torsdag 16 april 2015

Jesus showed by spirit and Bible truth about Hell and Lake of fire, updated 2015-03-22

Important updates below, updated 2015-03-22:
"save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh."
(Biblically deep study regarding biblically fear and unbiblically Worldy fear.
alturl . com / aoag8 Fix link closer and link works if not try in 30 min or next day try many times).
Warning Wake up:
Trumpetcallofgod IS A FALSE PROPHET!
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness,
but rather expose them. " 
Hell is forever tornment, Suiciders, Suiciders
SUICIDER GETS SUPERNATUARLY SAVED IN LAST SECOND VITAL, DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE, NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE: (Biblically Good vidd Biblically tested true, but Diffrent torments for diffrent human people , but Hellfire also exist) ( Suiciders do not enter Heaven and No practise daily sinners Break Gods Laws and commandments enter or Bible its commands or commandments. False Unbiblically teachers False Unbiblically  Prophets etc You are seriously decieved...And you promote the lies and that leads other astray...I pray you wake up.

Sin is:

1Jn 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law (Bible and its commands and 10 commandments, Sabbath true day, keep it holy, tith  and all read you Bible)

"Hebrews 10:26 For if we go on sinning willfully (SIN IS BREAK BIBLE AND GODS LAWS AND BIBLE COMMANDMENTS AND COMMANDS) after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins" “Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, ” (First Judgement immediately after we die, this is however not the Last and Final Judgement day): "Hebrews 10:27 Without a terrible pending appeal and a consuming fire, which shall devour the adversaries. 2 Peter 2 7 But he saved the righteous Lot, who was tormented by the wicked dissolute life. 8 -- The righteous man lived among them, namely, and day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul to see and hear the evil they did. -- 9 Lord knows thus the salvation of the godly out of temptations, and to keep the unjust arrest and punish them until Judgement Day, 10 particularly those of impure request follows his flesh, and despise the Lord. Brazen and confident they are not shy away to revile high forces, 11 while the angels, which are higher in terms of power and strength, not pronounce any defamatory ruling against them before the Lord.Luke 16: The Rich Man and Lazarus 19 There was a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen and lived every day of joy and celebration. 20 But at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores. 21 He longed to eat his fill of it that fell from the rich man's table. Yes, the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 So the poor man died and was carried by angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 When he was tormented in Hell (directly after he died, tormented until Judgement day, when Hell and Death will be cast into Lake of Fire witch is the Second death, read below),  The Final Judgement 11 And I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it. For his face fled earth and sky, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, both large and small, standing before the throne. And books were opened, and another book was opened, the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their works, after what was written in the books. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell gave up the dead which were in them, and all were judged by their deeds.14 Death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This, is the lake of fire, is the second death. 15 If anyone not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire. (Rev. 20 v 11) Up 20:15 If anyone not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire. Top 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, the sexually immoral/fornication, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. This is the second death. Antichrist, the false prophet and the devil will be cast into the lake of fire Up 19:20 And the beast was captured, and with the false prophet, who had done miracles before the beast, and by these signs misled those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. Thrown alive into the two in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Up 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where also the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Yahweh of Bible shown me this decern all who claim to serve me, as shown in my holy word Bible. That says Hell is not forever torment... Hell is forever torment as true Yahweh of Bible gave us imortal souls, or of his image... Burn forever and ever... I know this by Bible and dreams Yahweh shown about living people tortured in Hell, in diffrent degrees, or punishments."
Translated by Google so it could be some errors... :
God is angry because people do not understand that after Jesus Evangeliumets main desire is to save souls from Hell, to Eternal life ...
And yet, warned it not in the churches on the wages of sin, and conscious sin, think of Lazarus.
People must be dreadful God and turn away from sin and all disobedience and unholinesst. 99.9 percent of all Christian Churches and Pastors and Evangelists and Christians and the World, can handle himself not to the Kingdom of God ...
It is hard difficult, Narrow only a few ever finds it to Heaven, and another, God warns, and shows their weaknesses so we who are alive can choose to please the God and not make the same mistakes as we imitate Jesus better, but without the Spirit of God and Jesus living relationship with his voice, Bible and its commands and 10 commandments and Sabbath Holy, also seek Jesus and be by his spirit and way ow living holy and right and pure and blameless, it means our walk/life with Jesus, nothing but the flesh .. Our deeds in faith must reflect real faith and obedience to Gods words and commands and Bible and 10 Commandments and Sabbath, by Jesus spirit in us we obey, not by own will in carnality to boast.. Deeds in own will in carnality without Gods spirit is dead, and Faith without works by Gods spirit is dead:
