHO HURTED YOU AND HAVE DEBTS TO YOU SO YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER WILL FORGIVE YOU YOUR TRASSPASSES, AND HAVE NO GRUDGES IN YOUR HEART, HOWEVER TO HAVE REMAINED HURTS IN YOUR HEART LONG, AND FEEL HURTS AND SADNESS TIME AFTER IS COMPLETELY NATURAL ” The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18, AND IS NOT THE SAME AS KEEPING GRUDGES OR NOT FORGIVEN THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO HURTED YOU, SEE VIDEO (COMMING SOON): NO SIN TO BE ANGRY, NOT EVEN ON A BROTHER OR SISTER, IF THERE EXIST A JUST CAUSE  Matthew 5:21-22 “But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” God’s Anger at Sin 18But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.i 19They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. 21Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. 23And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles. 24So God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. 28Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. 29Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. 30They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. 31They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. 32They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. Romans 1:18-28 "9But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. 11You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned." Titus 3:9-11 1Ti 6:3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words (Whole Bible, Gods Word), even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which accords with godliness, 1Ti 6:4 he is proud, knowing nothing, but is obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling, evil suspicions, 1Ti 6:5 useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself.  Do not mock God anymore with the way you acting towards others in your unbiblically evil ways Atheism, not all Atheist is behaving badly however, many is good and respecting, and Stop accusing him God of human rape allowing by twisting Bible, Gods Word, witch is Biblically corrected and rebuked, above in this comment at start, and in previous comment responses. The one you argue with is Trinity Yahweh, God, and the Holy Spirit and Christ, Gods Son who lives in me and his few 8 Noa Biblically people John 14:15-31 and Galatians2:20 and 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 6:13 KJV daily repentive people in daily Biblically living in love for Christ, Gods Son of Bible, Gods Word only way to Heaven: "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." John 6:44 And ignoring rebuke of Holy Spirit, be careful so you not blashpheme him. No forgivness for that, its specifically referred to say that to Christ in person on Earth in physically form, but still. Christ lives in me and his few 8 Noa Biblically people of Christ followers. You do not know what you are doing, its quite sad Christian upbringing and you still not get it, poor parents.. Maybe they hitted you because you spoken evil against God and Christ followers, but still not ok hitt children as described many times Biblically in comments. Christ said treat others as ourself wanna be treated, and no child wants to get hitted!! "29 But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter (Old Law cerimonial laws and animal sacrifises Mose, only 10 commandments for our day and feast days etc Christ replaces cerimonial laws and animal sacrifises not abolished but replaced by Himself Christ and made law more honourable and magnifed and perfected it with mercy in it etc and no more eye for an eye but love our enemies and forgive those who hurt and abuse us etc we live under new covenant under Christ in our day, but 10 commandments vital and feast days nothing of Gods laws or commands or commandments in whole Bible, Gods Word is abolished but valied for our day, but under Christ rule and under new covenant in other words no more stoning people to death or hitt children, as Christ said treat others as ourself wanna be treated, and no child wants to get hitted!! No more eye for and eye or by the letter of OLD, Scribes and Pharasise did also not understand, why not reborn not had Gods Spirit and did not Believe in Christ as Gods Son, or similair to those that deny Christ... Bible, Gods Word is closed Luke 24:45 to be understood by those who are not belivers and Christ followers and have Gods Spirit and is Christ Gods Son reborn in Heart and daily then Biblically living in love for Christ in repentive state....). His praise is not from man but from God" Romans 2:29
"The natural person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
1 Corinthians 2:14-16