God's spirit must be in us and for this you have to please God, God's spirit will not move into someone who lives by the World or in disobedience and deliberate continued sin and forgive not our enemies or those witch has debts to us and ask Jesus for forgiveness ..
God has patience with a few conscious sins, but not if it is done knowingly daily, God, Jesus' death on the cross was a propitiatory sacrifice for our old self, all of which mention the name Jesus, must  have taken quite a distance from sin, and disobedience, God has said.
Ask about the power of God in the flesh, no man can please God, God's spirit must live within you, your body is and will be a temple of God, think about how and what you eat with. A warning to us all: God is holy, and holiness of God is not in our standards, but God. God sees things in a higher God's sacred way. The man accepts, accepts no God. God is forever the same, has always known to me that God and Jesus preached today's churches have been too nice and warm and wimpy to the truth ..
Biblical comparison: About Hell and Lake of fire, revealed by Jesus spirit, people suffer in hell until Hell and Death casts into Gods judgment lake of Fire, after judgement day. Hell is Satans Dominion and Lake of Fire is Gods punishment... Read:
Before the Last Judgement from God, will all the wicked and all Christians who are not living purely for God and had the right motives and his spirit and had a living relation and obeyed all his words, Bible and its commands Sabbath and 10 commandments, and had his spirit inwardly suffering terribly pending appeal, in Hell earlier had named the dead since the old days.
Hebrews 10:27 Without a terrible pending appeal and a consuming fire, which shall devour the adversaries.
2 Peter 2 7 But he saved the righteous Lot, who was tormented by the wicked dissolute life. 8 - The righteous man lived among them, namely, and day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul to see and hear the evil they did. - 9 Lord knows thus the salvation of the godly out of temptations, and to keep the unjust arrest and punish them until Judgement Day, 10 particularly those of impure request follows his flesh, and despise the Lord. Brazen and confident they are not shy away to revile high forces, 11 while the angels, which are higher in terms of power and strength, not pronounce any defamatory ruling against them before the Lord.
Lord of Death and Hell and Hell is Satan, because Satan and his demons are in hell and the grave. God's Lake of Fire is the second death and the fire is completely of God's wrath (however foretaste of the lake of fire is also available in the hell that is controlled by Satan). Who was lord of hell (hades), and hell and death:
Jesus took the keys from Satan to death and hell and . REV 1 verse 18.
Will a terrible pending appeal or foretaste of the Judgement of the mild nature of the divine fire in the lake of fire right after you die, if but not living right for God, yes read, hell / hell, it was divided in two ways before, now Hell is Satan ruler of hell and of hell and death, has always been, even now that Jesus has the keys.
All sin leads to eternal death, the soul can never die .. All people are created equal with God the soul can never die, it is eternal.
People misinterpret hades (the grave and the hell with hell wrath of God in the eternal lake of fire.)
Hell is Satan's place in the world, then Satan and God can be in several places at once (more explained below in detail Biblically), even parts of hell and death, however, Jesus has now the keys.
True none other than suffering in God's eternal wrath of hell than Fire, only after the Day of Judgement thrown death, Death kingdom and all who suffer in Hell is over and the control of Satan, and part of hell, Satan has control over.
The fire of Hell is from Satan as God showed Mary K Baxter:
"A sinister sounds were heard to the left of us. I saw Satan standing with his back to us, he was like a flame. But he did not burn, instead it was he that caused the fire. Now he stood there, contained in the fire and enjoyed the cry of the poor lost souls. When Satan reached out his arms, threw big fireball out of him. "
Jesus' parable, you will after you die the kingdom of God or Satan's Underworld, but now today is Satan's kingdom of Hell:
Luke 16:
The Rich Man and Lazarus 19 There was a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen and lived every day of joy and celebration. 20 But at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores. 21 He longed to eat his fill of it that fell from the rich man's table. Yes, the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 So the poor man died and was carried by angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 When he was tormented in Hell (directly after he died, tormented until Judgement day, when Hell and Death will be cast into Lake of Fire witch is the Second death, read below), * he looked up and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in him. 24 Then he said, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, My child, remember that you received your good things while you were alive, while Lazarus was out of evil. Now he is comforted and you cut it. 26 And to all this is that there is a huge gaping chasm between us and you, for those who wish to move from here to you not to be there and to no from there to come over to us. 27 The rich man said: When I ask you, Father, that you send him to my father's house 28 to warn my five brothers, lest they also come to this pinorum. 29 But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets. He should listen to. 30 No, father Abraham, he replied, but if someone comes to them from the dead, they redeem themselves. 31 Abraham said to him, they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone arise from the dead. "