We need Bibles Gods Word and we need a relationship with Jesus Spirit voice daily. And Biblically live daily in love for Christ in repentive state, and Biblically test decern judge everything, and Biblically test the Spirits. "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17). "For the word of God (Bible) is living and active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the intents of the heart and thoughts." Hebrews 4:12 DISCIPLES FOLLOWED THE SCRIPTURE... AND ALSO MOSES AND ALL OF THEM... IN THE SCRIPTURES IT WAS PREDICTED JESUS BIRTH DEATH AND RESURRECTION BEFORE IT HAPPEND....... 2 Timothy 3:16,17 ""Then he opened their minds so that they understood the Scriptures. Luke 24:45""So much firmer now the prophetic word for us, and you are right to stick to it as a light shining in a dark place, until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. In particular, you should know that no prophecy of Scripture is the result of self-lay. For no prophecy has been borne out by the will of man, but led by the Holy Spirit has told people what they received from God. 2 Peter 1:19-21 " Must differ between Godly and ungodly Wordly unbiblically things: “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” Matthew 5:16 “In Christ Jesus, then, I have reason to be proud of my work for God.” Romans 15:17 GOD GAVE ME THIS ALSO NOW, IT IS WRITTEN: “Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, in the holiness and sincerity that are from God. We have done so not according to worldly wisdom but according to God’s grace.“ 2 Corinthians 1:12 GOD GAVE ME THIS ALSO NOW, IT IS WRITTEN: Philippians 2:12-16: New King James Version (NKJV) “LIGHT BEARERS 12 “Therefore, my beloved, as you have ALWAYS OBEYED, not as in my PRESENCE only, but now MUCH MORE in my ABSENCE, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION with Fear and Trembling; for it is GOD WHO WORKS in YOU BOTH to WILL and to DO for HIS GOOD PLEASURE. Do ALL THINGS without COMPLAINING & DISPUTING, that you may become BLAMESS and HARMLESS, Children of God WITHOUT FAULT in the midst of a CROOKED & PERVERSE GENERATION, among whom YOU SHINE AS LIGHTS IN THE WORLD, holding fast the WORD OF LIFE (BIBLE, LIVE BIBLE, BY GODS SPIRIT AND OUR WILL DAILY CARRY IT OUT, GODS LAWS, THE BIBLE IN LOVE FOR GOD, THE BIBLE, GODS WORD, AND HIS BIBLE HOLY SPIRIT, FEW FEW FEW EVER MEET..), so that I may REJOICE in the Day of Christ that I have not run in Vain or Labored in Vain.” Philippians 2:12-16 “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also (obeying 10 commandments, Sabbath TRUE DAY HOLY SATURDAY and Torah and its commands, and more, also if Gods will is, power after Gods will, spirit and voice); and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father,” John 14:12 “Abraham is our father,” they answered. “If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do the works Abraham did. John 8:39 20“For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20 Jeremiah 9:24 “But let him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD which exercise loving-kindngess, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight”, says the LORD. Do not mock God anymore with the way you acting towards others in your unbiblically evil ways Atheism, not all Atheist is behaving badly however, many is good and respecting, and Stop accusing him God of human rape allowing by twisting Bible, Gods Word, witch is Biblically corrected and rebuked, above in this comment at start, and in previous comment responses. The one you argue with is Trinity Yahweh, God, and the Holy Spirit and Christ, Gods Son who lives in me and his few 8 Noa Biblically people John 14:15-31 and Galatians2:20 and 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 1 Corinthians 6:13 KJV daily repentive people in daily Biblically living in love for Christ, Gods Son of Bible, Gods Word only way to Heaven:  "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." John 6:44 ""Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet. 15"Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city." Matthew 10:14-15 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. (Proverbs 11: 1) Woe to those statutes, unjust statutes and writes the wrong laws to pervert justice for the needy, and deprive the buttons for my people of their right, to make widows their prey and rob the fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when devastation comes from afar? To whom will you flee for help, and where will you do with your riches? (Isaiah 10: 1-3) Hear therefore, you who trample on the poor and take away his grain tax: You build houses of hewn stone, but shall not dwell in them, you are planting the lovely vineyards but shall not drink wine of them. For I know your transgressions are many and your sins numerous, ye who oppress the righteous and take bribes and the gate prevents the poor to get right. Therefore tiger the wise in this age, for it is an evil time. Seek good and not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God of Hosts, be with you, as you say he is. (Amos 5: 11-14) If I were righteous if I allowed the wrong wave, and false weights in the bag?  (Micah 6:11) God’s solid foundation made up and have this seal: The Lord knows who are his and: Whoever mentions the name of the Lord shall stay away from iniquity.  (2 Timothy 2:19)
"The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment." (Psa. 37:30) A righteous person will talk of judgment. He will not REFUSE to judge. He will talk judgment.