The locations where Lazarus and the rich man ended up described as isolated from one another. There was a yawning gap between them and it was impossible to cross from one side to the other. It is possible that hell is divided in this way into two camps, that the wicked are experiencing a taste of the sentence while the believers are in paradise.
After the sentence of God on Judgement Day to be dead and hell and hell cast into the wrath of God fire, lake of fire, which is the second death, so those who are in hell and the foretaste of the second death in hell, which burns with sulfur, these will suffer billion times worse for all eternity.
The Final Judgement
11 And I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it. For his face fled earth and sky, and there was no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, both large and small, standing before the throne. And books were opened, and another book was opened, the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their works, after what was written in the books. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and hell gave up the dead which were in them, and all were judged by their deeds.14 Death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This, is the lake of fire, is the second death. 15 If anyone not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire. (Rev. 20 v 11)
Anyone who is not saved thrown in the lake of fire
Matthew 3:10 Already the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Jn 15:6 If anyone does not abide in me, he is thrown out as a branch and withers, and rounding up to the branches and throw them into the fire, and they are burnt.
Up 20:15 If anyone not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Top 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, the sexually immoral/fornication, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. This is the second death.
Antichrist, the false prophet and the devil will be cast into the lake of fire
Up 19:20 And the beast was captured, and with the false prophet, who had done miracles before the beast, and by these signs misled those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. Thrown alive into the two in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
Up 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where also the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say to those on his left hand: Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
Matthew 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous to eternal life.
Since then, Satan has been called "this age God" (2 Corinthians 4:4), "prince of this world" (Jn 12:31, 14:30 and 16:11) and "the prince of the air army" (Ephesians 2:2) as "deceiving people" (Revelation 12:9).
"For God did not spare the angels who sinned" (2 Peter 2:4) ... "The angels that did not preserve his high position but left their own right of residence ..." (Jude 6).
Mark 9:43 If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off! It is better for you to enter life maimed than having two hands to remain intact and be cast into hell, into the fire that never goes out.
And Jesus took the key are from Satan:
It was not by force but by free will, which Jesus gave his life in death: No one took his life - "He gave his life in death". (Isaiah 53:12). He could have called on legions of angels to his aid and saved themselves away executioners (Matt. 26:53). Out of love for us and for our salvation he was rather quiet and seemingly defenseless before all the allegations. He took everything on himself, for he stood there in our place - "like a lamb brought to the slaughter". Isaiah 53:7.
I have the keys of death and hell!
There he met the Devil, he had defeated. He took the keys "to death and hell" out of his hands.
Jesus was victorious down to the grave - "I have the keys of death and hell." When Jesus was killed for meat so it did not affect his eternal spirit. Jesus was without sin and therefore death could not keep him. Acts 2:24. Came alive to the Spirit, he went after his bodily death down to the grave and proclaimed that his victory. "His body was killed, but he was alive in spirit, and he could come down and preach to the spirits in their jail." 1 Peter 3:18-19, 4:6.
Until the cross Satan had power over all of Adam's fallen children
But when Jesus, metaphorically speaking, stepped on the snake's head, when he took the keys - power - from both death and hell. It is no longer the devil who have the power to the grave, it is Jesus who now has the keys in his hand. Jesus cast out Satan in accordance with the words he prophesied before the cross: "Now the conviction of this world: now shall the ruler of the world driven out (rejected)." John 12:31.
Abraham, the believer's father, was the promise: "Your seed (offspring) to be taken by his enemies. And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed .. (1 Gen 22:17 b-18a). Paul writes:" But now gave promises to Abraham and his offspring. And they say no, "and to thy seed," as though they were many, but there is talk of a single: and to your offspring, and that is Christ. Galatians 3:16.
Jesus was referring to the promise of Abraham was when he said: "And upon this rock (Christ) I will build my church, and hell (Hades gr) gates shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18. Jesus said to Peter: "I will give you the keys of heaven." Jesus has the keys to death and hell and he has also opened a pearl-gates of Paradise. Peter (and Assembly) have received the keys of heaven, to the gospel of solving souls from sin and the power of death - for all those who listen and believe, but to the sentencing of those who do not believe the gospel.
Jesus came as a liberator of the dead
In the Old Testament we read of the grave (Sheol in Hebrew GT that corresponds to the Greeks. Hades in the NT) to the righteous and the unrighteous got there. There are many Bible verses in the Old Testament that says that the wicked will end up in hell (eg Ps 9.18). But even those who feared God got there as GT: James, who feared God said he would be taken to the grave, (1 Mos. 44:29) likewise said the godly Joseph (1 Mos. 37:35). Job also held that the speech (Job 14:13).