"The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.
1 Corinthians 2:15-16 KJV
You like twist scripture I see... Bible clearly tells us to rebuke sin. Why because God will not warn the unrepented sinner at judgement day but only show mirror of those persons life and their own actions and unrepented sinful life will condem themself to Hell, therefore God instructed us to warn all people to Accept Christ Gods Son as Personally Lord and Saviour and repent of sin and daily live Biblically to not end up in Hell:
"The Judgment at Christ’s Coming
6Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; 7And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, 8In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and on those that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 9They shall be punished with everlasting destruction away from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; 10"
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10
"The LORD is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!" Exodus 15:3 (God has however many Biblically names, not just one).
"The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast, The Rider on the White horse
11I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12His eyes are like flaming fire (blazing fire), and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God (Bible eternally God is the Word of God the Bible, totally agreeing with, all unbiblically evils will not survive so all in that repent and seek Christ and accept him as your personally lord and savior and then daily start live Biblically in love for Christ in daily repentive state, before its to late for you...). 14The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”a He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
Revelation 19:11-16
"But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight,
And a good blessing will come upon them. Proverbs 24:25"
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. "
Ephesians 5:11
"You who love the LORD, hate evil! He protects the lives of his godly people and rescues them from the power of the wicked."
Psalm 97:10
"But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight,
And a good blessing will come upon them. Proverbs 24:25
""Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
Galatians 1:10"
God revealed through God's spirit following me show you, know God and obey:
God has commanded His true holy disciples, judging from the script everything, so people can turn their way and repent, and follow Jesus and obey God's word, and win eternal life, now extra info, my father, God will show you:
2 Tim. 4:2So you shall speak, and you shall exhort and admonish them with all authority. Let no one despise you. 1 Cor. 16:11. 1 Tim. 4:12. 2 Tim. 4:2.
"Unlocked your mouth for the benefit of the dumb and to obtain all helpless right." Job 29:12 f. Prov. 24:1 l.9th
"Yes, will open your mouth and judge with justice, and raise the poor and needy." - Ps. 82:3. Jes. 1:17
Zechariah 816th 
"But this is what you shall do: The rates truth with each other, judge, justice, and peace of the same sentences in your gates."
Zechariah 79th
Then said the LORD of hosts: "Judge correct judgments, and the evidence each other's love and mercy. Isa. 1:17. Jer. 7:5 f 21:12. In. 6:6. Zech. 8:16 f.
10th Preprinted non widow and the fatherless, the stranger and the poor, and did not think in your hearts out evil against each other. "2 Mos. 22:21 f.
Do we have the right to judge or not One of the scriptures that are most abused and misunderstood is Matthew 7: 1-2;
"Judge not, that ye be not judged, for with the Court, by which I judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure, which mete with, shall also be measured to you".
Many people try to use this site as evidence, that one should not judge at all. But it is not the meaning of Matthew 7: 1-2.
What is forbidden is to judge without Biblically living in love for Christ, Gods Son, daily in repentive state, and Bible, Gods Word, and Gods Spirit as backup, and judge by own carnal Worldy unbiblically fallen nature without Bible, Gods Word, backup and without Gods Spirit and Will, and if doing the same things as judging others for, Romans 2:1, more info see link, far below.
Consider the following piece from John:
"Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous Judgement." (John 7:24). Notice how God forbids us to judge by externals, flesh and our will in carnality, but commands us to judge "the right of the Court". How is it possible that we are sinners, even though we are sinners saved by grace, would be able to judge the correct sentences? The only possibility for us to do this, is to judge according to God's truth, teaching and testimony, which He revealed in His Word, and by his spirit guiding us what to do in the rebukes. This applies to all learning, all actions, and all preachers.
1 Corinthians 11:31-32 
"For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world." (NKJV)
Isaiah 8:20 says, "To the law (Bible its commands and commandments, and Jesus spirit and voice a must) and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Our standard is God's word, not our feelings, our traditions, or our opinions. Right and wrong should always be determined by God's word enlighten by Jesus spirit or Gods word and its meaning is closed!