As a victory prince Jesus went down to the grave and let all those who had hither to been free of the devil in hell. Jesus opened the door to the chamber of hell where all the Old Testament saints were gathered together at Abraham's side and let them come out of his prison to the company of him getting marching into the world of Paradise in Heaven. "And when the children are flesh and blood, he must just be human, that through death he would make death the devil, powerless, and liberate all those who through their fear of death have been slaves all their lives." Hebrews 2:14-15. Isaiah prophesied of Jesus: "He will swallow up death in victory." Isaiah 25:8 a. But the second gate of hell where the wicked are stored, he had to be closed. On the last Day of Judgement he will open the gate as well, then the people will rise, but at them.
All that Jesus showed Mary K Baxter in line with the Bible and what God revealed through the Spirit of God:
Jesus says the following by Mary K Baxter's vision:
"Satan still thinks he can overthrow God and disrupt God's plan, but he was disarmed at the cross. I took the keys from Satan, and I have all authority in heaven and on earth ".
Jesus said, "I would not let you hear them cry until now, children. But now I will show you how Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. Here in hell, there are different torments for different souls. Satan stands before these torments until the Day of Judgement, until hell and death will be cast into the lake of fire.
Jesus said, "Child, Satan is both a deceiver on earth and souls tormentor in hell. Many demonic forces that are here, father, sometimes up to earth to hurt, torment and deceive. I will show you things that have never before been seen in as much detail. Some of it you will see going on right now, while other things will happen in the future ".
Jesus said, "I came to save all people. I want all who are lost will repent and call upon My name. It is not My will that any should perish but have eternal life. Sad to realize, most will not repent of their sins before they die and they will go to hell. But the road to heaven is the same for all people. You must be born again to coma into the kingdom of God. You must come to the Father in My name and repent of your sins. You must sincerely give your heart to God and serve Him. "
As Jesus spoke, "said Satan to his victims," Haha, this is your kingdom, the Kingdom that you will receive. My kingdom extends over all the earth and the world over ". I heard him shouting, "This is your life for all eternity!" While cries for mercy were heard from the burning cells.
Jesus said, "Child, Satan is both a deceiver on earth and souls tormentor in hell. Many demonic forces that are here, father, sometimes up to earth to hurt, torment and deceive. I will show you things that have never before been seen in as much detail. Some of it you will see going on right now, while other things will happen in the future ".
Jesus said, "I came to save all people. I want all who are lost will repent and call upon My name. It is not My will that any should perish but have eternal life. Sad to realize, most will not repent of their sins before they die and they will go to hell. But the road to heaven is the same for all people. You must be born again to coma into the kingdom of God. You must come to the Father in My name and repent of your sins. You must sincerely give your heart to God and serve Him. "
The fire of Hell is from Satan as God showed Mary K Baxter:
"A sinister sounds were heard to the left of us. I saw Satan standing with his back to us, he was like a flame. But he did not burn, instead it was he that caused the fire. Now he was standing there, contained in the fire and enjoyed the vogue from those poor lost souls. When Satan reached out his arms, threw big fireball out of him. "
Satan imitates Jesus and God at all levels, even with the burning fire that sentence in his kingdom partly hell and hell.
SATAN is angry that he threw after a battle the kingdom of God out of heaven, HE WANTS REVENGE ON GOD AND TO OFFEND GOD HE WANTS HIM DEAD AND WHAT GOD LOVES MOST HIS CREATION THE HUMAN, THE PEOPLE, SINCE SATAN WANTS TO BE GOD AND CREATE HIS OWN PEOPLE ; HE ALREADY MADE, THEY ARE ON THE EARTH IN BIG NUMBER IN ALL THE WORLD'S GOVERNMENTS ETC AND MANY BABIES ARE NOT 100 PERCENT OF PEOPLE WITHOUT NEPHILM, SATAN'S OFFSPRING. Satan wants to be worshiped AND LOVED AS GOD by the people, he is angry and jealous of Jesus. SATAN WANT TO MOCK GOD AND JESUS AS SAVIOR AND LORD, HE COMES IN PEACE, IS ALREADY ACTIVE AND HERE TO HUMANS, BUT WANT TO KILL ALL THE PEOPLE AND MAKING A RACE so he can call herself GOD WHAT HE ALREADY MADE NEPHILM, ANGELS THE FALLEN LOW WITH EARTH WOMEN PAST AND TODAY. IMPORTANT SATAN OWNS AND HAVE YOUR OWN PEOPLE. ALL PEOPLE ARE NOT CHILDREN OF GOD OR GOD'S PEOPLE OR Gods OFFSPRING, SATAN HAS BEEN ALTERED DNA IN PEOPLE SO THEY ARE HIS OWN PEOPLE, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE BELONGING TO SATAN, THEY HAVE NO SOUL, God has said. ALL people who live by the world and breaks on these things do not belong to God, and break all of God's word 10 commandments Sabbath and Bibls commands, w obey by Jesus spirit, not flesh or own will to boast, unless they do regret and truelly repent, turn away from sin, not live in it, give the sins up, ask Jesus for help with temptations and totally return to his way and obey the word of God and its commands and 10 commandments and Sabbath and hear and obey God's voice, and live in his spirit not only say that, and may after God accepted them God's fiery spirit in himself:
1 Genesis 6 The Great Flood 1-2 A population explosion took place now on earth. It was at the time the creatures from the spirit world looked upon the beautiful women on earth and married them they wanted.
3Then LORD said, My Spirit will not be dishonored in man forever, because she is evil. I'll give her 120 years to correct their way of life.
4.Once the evil beings from the spirit world at that time, and also later, lay with the women on earth, their children became the giants, as there are so many stories about.

God gave me a dream Yesterday about Hell…… 2011-01-15.  It was a dream about diffrent torture in Hell… No funny. Diffrent kind of punishment and levels in Hell.. Seek Jesus and give upp all your sins and read all and Obey Jesus by his spirit and commands and 10 commandments and Sabbath and leviticus 23, keep those days too, and Bible and its commands by Jesus spirit, not all deadly laws with stoneing or go to cities is needed.

Only things listed infomation and text and links on my Blogs and Facebook and Youtube and Websites Yahweh of Bible approved twice, by Bible and his Spirit personally to me and also approved me and all the works for him by over 6 witnesses and 2 prophets and more and Biblecode approved me by full name twice, approved by more then 2 or 3 witnesses and have Satans respect and all demons and princes and Satans Highest prince Beezlebub, they respect and know me as they respect and know Jesus Christ Gods Son in Bible, and Paul in Bible, others they slay, spoken now to me over 180 times, and daily also, in manner and respect. If you claim to know God of Bible and hear him, You would know then who I am in Christ, very frustrationg to see none knows... I will not tell you! If you claim to know God of Bible then you would know who I am in Christ... Wake up! Glory to God of Bible, Gods Word, and Jesus Christ, Gods son. I wish no one to get decieved if watch read links other then not listed or other information and text videos not listed on my Blogs Facebook Youtube or Websites, you do on your own risk... God bless in Godly love, not eartly and carnal or Wordly, as most so called "Christians" use...!