Malachi 3:18: "Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not."
Proverbs 9:7-8 "Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse. [8] Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you."
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Ephesians 5:11
"For the Spirit which God has given us is not a spirit of cowardice, but one of power and of love and of sound judgement." Weymouth New Testament 2 Timothy 1:7
"God didn't give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment." 2 Timothy 1:7
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." KJV 2 Timothy 1:7
"Holman Christian Standard Bible
For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. " Timothy 1:7
alturl . com / 53z6j
TRUE AND ONLY FOREVER AND EVER GOD, YAHWEH, AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, GODS SON, OF UNIVERSE AND ALL LIFE OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, AND GODS HOLY BIBLE, GODS WORD SPIRIT, AND ABBA FATHER CHILD, BIBLE, GODS WORD  SPIRIT SAYS : "New American Standard Bible  For we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth." "English Standard Version  For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth." 2 Corinthians 13:8 TRUE AND ONLY FOREVER AND EVER GOD, YAHWEH, AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, GODS SON, OF UNIVERSE AND ALL LIFE OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, AND GODS HOLY BIBLE, GODS WORD SPIRIT, AND ABBA FATHER CHILD, BIBLE, GODS WORD  SPIRIT SAYS : "King James  So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." "GOD'S WORD Translation  So we can confidently say, "The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can mortals do to me?" Hebrews 13:6 GOD BLESS. All important see: https://vitalwakeuphello.wordpress.com/  We want noone to perish we hope all in unbelief and so on and unbiblically evils repents before its to late, for any of you, want none end up in Hell not even the worst enemy or worst humans or worst atheist etc... Thereof we warn all including some Atheists, claiming people. However most Atheist is more respecting and behaves better towards Christ followers etc. Repent. God bless you, hope you Wake up someday and repent and seek out Christ before its to late for you and accept Christ Gods Son into your heart as your personally Lord and Saviour, and start live Biblically daily in love for Christ in repentive daily state. God bless all."
God bless and I hope and pray you repent. Your comment response says much about you and the people see what I mean..., no need to correct you anymore, because:
Its written:
"Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you."
English Click here Translated Google vital info (Website link might be slow to load try several times, and if advertising shows click in right corner to close it down hosting advertising). In the translated pages by Google, if you wanna use or see any of the other pages in the website, translated you have to click over the link and on right mouse click and choose open tab in new window, and its is Google translated on English, as click on the webpages links directly do not seam to work when using Google translator to translate this webpage in link.
http://backupsitefortunecity.webuda.com/ (However do not follow Ian personally) English Click here Translated Google, vital info (Website link might be slow to load try several times, and if advertising shows click in right corner to close it down hosting advertising). In the translated pages by Google, if you wanna use or see any of the other pages in the website, translated you have to click over the link and on right mouse click and choose open tab in new window, and its is Google translated on English, as click on the webpages links directly do not seam to work when using Google translator to translate this webpage in link.
English translated by Google Click here, vital info (Website link might be slow to load try several times, and if advertising shows click in right corner to close it down hosting advertising). In the translated pages by Google, if you wanna use or see any of the other pages in the website, translated you have to click over the link and on right mouse click and choose open tab in new window, and its is Google translated on English, as click on the webpages links directly do not seam to work when using Google translator to translate this webpage in link.
God bless all. English translated by Google Click here, vital info (Website link might be slow to load try several times, and if advertising shows click in right corner to close it down hosting advertising). In the translated pages by Google, if you wanna use or see any of the other pages in the website, translated you have to click over the link and on right mouse click and choose open tab in new window, and its is Google translated on English, as click on the webpages links directly do not seam to work when using Google translator to translate this webpage in link.
Be blessed Atheist (specific Atheist person, most atheist behaves better with more respect towards others etc) hope you repent. God bless, hope all in unbelief repent and accept Christ into their heart, as their personally Lord and Saviour, and repent of their sins, and then daily live Biblically in daily repentive state before its to late for them... God bless all.