This link Yahweh of Bible and his Spirit approved, and all things Text and Videos and Links and Information listed on my Blogs and Websites and Facebook and Youtube and Websites: 

And this Yahweh of Bible and his Spirit approved and all things listed Yahweh of Bible, Gods Word approved twice and links info, text, video and information on my Blogs/Websites/Facebook/Youtube :

I myself want to give my life for all the souls in Hell so they can be released from that Hell.. I want to do the same for you, but only Jesus can save us… But we must belive in him, Jesus, and have a daily relationship with his voice, and his spirit and obey Jesus by his spirit and Word, the Bible and its commands and 10 commandments and keep Sabbath, and give tith and offerings by his spirit, in deeds by faith, by Jesus spirit, we must have Jesus spirit live in us! So few few few is reborn. We can do nothing its all about surrender to Jesus, and let him live in you and help you obey God, the father, and his word the Bible its commands and 10 commandments and Sabbath and tith and offerings, to few real ministries and Churches, by Jesus spirit we do this, not by carnal will to boast or impress others…Jesus only moves in in those he choosed and choosed before the world were created, ask Jesus for help, stop rely on your church or pastor, they are not your Saviour…There is no magical word formula that makes Jesus movie in… Only those witch mean it with full heart and give up their sin and ask Jesus for help to Stop sin by will by his spirit is those that Jesus is pleased with, but ask Jesus in prayers you must hear him, ok!!! Hear Jesus voice, know Jesus, not only by Bible, but by voice and his true Bible, Voice Spirit, and voice, talk to Jesus and let him talk to you back, daily! You must know Jesus as a real human beeing and hear him talk… So few know Jesus so few. Jesus will declair to many I never knew you.. Seek Jesus now today on knees until you hear his voice and read Bible too equal much as prayers on knees each day, do not stop until Jesus talks back, but you must be serious and seek him with tears and with your whole heart, humble before Jesus, and not men! Be holy when you seek him and always live holy, ask Jesus to help you, and also deliver you from sins, but you with your own will must give them up first, your sins and worldy life, after Jesus can help you with the temptations. Close the door and shutdown all telephones and be in a dark room alone on knees and pray and seek Jesus/Yeshua until you find him and hear him, only Yeshua can save you. Millions of Christians, Pastors, whole Churches goes to Hell each day, they did not keep Sabbath and the Bible and 10 Commandments and Bible commands nor had Jesus spirit, and belived in vain because of flesh own will preaching and lived like the world… Most is decived. All that follow signs and wonders by famous people are decived, few few few thousends are Gods bride no millions, 99,9 percent of whole world Billions is decived and 99,9 of all christians is decived world and 99,9 decived christians……..:–l0M963b5A&feature=related

And you call yourself a Christian? God warns:


God warns. Millions of Christians 99,9 percent do not make it, and 99,9 World to do not make it, Biblical comparisson by Jesus spirit, link below:






Important read and do and heed also, by Yahweh and his Spirit, and our daily will living, added 2011-09-18, updates daily, this link:




“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel (BIBLE, LIVE BIBLE EACH SECOND, BY GODS SPIRIT AND WILL AND OUR WILL DAILY EACH SECOND IN LOVE FOR GOD LIVE IT OUT DAILY EACH DAY OF OUR LIFE) of our Lord Jesus Christ:”​nians/1-8.htm

BREAKS GODS LAWS, THE BIBLE, BREAK BIBLE: “5 The earth is defiled by its people;  they have disobeyed the laws,  violated the statutes  and broken the everlasting covenant. “ “6Therefore earth’s inhabitants are burned up,  and very few are left. ” (NIBURI COMES WARNING 2012 OR SOON WILL KILL 95 PERCENT OF EARTH, OR CAUSE GREAT TRIBULATION, 95 PERCENT WILL DIE OF ALL LIFE, BEFORE THAT HAPPENDS JESUS COMES FOR HIS FEW FEW FEW BRIDE, RESCUE HER… GOD WARNS:​ch?v=MvmgyYpNs-k )​m/passage/?search=Isaiah+2​4&version=NIV1984

What Jesus preached most about, 6 parts you can see:

And: (Vital link)

Satans Trinity he is copycat of Trinity Yahweh, Bible Gods Word in Essence One God. Satan is in beeings Father, Son, Satans Spirit but in Essence one Trinity Satan False unbiblically evildoer. Can Satan be everywhere no, as Trinity Yahweh of Bible Gods word in Essence one God, but Satan is in a minor sence everywhere bound by Universe and Earthly limts, How you say?(Some of this info below, I know by Biblically true personally Spiritually experiences ): Well Satans fallen Angels hear Satans voice in their head and they in return report back to Satan and communicate with Satan this way, proberly by other ways to, but because of this Satan can track long distances everywhere were his fallen angels demons are who work For Satan, and report back to him, Satan are, as he sees and knows things his fallen Angels demons report back to him Satan. Satan is also a fallen Angel. Satan and his Demons fallen angel can read our minds (this is something I also known like always within my own self by Gods Will I suppose and Gods Holy Spirit and the Father and Son who dwelles within me, his little vessle, but all Glory and Power to Christ, GodsSon of Bible, Gods Word, none is mine!!, and so on before saw Howard Pittmans Biblically tested True Vision Testimonial whats listed of Placebo etc) nomatter what some humans, people or Unbiblically evils Pastors etc preach if thats the case repent and ask the people and God, Trinity Yahweh of Bible, Gods Word, in Essence One Trinity God of Bible, Gods Word of forgivness and repent of it etc, now back to what Trinity Yahweh, in Essence One Trinity God of Bible, Gods Word, Creator of all life and Universe have to say about that : "Demons are real, individual, spirit beings and they are the ones manipulating all the evil in the world today. This was shown to me while I was in the spirit world traveling through the street of a city and watching in horror as the demons went about their task of corrupting humans.