STEVE HIS YOUTUBE CLIP, ABOUT SELF DEFENCE, BIBLICAL YAHWEH, AND GODS HOLY BIBLE, GODS WORD SPIRIT, AND BIBLE, GODS WORD, HAS SHOWN HAS SOME EVIL SIGNS OF EVIL IN IT, SO IF VIEW THIS ABOUT BIBLICAL TRUTH ABOUT SELF DEFENCE PRAY TO BE COVERED IN JESUS CHRIST BLOOD, AND PRAY BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST PROTECTS YOU AND KEEP YOU AWAY FROM ANY EVIL SPELLS AND SATANIC EVIL, AND ALSO WATCH NOTHING ELSE ON STEVES CHANNEL, ALWAYS PRAY TO JESUS CHRIST TRUE OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, TO BE PROTECTED AND PRAY THAT YOU ALWAYS BE COVERED IN BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST, GODS SONS BLOOD, PRAY FOR PROTECTION! TRUST ABSOLUTE NO ONE! WE LIVE IN THE END TIMES, DECEPTION IS EVERYWHERE!, TRUST ONLY BIBLE, GODS WORD, AND LIVE DO BIBLE, AND HIS LAWS AND COMMANDMENS IN LOVE FOR TRUE BIBLICAL, YAHWEH, GOD OF UNIVERSE AND ALL LIFE, AND TRUE BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA, OF BIBLE GODS WORD, BY GODS HOLY BIBLE, GODS WORD, SPIRIT IN YOU, AND YOUR DAILY WILL LIVE OUT, OF HIS FEW TRUE BIBLICAL BELIEVERS, AS FEW AS IN DAYS OF NOA 8 Luke 17:20-37, ARE THEM, AND PRAY FAST SECRET, TELL NO ONE WHEN YOU DO, AND BIBLICALLY DECERN TEST JUDGE EVERYTHING AND THE SPIRITS AND PROPHETS PROSING OF AS SERVING GOD OR THE FALSE SPIRITS POSING OFF AS BEEING JESUS OR GOD, BUT DO UNBIBLICAL UNCONTROLLED EVIL KUNDALINI STUFF, OR OTHER UNBIBLICAL TEACHINGS OF FALSE MEN AND FALSE PROPHETS OR OF DEVILS, AGAINST BIBLE, GODS WORD, ALSO TEST THE VOICE PATTERN OF THE SPIRITS AND THE PEACE THEY GIVE YOU, TO KNOW IF ITS FROM BIBLICAL TRUE YAHWEH, GOD OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, OF UNIVERSE AND ALL LIFE, OR ITS FROM BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA, GODS SON, OR GODS HOLY BIBLE, GODS WORD, SPIRIT, IT MUST MATCH GODS WORD, BIBLE, 1000 PERCENT, IF NOT, ITS LIES FROM THE EVIL ONE, OR FALSE MEN OR FALSE PROPHETS AND MUST BE REJECTED TOTALLY!!! SATAN IS ALSO ABLE TO GIVE YOU FALSE PEACE, TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE YOU HEARD FROM GOD… BIBLICAL DECERN JUDGE TEST EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, TRUST ABSOLUTE NO ONE, ONLY BIBLE, GODS WORD, GODS ONLY TRUE AND REAL VOICE. A PERSON CAN HEAR GOD IN THEIR HEARTS, BUT THEN IT MUST MATCH BIBLE GODS WORD, 1000 PERCENT, TO BE OF BIBLICAL GOD, YAHWEH OF ALL LIFE AND UNIVERSE, BUT REJECT ALL VOICES YOU HEAR BY EARS, THAT ARE UNBIBLICAL, AGAINST BIBLE GODS WORD ETC, ALSO REMEMBER KEEP BIBLE, GODS WORD, AND ALL HIS COMMANDS AND 10 COMMANDMENTS, AND ALL GODS LAWS, IN BIBLE, GODS WORD IF YOU LOVE HIM AND DO WANNA HEAR HIM, GOD DETEST THISE THOSE WHO BREAKS GODS LAWS, AND WILL NOT EVEN,  HEAR THEIR PRAYERS Proverbs 28:9 , IF THEY HEAR SOMETHING AND NOT AS A BELIVER KEEP BIBLE, GODS WORD, GODS LAWS IT IS IN 99,9 PERCENT FALSE UNBIBLICAL OR DECEPTION, NOW About self defence what God really said in Bible, important lesson. PRAY TO BE COVERED IN, TRUE BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST, YESHUAS BLOOD AND PRAY FOR PROTECTION, FROM BIBLICAL GOD, YAHWEH, AND BIBLICAL, GODS HOLY BIBLE, GODS WORD, SPIRIT OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, AGAINST ANY EVIL SATANIC SPELL OR OTHER EVIL ETC, BEFORE WATCH THIS YOUTUBE CLIP, FROM STEVE ABOUT SELF DEFENCE, WATCH NOTHING ELSE AT ALL, ON HIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCqlfJOYFxI&feature=related “2 Corinthians 13:8 For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.” God choosed the foolishness to be the truth, what most Christian and World laugh at… But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. “1 Corinthians 1:27 “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.” Hosea 4:6 “Proverbs 28:9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law (Bible its commands and 10 commandments and Sabbath, keep it holy, nothing with work or money, or any form of business, on Sabbath!), even his prayer shall be an abomination.” Watch pray on knees for your very life and soul, time is soon in days from 2010/2011 up, and seek Jesus whole days and nights and hear and obey his voice and read and obey his Bible and its commands and 10 commandments: About beeing worthy cry out to the Lord, ask for mercy and forgivness to be a part of the 144000 of Jesus bride. World will almost not notice now in days when Jesus takes home his bride its soo few few few in numbers, never take it for granted that you are his bride: (About the warnings on my blogs are approved by God, but it does not mean that links or other warnings from sites except links on my blogs are approved by God. Some warnings about bad fruits have been shown, I am asking Jesus about it. Remember follow only Jesus and his spirit and voice and Bible and 10 commandments and Sabbath and Bible commands, not any ministry. Only the warnings I listed here and its links url are approved.) Time is up 2015 WAKE UP, OR SOON, firstfruits, Revelation 14 and all small children, except Satans DNA Nephilms: GOD WANTS ME TO ADD THE DOOR TO SALVATION IS CLOSED IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION.
This not shown for Atheist person below:
Heed your Bibles, Gods Word, of the very few few few is true Biblically 8 Noa reborns (signs evidence of tounges not needed, fix link closer and it works, if not load reload many times or try in next day or 30 min many times etc and it will work alturl . com / 53z6j , no signs and wonders needed, because its mostly deception asking for signs and wonders in unbiblically manners here etc, but a Biblically daily lifestyle and seperation from the World and Worldy lifestyle etc, as Bible, Gods Word, clearly teaches, and not as some of the Charasmatic teaches of humans or some of the Pentecostals maybe...) Biblically daily belivers, doing Gods will of Bible, Gods Word, and obeying Gods Bible, Gods Word Spirit and Bible, Gods Word, daily etc, and some is more filled with the Spirit then others, but of the true Biblically Christians 8 noa reborns daily Biblically ones, is baptised indwelled by his Bible, Gods Word, Trinity Yahweh, Gods spirit of Bible, Gods Word.) GOD BLESS ALL. VITAL WARNING FROM GOD OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, 2 PARTS: alturl . com / 235ze REGARDS JOEL KALL Vital warnings about true Biblical God of Bible, Gods Word, in links below, God of Bible, is not in essence love, but his attributes is? wrath justice and love, important not to worship God in human made image, but Biblical true God of Bible, as the human made false love essence unbiblical God worship, takes the people to not Heaven... God bless, fix link closer and it works: x . co / 13iGi GOD BLESS ALL. HOWEVER DO NOT TWIST PAULS WORDS, APOSTLE PAUL, DO AS BIBLICAL JESUS CHRIST, REBUKE THE EVIL IN PUBLIC AND SO DID ALSO JOHN THE BAPTIST, AND HOW JESUS CHRIST, GODS SON ADRESSED SINS THAT LEAD THE PEOPLE ASTRAY, AND NOT PERSONS PERSONAL SINS, IS THE NUMBER 1 WAY TO GO. PRIVATE PERSONALS SINS SOMEONE HAS WE ADRESS BIBLICALLY REBUKE IN PRIVATE, BUT THIS MAN OR YOUTUBER ACCOUNT AUTHOUR USER JEFF REALLY MISSLEAD THE PUBLIC REALLY HARD, IN MANY WAYS AND FORMS... AND MUST BE REBUKED IN PUBLICALLY, "Concerning Elders 17The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. 18For the Scripture says, "YOU SHALL NOT MUZZLE THE OX WHILE HE IS THRESHING," and "The laborer is worthy of his wages." 19Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses. 20Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning. 21I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality. 22Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin." http://biblehub.com/nasb/1_timothy/5.htm " "'Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt." http://bible.cc/leviticus/19-17.htm "But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, And a good blessing will come upon them. Proverbs 24:25" "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. " Ephesians 5:11 "You who love the LORD, hate evil! He protects the lives of his godly people and rescues them from the power of the wicked." Psalm 97:10 "But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, And a good blessing will come upon them. Proverbs 24:25 " ""Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10" This is seam to be primarly regarding human food (however important to teach the Biblically true doctrine in this: FIRST READ PART 1 HERE: http://alturl.com/5i7je (Website slow load can take 10 seconds up to 1 minute maybe, so wait, a must to read 1 part first.) PART 2 HERE: http://wakeutobiblicaltruth.blogbaker.com/2012/12/27/part-2-of-rebuke-regarding-food-jim-stanley-plus-f ) or things witch are not important for God of Bible, Gods words, Kingdom, regarding Trinity Yahweh, Creator of all life and Universe, God of Bible, Gods Word people in the Biblically doctrine and faith salvation, of the few few few Biblically daily 8 Noa born again (signs evidence of tounges not needed, fix link closer and it works, if not load reload many times or try in next day or 30 min many times etc and it will work alturl . com / 53z6j , no signs and wonders needed, because its mostly deception asking for signs and wonders in unbiblically manners here etc, but a Biblically daily lifestyle and seperation from the World and Worldy lifestyle etc, as Bible, Gods Word, clearly teaches, and not as some of the Charasmatic teaches of humans or some of the Pentecostals maybe...) belivers and daily Bible, Gods Word, doers and Gods will and Spirit of Bible, Gods Word lifestyle, ones, and not make anyone stumble that are in weak faith, nor make anyone stumble that are in strong faith or stronger, it seams to go both ways, to teach unbiblically doctrines etc or make them fall in unbiblically evils etc: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+14&version=NKJV;SV1917 However its important not to do this: Paul is the only author of Scripture in which we are issued a clear warning about His writings as being rather “difficult to understand” (2 Peter 3:15-17:http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Peter%203:15-17&version=NIV). According to Peter, Paul’s readers need to be stable and educated (know God’s Word) or otherwise we are at risk of twisting and distorting Paul’s writings to make the “error of lawless men” (make void God’s commandments) SEE : VITAL WARNING FROM GOD OF BIBLE, GODS WORD, 2 PARTS: alturl . com / 235ze REGARDS JOEL KALL Vital warnings about true Biblical God of Bible, Gods Word, in links below, God of Bible, is not in essence love, but his attributes is? wrath justice and love, important not to worship God in human made image, but Biblical true God of Bible, as the human made false love essence unbiblical God worship, takes the people to not Heaven... God bless, fix link closer and it works: x . co / 13iGi GOD BLESS ALL, ALSO SEE: GOD BLESS LETS JUST REMBER, JUDGE BIBLICALLY RIGHT TEST DECERN EVERYTHING AND ALL ETC: YOU MUST DIFFER BETWEEN GODLY AFTER BIBLE, AND GODS SPIRIT JUDGE, DECERN TEST, VS WORLDY OWN WILL NOT AFTER BIBLE NOR HIS SPIRIT OR LIVE AND DO BIBLE, BY GODS TRUE BIBLE HOLY SPIRIT, IN LOVE, AND BY OUR WILL DAILY LIVE OUT, TEACH SOUND BIBLICAL DOCTRINE JUDGE ERROR ETC. FIX DOT AND SLASH CLOSER AND LINK WORK, IF LINK NOT LOAD RELOAD SOME TIMES: alturl . com / 53z6j GOD BLESS ALL.
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