Although humans are spirit beings, we are confined to physical bodies. The great spiritual warfare that rages today is between the “spirit of man” and the “spiritual forces” of evil directed by satan which are contending for control and manipulation of our fleshly, physical bodies. Our spirits fight by faith and through our sovereign will; while the devil and his [fallen] angels fight through deceit, cunning, trickery, and temptation. You must make no mistake about this war or the weapons involved because the scriptures are plain. I actually saw these demons contend for control of that human body.
It may seem to you that mankind is vastly over–powered by these spirits because these spirits are able to see and hear everything we think, say, and do; while we are totally unable to perceive any of their activities. It is very difficult to fight an enemy you cannot see, hear, and feel, but as long as you trust the Lord, you have nothing to fear. At times, even the strongest Christian may doubt their existence and activities, thus making it easier for them. However, man was not left defenseless. Being made in the image of God, man, like God, has a sovereign will and no spirit can violate that will without the permission of the person himself. Because of this, these demons have developed great skills in deception. The basic principle of their operations is to make something evil as desirable, beautiful, and non–threatening as possible so that the person being tempted will lower his guard and accept whatever it is that is being used to cause SIN. Once someone is deceived, it becomes easier for the deception to remain. In the case of possession, it becomes easier for the demon to maintain his control.
Another great defense man has is the guardian angel. The guardian angel is not assigned to all mankind, but only to those who are “saved and belong to God.” Remember, just like the demons the guardian angel cannot violate the will of any man which is why most of his activity is reserved to protecting that individual outside his sovereign will. Man’s greatest weapon, however, is the Word of God. In his description of the weapons used in our spiritual warfare, Paul insists the Word of God [Ephesians 6:11-18] as the only offensive weapon mankind has. Although vastly outnumbered by these beings [thousands to one individual], man is adequately prepared for battle. Because of a sovereign will, guardian angels, and the Word of God, man has superior defense and is much more potent in the battle for his soul than the demons.", some things is vagly here in Placebo Howards vision the true Biblically meaning of Adultery: 

BIBLICALLY TRUTH ABOUT ADULTERY AND DRESSING PAGE 2 IN LINK. AFTER YAHWEHS TRUE BIBLE, GODS WORD, SPIRIT AND BIBLE, GODS WORD: alturl . com / 54h3s FIX DOTS CLOSER AND IT WILL LOAD WORK, IF LINK DO NOT NOT LOAD TRY IN NEXT DAY OR IN 30 MIN TRY MANY TIMES. Only see the Biblically listed things, as some or even Many Other Visions Dreams Prophetic Messages, etc at Spiritlessons and Divinerevelations is unbiblically and false, but this is tested Biblically true Placebo Howard Pittman. Reader of human minds etc (also applies fallen angels demons, not just Satan), thereof Satan is called God in Bible, Gods Word,as he is this Worlds God, Not Universe that is the creator Trinity Yahweh, One in Essence God of Bible, Gods Word, how can he, Satan accuse us of sins if not knowing all about us infron of Yahweh Father God in his Throne in Heaven, however a true Biblically beliver reborn has protection of the 8 Noa few Bible doers belivers who love Christ and obey Bible, Gods Word daily etc reborns few (hmm Good Biblically article overall but just meantion this, very very very few few few today is Biblically true Christians and live daily Biblically very few few Biblically true 8 Noa reborns (signs evidence of tounges not needed, fix link closer and it works, if not load reload many times or try in next day or 30 min many times etc and it will work alturl . com / 53z6j , no signs and wonders needed, because its mostly deception asking for signs and wonders in unbiblically manners here etc, but a Biblically daily lifestyle and seperation from the World and Worldy lifestyle etc, as Bible, Gods Word, clearly teaches, and not as some of the Charasmatic teaches of humans or some of the Pentecostals maybe...), Of the very few few Biblically true 8 Noa reborns Who live daily Biblically in love for Christ, and daily live Biblically and obey Christ will and Spirit etc. Satan can also tempt and proberly input thoughts into humans etc, but neither Satan or Christ or Father Yahweh or Holy Spirit can force any human to do something against our will, so we humans can never blame any of them for our human choices. Satan and his fallen Angels can only posses a human if live in unbiblically evils unrepented at will or selling our souls to Satan, then he can posses a human or Satan or his fallen angels and force us and controll us, but its still our human fault we let it happend in the First place. Anyone sold his or her soul to Satan need to repent and burn all satanic items and repent to Christ Gods Son and start live Biblically becuse they love Christ, daily live Biblically, there is hope even for you. Satan and his fallen angels demons devils can and do also tempt us humans, Satan is the tempter, who tempts humans, they do their meaning, for Christ, Gods Son to see what we humans choose, Bible Gods Way etc, however mostly that corrupt the humans is the fallen nature rebell inside of us or old man, need to pray live Biblically daily and ask Christ to kill the Oldman and rebell inside of us, and help us daily walk on live Biblically daily etc. What a human choose by our own solverigne will will determend our way, however to come to Christ, first God must have called us to him, as its his supernatural work his elected he Trinity Yahweh, God choosed before the foundation of Earth or Universe maybe even, however a repented one in honesty and sincerity who calls out to Christ, he will not reject, God bless all.

"Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God." "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

Very important Warnings from true Yahweh of Bible,
added 2011-09-05:
URGENT CLICK HERE (If 502 error comes up reload the webpage that opends in a new Internet browser window 10 times, or try again in 30 min or next day)
Important Warnings here, not translated by Google easier to read:
Very important Warnings from true Yahweh of Bible,
added 2011-09-05:
URGENT CLICK HERE (If 502 error comes up reload the webpage that opends in a new Internet browser window 10 times, or try again in 30 min or next day)
Download website its about antichrist too, translate it and change language and spelling, hurry if you download it to choose download, because an error in download progress is in place, this website is most for the left behind, in Great tribulation, so no need to download it yet. You have all info in better spelling and English on the blogs and links above, this is just a backup for the left behind, made to be online forever, until satan removes it. More important blogs, to download and upload on your own accounts, they updates often: DOWNLOAD JESUS  FIRST DOWNLOAD WARNINGS BLOG ONE AND UPLOAD TO YOU BLOG.COM ACCOUNT, AND SECOND UPLOAD THIS WARNINGS BLOG TWO ON YOUR BLOG.COM ACCOUNT. WARNINGS BLOG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR BLOG.COM ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 2010-12-18.xml , but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. DOWNLOAD JESUS WARNINGS BLOGG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR, FIRST BLOG WARNING, BLOGGER.COM ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 11-29-2010, but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. TESTIMONIAL TO BE PART OF GODS BRIDE AS MY LIFE AS JESUS USES FOR EXAMPLE, AND OTHER VITAL FACTS, ALL GLORY TO JESUS CHRIST OF BIBLE AND YAHWEY OF BIBLE, AND GODS WARNINGS CONCERNING DECEPTION FALL AWAY AND GREAT DESOLUTION, VERY IMPORTANT. DOWNLOAD JESUS WARNINGS BLOGG AND UPLOAD IT TO YOUR, SECOND BLOG WARNING, BLOGGER.COM ACCOUNT ANOTHER ACCOUNT, AND WARN PEOPLE, I update this file often, so download it and upload it to your blogger often, important: Updated 2010/2011 file name is 07-13-2011, but still updated with new information and Jesus warnings from 2010/2011, updated daily. CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. Download website its about antichrist too, choose fast download file, it shows the bookmark on website if you are too slow… Then try again and be faster, more Important blogs to download below: CHOOSE DOWNLOAD FILE, AT FILE ACTIONS, AFTER CHOOSE OPTION SKIP WHEN ASKING LOG IN WAIT AND A WINDOW APPEAR WHERE YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILE. Skip create account or sign in when download you will understand: Download website its about antichrist too, translate it and change language and spelling, hurry if you download it to choose download, because an error in download progress is in place, this website is most for the left behind, in Great tribulation, so no need to download it yet. You have all info in better spelling and English on the blogs and links above, this is just a backup for the left behind, made to be online forever, until satan removes it.
Online webpage a small one:
Webpage can take some time to load, sometimes offline, but test a bit later:
Download choose fileaction download: Some other webpages with built in translator Google, but most for the left behind christians. Jesus can come in what day ever now:
Download choose fileaction download: Similair webpage not completely updated:
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